ELF and CBNT list on Bibbox Exchange
ELF and CBNT list on Bibbox Exchange
Sign-up Bibbox Exchange link https://www.bibox.com/signPage?id=11487182&lang=en
Bibox is the top ten exchanges in the world.
Lock BIX coin and trade one time per week, will reward Amount 45% of the weekly transactions handling fee . (Distribution Time: 17:00 at Every Friday.)
Use BIX to pay the currency transaction fee can 50% discount, BIX needs to be transferred to the currency account to take effect.
There are 6 languages: Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, English !
KYC can increase your daily quota. You can also trade without KYC, but the daily limit is 2 BTC.
CBNT is a blog site where the platform will reward your articles and share advertising revenue.
Sign-up CBNT link https://web.cbnt.io
Aelf Candybox Daily ELF tokens
Sign-up aelf link https://candybox.ai/aelf/account/register?invitationCode=0U32bE297GfX
Candybox is a social media community, marks free ELF tokens every day to anyone who helps them develop their social media community.
The minimum amount needed to withdraw is 1 Token and Withdrawals will take up to 5 working days to be processed.
After 30 days, your ELF Token becomes available for withdrawal or interest.
You will not receive interest for the Token that you have withdrawn.
If your withdrawal address is an exchange, please be reminded to pay attention to the minimum withdrawal requirements and the rules of each exchange.