election to chose the new candidate in senat of eletro departemen in politeknik negeri lhokseumawe on wednesday
overwhelmingly elect the electors members of the senate departement daei electro department and the ads of seven candidates are only three people selected. as for the difference is only one vote .
as for this activity starts at ten o'clock in the morning and ends with a bit of commotion between the head of the majors and the fauzi sy mt bho who has the same voice ten members with the father of subhan
but the father subsided not continue the election submitted to father fauzi aja because he was the first lecturer in lhokseumawe polytechnic.
this election system if there are the same then the two candidates must be reentered between them but the same is believed to fauzi o
fauzi only because it is better to understand the senate in choosing the chief of polytechnic then the election of a temporary vote