Rigged Polling= Jedi Mind Tricks
If you ask 30 people who they are going to vote for, and all 30 are Democrats for Hillary, of course she is going to have a +30 point lead over Trump. They will attempt to pull out all the stops in order to not have to completely steal it with the electronic ballet machines.
Election fraud has been rapid in this country since at least the 60's when they stole it for JFK in Chicago. I don't want you to believe me, I want you to do your own research. They only killed him, because he thought he really had the power and wanted to make real changes (HR1110).
Even though one person can never change the real trouble that we are in, we CAN NOT handle another few years of the same old agenda moving forward. If they can not get her numbers up, look for a world changing event, (China, North Korea, Turkey) that will trigger NSPD51, and elections could be canceled. They could even use the election fraud to "postpone" them.
The entire election is rigged. Both parties are heavily controlled by the financial elites that run the banks and the world. Trump is just saying crazy things to distract the public and polarize the people.
It goes much deeper than financial elites and Trump is saying what the people need to hear.
But why would anyone ever need to know that we are arming and funding Al CIA Da ooops I mean ISIS. http://www.infowars.com/video-abc-cuts-live-stream-when-trump-starts-talking-about-hillarys-support-for-isis/