EIPlatform ICO
📌 Hi all my dear today we will consider interesting ICO the EIPlatform project. Take seat on more conveniently, approximate time of reading 5 minutes. Also have so gone!!!!!
In connection with rapid development of modern technologies the sphere of cybersport is also improved and for the short period came to essentially other level. Admirers of this kind of activity become more and more today. It is connected with the fact that earlier computer games were perceived only as entertainment that now this sphere has turned into one of the most demanded sports. With development of cybersport have begun to gain popularity and tournaments which are held with participation of professional game teams.
For the organization the sphere of cybersport is very difficult for understanding. Therefore the efficiency and return from made money remains at rather low level and doesn't meet expectations. Not only investors but also small but perspective players or the whole teams which the organization and participation in tournaments rather expensive process have no opportunity for further development formation of professional team suffer from it. The most considerable share of the budget directed to advance gets intermediaries and to the agencies. It turns out that the considerable share of audience doesn't participate in improvement of computer sport at all. Modern technologies of advance often look inefficient or simply outdated.
We will consider a real-life problem which interferes with effective mutually beneficial cooperation in this area. We will give a simple example. The organization wants to make money on development of perspective team of cyberplayers and to place the logo on their form. For implementation of this task representatives of the organization need to address the agencies that is intermediaries as the company most likely has no experts who are well guided in this sphere. The address to intermediaries assumes certain difficulties and additional expenses. But it is a half more of a problem. At the choice of a subject to investment often the choice stops on the largest and famous teams, laying aside unknown. Respectively the game sphere doesn't gain the due competition and development.
The Eiplatform project is designed to change current situation. A main goal which was set before themselves by creators of the platform it is possible to call replacement of earlier inefficiently working agencies by more personalized advance methods which provide direct interaction of the organization and audience. Thanks to the project representatives of the organizations can cooperate directly without intermediaries at once. Besides even the beginning companies can receive means for the development.
The Eiplatform project is a striking example of the innovative global platform working at base a blockchain technology which promotes establishing effective interaction between sponsors and players and offering additional benefits.
Advantages of the project
The platform has the hi-tech tool of the artificial intelligence promoting identification and optimization of opportunities of audience. The Eiplatform project is capable to offer the organizations and users almost unlimited opportunities in the field of interaction and increase in efficiency of advance of computer sport. At the heart of activity smart contracts on the basis of which there is a payment of remunerations are involved.
The platform suggests to unite in the framework all parties of game process for establishing effective interaction and promoting of cybersport. He has to change radically the relation between the parties by means of more fair method of distribution of investments among participants.
For achievement of a goal the project involves analysis algorithms and the choice of the most rational distribution of money between all users of the platform. It turns out that by means of this method the market of cybersport will receive a push to the development due to leveling of excess expenses and simultaneous increase in influence of media.
Development and deployment of uniform system will allow to give almost unlimited earlier inaccessible opportunities as for sponsors and partners of the sphere and for direct participants. The benefit of audience will be that they will be able to receive exclusive goods and services from sponsors of a tournament (for example, tickets).
Principle of work of the project
The scheme of work of the platform is extremely simple and consists in that to have a possibility of direct interaction of the organizations with audience and players.
The ecosystem involves artificial intelligence which helps to identify and be a certain behavioural rating of participants to carry out the analysis of interaction and to receive the final decision for each partner depending on goals and inquiries.
The ecosystem also performs effective optimization of investments of made money intended for players due to competent distribution.
According to some information already less than in 10 years the number of admirers of computer sport can take the leading positions having bypassed even soccer and other popular sports.
The Eiplatform project is characterized by the following advantages –
Combination of the user advantages the favorable partner program for the participants of the platform including the maximum network effect competent distribution of investments the convenient user interface lack of the irritating moments in the form of regularly pop-up windows and other distracting factors transparency and honesty of implementation of payment operations.
Development of internal tokens of the project of the called EMI. Their owners can use digital currency as the main means of payment within system. Safety of carrying out transactions is that at identification of roguish actions the administration of the project will suspend transfer of digital currency and will issue the new contract with the account replacing initial transactions. Therefore you can not worry about safety of the assets.
The team of the project when developing the concept and the idea has got first-hand experience in the sphere of cybersport for deeper penetration into area of computer technologies. Experts constantly develop together with the changing computer world for maintenance of relevance of the project uniting all parties of an ecosystem.
Computer games have turned from entertainment into means for receiving profit. So budgets of large tournaments reach just astronomical sums.
Also we will distinguish the following from features of the platform –
Realization of the simple platform in use of the opening opportunity for an effective investment of money on development of cybersport for the purpose of receiving profit.
Absence of intermediaries activity of which assumed additional expenses for the organizations. Now the investment of money and tracking of efficiency occurs directly.
The project means openness of information where each participant can get access to certain data at any time.
Granting an opportunity for small and unknown teams to receive funds for development and improvement of the activity.
Project tokens
Internal tokens of the project are called EMI. Possession of internal digital currency considerably will simplify use of the platform and will give unique opportunities for all participants of system.
The standard – ERC20;
Soft cap – 6,000,000$;
Hard cap – 60,000,000$;
The total amount of tokens – 850 000 000 EMI;
The volume of tokens for sale – 722 500 000 EMI;
The cost of a token is 1 EMI = $0,1.
Team of developers
Experts of various fields of knowledge including a blockchain technology computer technologies advance financing and many others enter into the team of developers of the project. For successful start and development of the project members of the team have got real experience of promotion of commands for deeper understanding of a problem and a possibility of her decision.
Stages of development of the project
3 quarter 2017 –
Development of the concept of the project.
4 quarter 2017 –
Receiving confirmation of interest in implementation of the project from leading companies.
1 quarter 2018 –
Promotion of the platform.
2 quarter 2018 –
Preparation and carrying out ICO.
3 quarter 2018 –
Development of the project.
4 quarter 2018 –
Applications programming and interfaces.
1 quarter 2019 –
Final development of the project.
2 quarter 2019 –
Start of the project.
3 quarter 2019 –
Expansion of geographical coverage and growth of an ecosystem.
In conclusion it is possible to note that the EIPlatform project represents an absolute innovation in development of cybersport which will help teams to get the investor and businessmen will get the expected profit. The professional team of developers inspires trust that the project will be successfully started and will gain stable development and the growing popularity.
Website: https://eiplatform.io/
Whitepaper: https://eiplatform.io/doc/WhitePaper-Eng.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/EIP_ecosystem
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3331909.0
Medium: https://medium.com/eiplatform
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIP_ECOSYSTEM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eiplatform/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EIPlatform/
Github: https://github.com/EIPlatform/EMI-Token
#Proof Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1324682