ELACoin (ELAC) won the Blockchain Best Project at the 2018 Hi-Tech Awards!
Elamachain is the big winner at the 2018 Hi-Tech Awards. Kevin Kang, the Chief Director of Elamachain Foundation, is to participate in the awards ceremony, which will be held at the Air Force Club on December 21th, 2018, Seoul.
The Hi-Tech Awards, hosted by the Hi-Tech Awards Committee and sponsored by IT journal HiTech Information, have been held annually since March 1996.
The main objective of the awards is to select individuals and companies that had prominent activities and achievements in each field of domestic IT industry and is to motivate them to produce quality work. It is aimed at promoting stimulant among government, public organizations and IT companies CEOs, CIOs. It is recognized as a prestigious awards of the IT industry attended by IT leaders from the areas.
Elamachain has been awarded the best prize in blockchain category for the achievement of technology that enables anyone to easily purchase products with cryptocurrency in their daily lives. ELAMACHAIN platform constructs a system where cryptocurrency payment is feasible anywhere which has been the biggest issue of the blockchain industry for a long time.
Elamachain has been developing its foundation since last year. And the foundation will strive to continue being innovative and establish themselves as a global IT brand.
All credit goes to all of those who have been supporting the project.
Thank you
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