The pawn's philosophy
Good night all
Tonight I draw a picture that is simple but has deep meaning
yes, a chess pawn, a pawn that maybe not many people like him who is ridiculed because he is slow and weak, but he is a brave warrior who has never backed away, he will continue to advance as much and as strong as his enemy against enemies.
pawn is the most loyal soldier he always is at the front when the game starts, yes it forms a line of defense and he also protects the king from enemy attacks indirectly
Pion realizes that he is not like other pieces, but he also realizes that the number is the most so he must work together so that he becomes strong, united steadfast pawn divorced collapse
here's the sketsanya
so many philosophies about pawns, I also feel like a pawn if united we stand divorced we collapse and we must learn like pawns
By @anitacarolina
I like the details that you have put the peon. :)
Thks @richjr😊
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