Common Electrical Unit & Formulas
Watt - unit of electrical energy or power - one watt is the product of one ampere and one volt - one ampere of current flowing under the force of one volt gives one watt of energy
Volt-ampere (VA) - is a measurement of power in a direct current ( DC ) electrical circuit. The VA specification is also used in alternating current ( AC ) circuits, but it is less precise in this application, because it represents apparent power , which often differs from true power .
Kilovolt Ampere - one kilovolt ampere - KVA - is equal to 1000 volt amperes
Power Factor - ratio of watts to volt amperes
Most important Formulas:
Power P = V × I = R × I2 = V2 / R in watts W
Electrical Potential - Ohm's Law
Ohm's law can be expressed as:
V = R I (1a)
V = P / I (1b)
V = (P R)1/2 (1c)
Electric Current - Ohm's Law
I = V / R (2a)
I = P / V (2b)
I = (P / R)1/2 (2c)
Electric Resistance - Ohm's Law
R = V / I (3a)
R = V2/ P (3b)
R = P / I2 (3c)
Electric Power
P = V I (4a)
P = R I2 (4b)
P = V2/ R (4c)
P = power (watts, W), V = voltage (volts, V)
I = current (amperes, A), R = resistance (ohms, Ω)
Electric Energy :Electric energy is power multiplied time, or
W = P t (5)
W = energy (Ws, J), t = time (s)
Electrical Motors : Electrical Motor Efficiency
μ = 746 Php / Pinput_w (6)
μ = efficiency
Php = output horsepower (hp)
Pinput_w = input electrical power (watts)
or alternatively
μ = 746 Php / (1.732 V I PF) (6b)
Electrical Motor - Power
P3-phase = (V I PF 1.732) / 1,000 (7)
P3-phase = electrical power 3-phase motor (kW)
PF = power factor electrical motor
Electrical Motor - Amps
I3-phase = (746 Php) / (1.732 V μ PF) (7)
I3-phase = electrical current 3-phase motor (amps)
PF = power factor electrical motor
Electrical measurements
thank you boss love u
thank you
long post but thanks your post.
thank you vaiya love you
Nice 👍
thank you madam
hi sir thanks for comment me
I love electrical job
i love also thanks for support me