The global elite has lost

in #election8 years ago (edited)

Breaking News. Trump wins!!!

Today goes down in history as the day that the global elite lost their power struggle. Welcome, President Trump!

On this Historic night, John Podesta gave a speech instead of Hillary tonight. Since Trump plans to appoint a special prosecutor, I can only assume she's fleeing the country on a private jet.

They were acting like she already won, the media was saying she was going to win with the early polls. Many thought Hillary already had it in the bag, but the American people finally woke up and voted to change the corse of this ship. I am excited for a new bright future that puts America first. I am so sick of this globalism elitist crap.

This is the first guy person without being a politician already to win. I think that says something :)

Anyways, I'm gonna finish watching Trump's speech and hit the hay. Exciting times we have here.

Today we made America great again

Welcome President Trump!


Umm, Donald Trump has connections all over the world, has billions of dollars.

He actually is part of the global elite, maybe a different group than the others but the "Global Elite" have still one. Don't worry? Be Happy?

Well he is pretty rich :) But as far as I know he never went to Bilderberg like the Clinton Insiders.

true; however my point is there is more than one elite group of controllers globally. America just switched slave drivers.

and i just realize i spelled 'one' when i should have spelled 'won'. that might be the confusion. lol COFFEE coming up

Interesting. I never really thought of all the different groups. The narrative been there's some bad global elite that Hillary is part of lol. But hmm multiple groups really changes the prospective.

I totally agree with that statement too. Hillary's group of elites ARE into some pretty dark shit. I'm sure eventually we will see the dark side of this elite group as well.

One thing i believe is no one gets so much power without doing some dark stuff.

Yeah. I hope no dark stuff. But I guess time will tell.

this doesn't even count as a successful battle. this is like successfully completing KP duty before the war starts.

hmm idk. It seemed like the media was agaisnt him and he won. All those out of context sound bytes, saying Hillary was winning before the election, etc. Many people are shocked by the outcome. Silent majority came out and spoke, Many people didn't want to support him publicly because people would call them racist, unfriend them... Some people even wanted a venture capitalist to be fired because he donated to Trump with his own money.

i think we're going to find that he won't even be able to do a tiny fraction of what he said he wants to. i do hope i'm wrong, but i just don't see it happening. at least we're not diving head first into the civilization killing fireball that is hillary.

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