Electroneum (ETN): Unstoppable if we work as a Team.

in #electroneum7 years ago (edited)

Expanded on Below:

  1. The Legend of The Three Arrows – Japan’s Valuable Lesson
  2. Electroneum’s 100% Devoted Team
  3. Our Role and Impact as Part of the Team
  4. If We Work as a Team WE ARE the 3 Arrows

What I’m about to show you will surprise you regarding the impact you – yes you – can have on Electroneum (ETN), and the massive success we – working together as a Team – will have. But action is everything, and if you are lazy this surely isn’t for you.

If you take a look at Richard Ells we can see he leads by example: He takes massive action and executes on his vision putting in 7-Day, 100+hour weeks working even until his eyes are swollen at times. Let us remember this as we, too, take action and do our part to support this brilliant and visionary project. As a part of the ETN Community, just like Mr. Ells, you have a duty to act – because failure to act is an act of failure.

Now I’ll show how you – just like me – play a critical role as part of the Team in the project’s success. Believe me, what I’m about to show you will surprise you, but you must pay close attention and be willing to take some action.

  1. The Legend of The Three Arrows – Japan’s Valuable Lesson
    When I was younger I had been given an opportunity to travel around the world for work. One of my favorite places was – and still is today – Japan. Let me tell you 1 of the most valuable lessons that I have learned while living in Japan and how this applies to our Team; you, me, and our mighty ETN Community:

The legend is called "Three Arrows." The name, in fact, is ancient and derives from a legend that dates back to a powerful feudal warlord and Sengoku daimyo of the Chugoku region, Mōri Motonari (1497–1571).

In hope of encouraging three of his sons, Mōri Takamoto, Kikkawa Motoharu, and Kobayakawa Takakage, to work together for the benefit of the Mōri clan, Motonari handed each of his sons an arrow and asked each to snap it. After each snapped his arrow, Motonari produced three arrows and asked his sons to snap all three at once. When they were unable to do so, Motonari explained that one arrow could be easily broken, but three arrows held together could not. It is a lesson that is still taught today in Japanese schools.
three arrows painting.jpg

As I mentioned, a most valuable lesson the Japanese know; and while we can all disagree on some things, if we come together we become “the three arrows.” If you ever have an opportunity to travel to Japan, do it! Learn some basic Japanese, it will take you further than you think as people in Japan are very traditional, extremely organized, polite and respectful; everybody is super nice, everybody bows, and the list goes on. The Japanese are 100% devoted and concentrated on the current task from the moment they wake up. They give 110% to everything that they are doing. This culture, truly, is so beautiful in so many ways…too numerous to count.

  1. Electroneum’s 100% Devoted Team
    We recently crossed 1.7M registered users, and over 200k mobile miners: this kind of interest and support in Electroneum is far beyond any other crypto project out there. Sure there is BTC (but BTC has been around since way back in 2009). ETN is just a baby, barely 7 months old, and is already ahead of Twitter and Facebook in speed of growth! (Twitter took 2 years to reach 1M users; Electroneum passed that mark inside of just 5 months). There is such an amazing, devoted team working tirelessly behind Electroneum to deliver on their promises. Startups dream of these kinds of numbers, and Electroneum is delivering them.

What Electroneum and their chain of command have accomplished in such a short time is simply unbelievable. This can be largely attributed to having Richard Ells at the helm. We are so fortunate that we have Mr. Ells as the President and CEO of Electroneum. Just look at when Richard Ells speaks and when other project leaders speak – we have the best speaker, communicator, and overall leader. He is so gifted and talented, and backs his words up with action and execution each and every time (another area most crypto projects fail at). It is not a mystery why Electroneum is experiencing massive growth in user numbers, but I won’t expand further here on Mr. Ells as this was covered in my previous post:

  1. Our Role and Impact as Part of this Team
    Today I watched an exceptional video on Electroneum by YouTuber “All-About-Tech” where he shows and describes the constant pressure being put on ETN by the price bots and people behind them, and also how easily the price of ETN can be moved up. The content of this video speaks for itself, it is impressive and shows how the value of ETN is not reflected in its price right now. At all.

If you pay attention this video also shows how we – the Electroneum Community – can counteract these selling pressures by simply buying ETN and chunking our buy orders into small 1,000 to 5,000 ETN chunks. He even shows a live video capture of pushing ETN’s price up with just 1 individual buying. Think: If just half of the people who are all complaining bought small chunks of ETN instead, I can tell you they would not be complaining anymore.

We as the Electroneum Community are an amazing group of individuals; realize we can move mountains if we all put ourselves into it. Will you take action? I am: I am buying a little bit of ETN every day. It’s surprisingly fun to accumulate more and more ETN and watch your balance grow while chipping away at these sell walls – give it a try. Just $15 is well over 1,000 ETN right now. And with the increased volume we will glean the attention of larger exchanges (they are not interested in low volume projects).

If you are involved in Electroneum, as buyers, investors, and believers in this project we have a job to do. Richard Ells is already doing his part and more in leading this amazing project. It is incumbent upon us as investors to do ours, and that job is to take action and buy. We do not need 100% participation; with our numbers even 10% would be enough to push ETN out of this vicious cycle and into a massive upward trajectory which more accurately reflects its value. I am talking about many multiples of our current price range. Right now there is so much price manipulation by bots and disgruntled individuals that ETN is running circles on a loop that we can easily break out of if we start buying. Just 1 individual showed he did this in the video, and this is so simple if we band together and just start buying a little bit every day.

  1. If We Work as a Team WE ARE the 3 Arrows
    We as a community, as Team Electroneum, can be the “Three Arrows” and much more. Realize that together we hold an enormous amount of power – far more power than all of the ETN manipulators combined – and when put together we can overcome the FUD and the negativity unjustly surrounding the Electroneum project and ETN coin.

If you did not get what I am trying to say here then you need to pay attention: The plan is to buy, not to sell. You will have an opportunity later to sell at a much, much higher ROI. Why would anyone want to sell now when everyone is selling? Listen to me: The super wealthy could not be more open with their strategy and we have all heard it: Buy when everyone is selling – Sell when they are all buying. It is that simple yet 99% will do the opposite, and perhaps that is why we have the 1% controlling the 99%.

As a Team we can change the situation of constant selling pressures on ETN: Take action. You will be amazed how many people are going to be screaming “ETN is so cheap you better buy it now” when ETN returns to $0.20 and continues to rise. Our efforts together will be rewarded – but we must put forth the effort – and when the day arrives that we are speaking about ETN in dollars, not cents, nobody will be able say to you “Well you just got lucky,” NO. Because you put in the effort and made it happen. Together the three arrows cannot be broken.


people don't understand how big impact the instant payment system will have on the cryptocurrency mass adoption .and even if they don't get the patent trough, they have a working product that will revolutionize the crypto world. and to be honest I don't think they will get the patent. WHY? because Visa and MasterCard will not allow this to happened !!! That would be GAME OVER for Visa and MasterCard!!! They have to much money and to much power to allow this to happened. If you guys understand what I mean. But again, Electroneum have a working system and the battle between Electroneum and Visa and MasterCard has just began. I am buying more and more Electroneum, laying back and enjoy the battle !
I am ALL IN with Electroneum, coz they gonna win this battle!

Nice reading! We are at the begining of something huge!

Richard ells is doing very well...i am sure electroneum will go high...
I totally agree with you we should work as a team.

Great article m systems. Youre going to be our ambassador!

Wow wow wow wow wow!!!! This write-up is just INCREDIBLE.... you nailed it to the core man, and i love that. I am really impressed by your effort towards motivating the etn community. Well, all what you just said is the fact, we can see etn rise to $50 within 2 years if we can play the role of the three arrows. I think its time for me to go get another bunch of etn on my portfolio. Thanks for the article bro, its really encouraging

Also read this: https://steemit.com/electroneum/@dyablohunter/why-electroneum-will-be-a-top-5-coin-in-1-2-years-the-secret-behind-richard-ells-s-brilliant-idea
Don't forget we need help with mining so that the ETN network runs smooth and fast, you should all try this extremely lucky Electroneum Mining Pool > https://electroneum.vip - growing in hashrate by the day.

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i literally liked your post you are working for etn i also want to work for etn cause i already purchased 5000 etn on kucoin but i know it will go up and give me at least 100x profit so i just hold etn when half of the user will buy etn it will be back it's level around 0.025 my prediction says that

Based on mobile mining and Instant cryptocurrency payment system yaa love electroneum coin it has a good future soo i will also keep working on electroneu @msystem

BTC is unstoppable if we work together! Stop making up new worthless crap!

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