My ongoing passionate affair with FRED.....

in #electronicshumor7 years ago (edited)

So I have been having this passionate on again/off again love affair with FRED for about 12 years now.....

Sometimes we've been lucky , and everything has been running smoothly 😍 and then out of nowhere he decides to act up and poof I hate him. Some people even have the audacity to say it's me, that it's my fault, pfffffft really, the nerve. 😠 But I digress....

See FRED is my Fuckin' Ridiculous Electronic Device aka as my computer🖥, lamp top💻 ( or laptop if stupid auto correct didn't step in), phone 📱or iPad.

Recently I joined steemit thinking I would start blogging ,keeping track of an illness and the this and that's called life. Sounds easy right? You would think so? FRED had different ideas.

After my first blog, I of course being the pretty pink Princessa 💋 that I am, went straight for the important stuff, the profile and cover photo
I went to settings, found my profile picture, copy and pasted URLs and got kicked back to the sign in page. Sigh..... We all know that
the sign in page is not just a seven letter word password,that it's a trillion word and trillion letters long, impossible to memorize and needs to be copy and pasted. So I did just that and followed the steps below.

Step 1- copy and go to sign in on steemit, paste password
Step 2 - go to settings
Step 3 - go to profile picture
Step 4 - copy paste profile picture URLs
Step 5- update
Step 6- look at the login page again with slight irritation
Step 7 - go to Facebook messenger and call my gf Shell

She decides to tackle them all at once, the mighty she-rah💪 that she is, so she plops my poor file ( profile stupid auto correct, stupid FRED) ,pic, my cover photo and my website into messenger tells me to copy and paste from there and bad-a-bing ,bad-a-bang ( you auto correct laptop and profile but you let that slide stupid FRED). So I thank Shell and merrily flit back and forth , I decide to be daring and do all of them at the same time before I press update. I hover my finger over the blue update button, and then, I click on it, so excited to see all the fluff and stuff on my profile be done and I stare in abject horror.... Noooooooooooo 😱
Yup, there it is, the log in page
Stupid FRED!!!!! Yes , slightly, ok more than slightly irritated now. 😤

Same result
FRED!!!!!! Very very irritated 😡😤😤

Same result
F' in FRED!!!! Past irritating with a toe image.jpegimage.jpegimage.gifdipped into madness😤😤😤😤😤😤👿👿👿👿👿👿

Call Shell, this time she hears the panic in my voice as I look at the lake outside my door and I think to myself if FRED got thrown perfectly would it be like skipping a rock' before he sunk down to its murky depths, and drowned an agonizing death

Oh oh oh oh oh off topic: how do you save your husband from drowning?
Take your foot off his head
Hahahaha that joke cracks me up every time PS: I love you babe ( Chris, my husband, not FRED)

Back on topic
So Shell , still the mighty she-rah ,💪 plops some more URLs from imugr or something like that, tells me to use those , trev tells me to use safari, I try to explain that I have a slow learning curve , but when I get it I really get it, and then they won't get these types of calls during dinner time🍔 and nap time and chore time and bed time 🛌and off I go with my new URLs happy as can be.

So first off , I have to find safari, I never use it, and no idea where I put it.... Ahhhh there it is in settings, turn it back on , bad- a-bing, bad-bang we are happening. Sign in to steemit by copy and pasting, trillion word and letter long password, go to settings then proceed through steps 1 -7 and with baited breath hover my finger over Why hello log in page. F' in FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Oh and I don't know, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I decide to not just try once , nor twice no no no, that would be sane , I try seven more times. I am now in the corner with a vast array of weapons babbling about FRED being in the doghouse..🔨⚒🔫💣🔪🗡
My dear husband is worried and since hearing my tale of woe has told me I can get the new 128gb FRED, well because it's like I stated in the beginning, it's always FRED not me pfffffffft 😘😘😘😘😘
Sorry I still don't have a profile pic, but , well , what can I say FRED sigh.....


Disregard the other Fred post it was just Fred being FRED.... SIGH.....

OMG, I so wish there were those little buttons with faces - I could use a few of them right now! LOL. So sorry to laugh ... FRED is extremely frustrating; and I've heard he's a relative of Murphy - I swear they are in cahoots.

You have to find the humour in it or the stupid things will drive you nuts lol. And yes cousin Murphy I know him well 😜

As do I, the little shits, lol.

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