Trump supported candidate wins after media calls him unelectable
This is just the primary, so for any die-hard Trump fans out there you can keep your pants on for now. The real battle is going to be the real election against someone in another party. You can be assured that they will use the Trump endorsement to "rally the troops" to vote even though they don't know what they are voting for. Just like when people got out in "record numbers" to vote for Biden, I think the anti-Trump message will be enough for Republican Dan Cox to lose in the real governor election later.

I don't know much about Dan Cox other than that he has an unfortunate name. I'm not going to bother learning much about him either because I don't live in Maryland so even if he wins, it will not effect my life at all. I just find it funny that the media is still so Trump-obsessed that this election, that nobody would normally give a damn about, is all over the news as they try to smear Cox as much at they can. For months they called him "unelectable, unhinged, and a climate and election denier." I don't even know if any of this is true but it just seems so predictable that the media would do this anytime that Trump throws his hat in the ring. I don't necessarily like or dislike Trump, but I do get a kick out if it anytime that he sticks it to the media.
To highlight this point of banking on Trump hatred let's consider the fact that the Democratic Governors Association, whatever the hell that is, spent $1 million on running ads and print highlighting Cox's affiliation with DJT.
The media reaction to this primary victory isn't dumb so much as it is predictable. What is dumb is the fact that everyone is complaining about his victory.... but they just didn't care enough to actually go out and vote!

As of 2018 there was about 4 million total registered voters in Maryland but in the primaries in Maryland you can only vote for that race if you are registered as a member of that party. So there are just over 1 million registered Republicans in Maryland as of 2018 (the most recently and easily available information.) Take a look at those total numbers in the primary and add them up real quick. OK I'll do the math for you. It's barely 200,000 people.
So if people are going to fly off the handle about who won maybe Maryland should ask themselves why it is that only 20% of the eligible voters bothered to get involved.
I think I have the answer for this: It's called voter apathy and it is something I feel on a regular basis. For one thing, I have a hard time believing that our votes are actually counted at all and even if they are, we end up with the same a-hole but with a different name and face. I believe more and more Americans are simply ignoring elections because nothing ever seems to change other than the idle promises that gets a person elected. Then they just hope for the best and do whatever they want to maintain and increase their own power.
In the meantime the articles that are being written about Dan Cox's victory are just hilarious. You'd think that it was the end of the world the way that some news outlets are crying themselves to sleep over this. It's a governor primary election in a state that most people don't ever even think about. Get over yourselves. I hope that Dan wins the general election just so we can see the over-the-top outrage on the part of the media.