About 8 Weeks To Go...

in #eightweeks4 years ago

So, a few have been giving me a hard time about not moving to Hive. I didn't say I wouldn't go, I just decided to see how things go on both projects for the duration of my power down.

I thought both sides got hot headed and I'm waiting and watching.

Here is a comment I wrote about my reasoning on another post.

Time will tell. 8 weeks left, giving it a go.

My view is there are plenty of things I disagree with and have disagreed with over the years.

The 2 platforms basically the same tech right now, the goals and abilities of neither is currently clear.

I was already here, I already didn't quit after watching literally 100s of things I disagreed with, thought were scammy, didn't have the power to change... etc.

Let the sites compete for users, stakeholders and yes, also ideals.

Maybe this becomes a spamfest... Maybe as the powerdowns continue, things even out.

I can step back and imagine from Jsun's side how he bought some stake and then saw a group of hostile witnesses try to take it. (Now I don't think they were going to take it, but it doesn't take much imagination and Ned said in my discord server was that he instructed Jsun to take it seriously.)

Do I agree with his response? No, I do not. I also think it was ridiculous to touch his stake in the first place over 20 percent of the stake. I don't consider a 60 person secret meeting decentralized either.

Can I understand it Jsun's view, if I just step back and consider an outside view? I absolutely can.

Things are starting to settle down now, and I am willing to give it that time to play out.

The PR work that Hive has done has been amazing! Really good work, and very impressive.

Now it is time to see both projects in action. Will Justin turn things back over the community? Who knows? Will the Hive team get along and move forward on a road map that appeal to more than a handful? Who knows...

8 weeks... of actually trying to be part of the solution. Shrugs. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me after 4 years in.

The anger is just wearing off for many this is where the rubber meets the road.

8 more weeks, and I'll try to make it work. After that I'll check in with both projects and re-evaluate. Obviously since most of us own both... It would be great if both projects developed their own personality



I must admit, I'm pretty far along in my Power Down as well. I have moved over to Hive though. It seems like they may have something good going on. I certainly think they have a brighter future ahead, if they learn from past mistakes.

Wherever you go, I'll always read your posts. The 'whatsup' brand is a quality brand on either platform.

I think one person meeting is more centralized than 60 people meeting.

The Lino blockchain which is what DLive chose after taking advantage of Steemit, Inc's delegation was bought by Sun and is now dead. It's going to be discontinued and the tokens will be swapped for Tron-based tokens. KYC with government ID's for US residents.

I believe this is what's in store for Steem eventually. It's going to take some time because you don't port Steem's codebase to Tron just like that, which is why Steem witnesses acted hastily to touch Sun's stake. It did turn out a win-win in the end, though.

This is true. but not much more and not enough to stop secrety softforks.

The secrecy was not the actual problem there but an implementation detail. The action was done too hastily and not literally as a last resort. But I also consider Steemit, Inc's founder's stake not to be ordinary stake. Before arguing that Steemit, Inc's stake, controlling founder's stake, was property just like anybody's stake was, then one must accept that securities laws apply to it. The premining of STEEM was nothing but a feeble-minded trick to circumvent US securities law. There were promises attached to it, which were broken the moment Sun started hallucinating about a token swap. If a chain really is decentralized, then stake on it is not a security. If not, then securities laws apply.

Oh is that your legal opinion?

I disagree. But I know that is the spin.

The DPOS code was broken. Doesn't matter what the humans told each other about why... It is that it was possible that is the problem.

Oh is that your legal opinion?

The SEC ruled that Ethereum was not a security. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Director of Corporate Finance, William Hinman, said that:

Based on my understanding of the present state of Ether, the Ethereum network and its decentralized structure, current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.

Source: https://coincenter.org/link/a-top-sec-official-said-that-ether-is-not-a-security

I disagree. But I know that is the spin.

No, it's not a spin. The Securities and Exchanges Commission determines what it is a security and what is not a security in the United States. I seriously doubt Steem could've avoided being considered a security in 2016 on account of the total dominance Steemit, Inc had over the chain due to the size of its stake.

In 2020, the stake that the community controlled was sufficient to prevent a total takeover by the Tron foundation. But if STEEM is not a security, then everything is up to consensus.

The DPOS code was broken. Doesn't matter what the humans told each other about why... It is that it was possible that is the problem.

There's one thing you should understand about blockchains. The nodes are run by volunteers. Anyone can run any version they want. If they want to be part of a particular chain under DPoS, they have to have the backing of sufficient stake. Steem's DPoS code did exactly as it was designed to. You can't FORCE() anyone to run any particular version of a blockchain code on their own computers. Steem's community witnesses ran a version of the code that did not allow certain accounts to power down or vote for witnesses. Those community witnesses had the full backing of the community. And you can't FORCE() stakeholders to vote for any witnesses they do not want to.

DPoS is about CONSENSUS and that's what it's all about. Only if it's centralized enough then tokens on it are deemed securities, at least according to US regulartors.

*) You could, but you'd have to do it in the physical world. But then you would be in violation of the law.

I guess we will see if the SEC comes after Steem, but not Hive.

You do realize that 100s of Attorneys and legal scholars make conflicting legal opinions every day?

Sure. But the SEC is the one government body in the United States that has the power to determine what is considered a security and what is not considered one. Other countries may decide otherwise.

No one has asked the SEC to decide whether token transactions on Steem are securities transactions.

I think Hive would be deemed a non-security by the SEC on grounds similar to the one's that it considered Ethereum a non-security.

I like your opinions on stuff and things.

When I brought up my feelings that a secretive 60 person meeting was not my idea of decentralized governance, I was told that it was for the good of the realm. I will give them a pass, but I am also curious to see where this goes.

Well it looks like you should make up your mind some time aroun 2020-06-17-06:19 UTC.
I was thinking of waiting till sometime between Canada Day and American Independence Day, before I expect full clarity on the issue.

No rush is good.

Time will tell.

I am on both. I have a cat blog... which is an incredibly normal and mainstream sort of thing.

I consider the whole Steem/Hive split secondary to the greater story that in order for the "social blockchain" to reach and appeal to a broader base, there needs to be lots of content other than blockchain, crypto, technology and site commentary.


Well splitting didn't exactly help that goal did it?

And yes, I agree.

I have moved mostly to Hive. I am on the blockchain because of Clicktrackprofit. Where they go I go. It is my online business. That being said, even with what has gone on here on Steem I still enjoy popping in every day and engaging.


Well I'm glad you stopped by

The next few months will be interesting on both Block-chains, let alone worldwide :)

These are interesting times in so many ways.

Well said. It'll be an interesting social experiment for both sides. Rarely you get an opportunity like this to test your ideas in the real world. Only time will tell.

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1000 people... the real world. maybe a decent subset, maybe not.

Smart move.
I'm trying to be active on both chains tho.

that's also smart

currently i am using both, even tough I am not that active. but still wait and see is a good move. things will be clear when the dust has settle

Enjoy, I see many are using both.

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