PSW Galaxy Wars: Saga One Show

in #efedding5 years ago

Galaxy Wars Saga 1.jpg

SEPTEMBER 02, 2019

The scene opens up outside the Paul Sauve Arena as cars are filling the parking lot and the wrestling fans are flooding the building. Phantom Star Wrestling has drawn a sell-out crowd for the first Galaxy Wars: Saga and with the owner and general manager The Cosmo Kid purchasing this historic building, they have been able to secure a permanent location for their fans to watch the exciting high flying action.

As the scene moves inside the arena you can see the fans all going wild as they stand in line for concessions and try to find their seats as the place is packed. The smells of popcorn, corn-dogs and fresh burgers fill the air as the cold golden brews of Anhiesure Bush flows freely. The Commentators are all set up as the referee makes her way down to the ring, you can hear a few whistles and catcalls as Emilie Rose
climbs into the ring.

The hockey sirens go off as the lights dim and the brand new overhead Video Tron begins to play the PSW Galaxy Wars: Saga One video...

Terry Sanders: Welcome ladies and gentleman to Galaxy Wars: Saga One. I'm Terry Sanders and sitting next to me is my partner in flight David West.

David West: Thanks for that introduction Terry, boy do we have a show lined up for our fans tonight. We will find the first-ever PSW Shooting Star Cup winner while crowning our first ever number one contender.

As he finishes his sentence the crowd erupts into cheers, as the Montreal fans see none other than the native son and Phantom Star Wrestling owner The Cosmo Kid make his way down to the ring through the crowd. He quickly flips into the ring as he grabs a microphone.

The Cosmo Kid: How's everyone feeling tonight?

The fans get even louder as they all try to answer him, you can see banners flying around with the name "The Superhero Supernova" on them as well as "The Perpetual One" and the many other PSW stars.

The Cosmo Kid: That's out of the world and get ready to blast off as we give you all one amazing show. I have been able to purchase this building from the previous owners and I will guarantee you all at least two shows a month and sometimes we may even pop up with a special showing for you amazing fans.

The crowd is now on their feet cheering "COSMO KID, COSMO KID. COSMO KID" as he continues to speak.

The Cosmo Kid: Well, let us not delay any longer and allow our ring announcer Alejandro Martin to do his job and get the party started. Enjoy everyone.

Shooting Star Cup Round One Match
"Devilish" Donny Deville vs "The Wanderer" Dominique Dice

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and gentleman, our first match is a Shooting Star cup first-round match, introducing first... Hailing from Portland, Oregon, weighing in at a featherweight of 155 pounds and standing at 5'7". He is a former Circus Star and a bit "Devilish" Donny Deville...

Donny comes out of the back with a cartwheel into a front flip and lands in the modern superhero pose looking out at the crowd. He nods to them briefly before springing forth and flipping his way down the ramp, each one adding more twists than the last, finally landing perfectly. He pulls the ropes down and uses them to launch himself on top before moonsaulting off of them, again landing in that hero pose as he waits.

Terry Sanders: Wow, he's even more impressive in person, David.

David West: Well, let's not get too excited we know he's great at gymnastics but let's wait and see what he can do inside the squared circle.

Alejandro Martin: ...And his opponent for this first-round match hailing from Venice, California, weighing in at a solid Phantom weight of 240, and standing at a towering 6'3"... He is "The Wanderer" Dominique Dice...

As "The Wanderer" by Dion begins to play the lights go dim and several beauties dressed in Poodle skirts and pink jackets come out dancing on the entrance ramp. "The Wanderer" Dominique Dice runs out sliding ion his knees between the girls as they dance, wearing his leather bikers jacket with his emblem on the back. He jumps up and begins to dance with the girls as they make their way to the ring. They quickly get into the ring as the continue to dance inside the ring as the crowd goes wild dancing along with the song as well. When the song ends the girl's exit the ring and Dominique Dice makes his way to his corner with a serious look of focus on his face while combing his hair as he waits for the match to begin.

Terry Sanders: Now that's an entrance, David, just look at all of the hotties.

David West: I have to agree with you Terry, they are some beauties and I'm loving the Poodle skirts.

As Alejandro Martin exits the ring Referee Emilie Rose signals for the bell...


Both men stare at each other for a moment before locking up, as the struggle to see who will get the control they move around the ring bouncing off the ropes. "The Wanderer" manages to use his strength to take control as he quickly moves in for a scoop slam, laying Donny Deville on his back in pain. Referee Emilie Rose is right there to check on him as Donny Deville gets back to his feet. "The Wanderer" leaning against the ring post combing his hair gets hit with a dropkick slamming him chest first into the turnbuckle.

Terry Sanders: What a dropkick by the former Olympic hopeful.

David West: Yes it was but I think the man Dominique Dice helped him out by not paying attention to his opponent.

Terry Sanders: I would have to agree that was an amateur mistake.

"The Wanderer" tries to catch his breath as Donny Deville places him into a headlock, quickly applying pressure to the move. The struggle as Donny Deville tries to keep hold of the move, but "The Wanderer" breaks free and sprints across the ring and back hitting a High Knee knocking Donny Deville through the ropes and to the ground. "The Wanderer" quickly follows up with a Springboard splash onto the dazed Donny Deville.

Terry Sanders: Looks like things are picking up now David.

David West: Hell yeah!

The fans are going crazy as they watch the splash from "The Wanderer" connect with Donny Deville, some of the younger fans cover their eyes as they fear for their hero. "The Wanderer" jumps back up on his feet pulls his comb from his back pocket and begins to comb his hair as he stands above Donny Deville. The referee Emilie Rose continues to count as they stand outside the ring.




The Referee Emilie Rose yells down at the two competitors as she continues her count.



Donny Deville starts to move as "The Wanderer" Grabs him and rolls him inside the ring breaking the ten count. "The Wanderer" quickly rolls in and attempting a pin. Referee Emilie Rose quick to get in position for the count but Donny Deville is quick to reverse the pin into a Rear Chin Lock. Referee Emilie Rose still in position begins to ask "The Wanderer" if he wants to quit.

Terry Sanders: You see how quick he reversed out of that pinfall David.

David West: The kid is young, quick and agile Terry, he will be one to watch.

Terry Sanders: Oh yeah, I know I will have my eyes on him and the rest of the PSW roster.

Donny Deville tightens the hold as he applies more pressure, "The Wanderer" begins to fade to black as referee Emilie Rose checks on him lifting his arm once as it falls you can hear the crowd in disbelief. She lifts "The Wanderers" arm for a second time as it begins to drop "The Wanderer" jerks it back up as he begins to shake, rattle and roll as he lays there still being choked.

"The Wanderer" manages to get to one knee as Donny Deville tries to hang on to the choke hold. The crowd gets rowdy as they cheer these two guys on, chants of "Devilish" and "Wanderer" can be heard all throughout the building. "The Wanderer" elbows Donny Deville in the stomach as he attempts to get loose, again a second and a third elbow finally breaking free. "The Wanderer" runs towards the ropes bouncing off as he nails Donny Deville with a Spinning Elbow sending Donny Deville flying hard to the mat.

Terry Sanders: it appears there still life in Dominique Dice.

David West: Like I always say you can never count any member of this roster out.

"The Wanderer" heads over standing above Donny Deville the crowd standing on their feet as "The Wanderer" stands there combing his hair. He places the comb back into his pocket as he reaches down lifting up a weakened Donny Deville. Donny Deville still dazed by that Spinning Elbow barely knows what's going on. "The Wanderer" sets up and nails Donny Deville with a Spinning Neckbreaker.

David West: Dice just hit one of his signatures.


"The Wanderer" jumps down hooking the legs of Donny Deville, referee Emilie Rose slides into position for the three counts.




Donnie Deville barely gets a shoulder up breaking up the pin. "The Wanderer" begins to argue with referee Emilie Rose, as Donny Deville makes his way to the nearby ring post and tries to catch his breath. As "The Wanderer" continues to argue with referee Emilie Rose Donny Deville begins to feed off the energy of the crowd.

Terry Sanders: Look, David, Deville is getting supercharged.

David West: Yeah if I was Dice I would be paying more attention to my opponent.

Donny Deville slowly crepes up on "The Wanderer" delivering a Pele kick laying the bigger man out, Donny Deville climbs the turnbuckle as the crowd chants "DEVILISH", "DEVILISH", "DEVILISH". Donnie Deville looks down at a flattened Dice and hits a 450 Splash as he lands he quickly gets up dragging up The Wanderer" and delivering Canadian Destroyer.

Terry Sanders: "THE TUMBLER", "THE TUMBLER"!!!

Referee Emilie Rose slides into position as Donny Deville lays an arm across the chest of "The Wanderer".





Terry Sanders: It's over David, Donny Deville has won his first match here in Phantom Star Wrestling and advanced in the tournament.

David West: What a match these two have certainly set the bar here tonight.

Terry Sanders: let's go to the ring for the official word from Alejandro Martin.

The two competitors stand there as referee Emilie Rose raises the arm of Donny Deville.

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and Gentleman your winner and advancing to round two of the Shooting Star Cup "Devilish" Donny Deville!!!

The crowd erupts as their still standing on there feet loving the action so far.

Terry Sanders: There you are it's official Donny Deville advances.

David West: It appears I am being told we're going to the back for an exclusive interview with PSW's newest acquisition Gill Snider and his special guest "The Ganja Connection".

The new overhead video tron begins to play live footage from the backstage interview area as it shows Gill Snider and his guest sitting around an extravagant set.

Gill Snider: Welcome, welcome to "The Next Shooting Star" with your host me, Gill Snider. My guest tonight is none other than the former XHW Network Tag team champion and his new partner and long-time friend with their manager, "The Ganja Connection". Akoni Reid, Reggie Walker, and Deshawn Marquis

The three guys sitting across from Gill Snider look as if they are extremely relaxed and laid back as Deshawn Marquis the "Ganja Godfather" removes his shades as he prepares to answer questions on behalf of "The Ganja Connection".

Gill Snider: Welcome guys, and welcome to Phantom Star wrestling. So I have a few questions for you all straight from the fans here tonight.

Deshawn Marquis: Sure thang, whatever the fans want to know me and my boys are willing to tell.

Gill Snider: Alright, the first question comes from a fan in the upper deck by the name of Joe. He wants to know how come you guys, are not competing tonight?

Deshawn Marquis: That's simple my man, we don't have any competition yet. You see this show was set up as a way to show off the singles division. My guys are tag-team experts, and we prefer not to compete in singles.

The crowd are watching the interview intently as "The Ganja Connection" are a beloved team in wrestling.

Gill Snider: Understandable Deshawn, our second question comes from a lady in the front row names Elisha. She, wants to know what brought you to Phantom Star Wrestling?

Deshawn Marquis: Wow, now that's a great question, my man but a simple one. PSW is the best up and coming company and we wanted in on the ground floor of its rise to greatness. Plus my boys love to "Fly High" and what a better company than a place only for high flyers.

Gill Snider: One last question for you three, it comes from a staff member by the name of Bruce. He, wants to know if you guys will attempt to bring the XHF global tag team championships back to Phantom Star Wrestling?

Akoni Reid quickly interrupts as he answers the question.

Akoni Reid: Of course we will, but not until we are soaring with the stars here in PSW as it's tag team champions. The company comes first then we take it global.

Gill Snider: Now that's an answer I like, and an honest one. Well everyone thanks for being here and once again welcome to Phantom Star Wrestling. Ladies and gentleman that wraps up the first installment of "The Next Shooting Star" with your host me, Gill Snider.

The fans are all cheering and clapping as the video tron cuts off.

Terry Sanders: What an introduction to PSW for "The Ganja Connection", the fans seemed to love them.

David West: Of course they do, all three men are laid back straight flyers.

Terry Sanders: Well, we wish them the best of luck and now lets head to the ring for our next match up.

Alejandro Martin enters the ring holding his microphone as the crowd is pumped for the second match of the night.

Shooting Star Cup Round One Match
"The Superhero Supernova" Space Oddity vs "DeathStryke" Cyon Komar

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and gentleman, our second match of the night is a Shooting Star cup first-round match, introducing first... Hailing from unknown origins, weighing in at a gravity-defying weight of 200 pounds and standing at 5'10". He is the star of stars, "The Superhero Supernova" Space oddity!!!

An abridged version of Powerman 5000's "Space Oddity" cover hits and a sci-fi light show plays across the stage as smoke fills the entranceway. As the music ramps up in intensity, Space Oddity walks out through the curtain and takes a knee, head down - waiting for the lyrics to kick in. As they do, he springs up and runs the aisle to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and then running up to the top of one of the turnbuckles as stars are projected down into the ring and across the crowd. The music fades out and the lights come back up, as Oddity jumps down into his corner.

Terry Sanders: Appears a comet has just landed in the ring David.

David West: I would have to disagree I would say a shooting star has hit the ring.

Terry Sanders: Yes, I would agree with you as Space Oddity appears to be everything the rumors stated and shortly we will see it all live.

Alejandro Martin: ...And his opponent for this first-round match hailing from New York City, by way of Hong Kong, China. Weighing in at an outstanding 215 pounds and standing at 6'2". He is a former Pheonix Ninja and a Warhammer specialist "DeathStryke" Cyon Komar!!!

“War Ensemble” by Slayer begins playing as “Deathstryke” Cyan Komar walks out from the back. He seems indifferent to the fans as he makes his way down to the ring. He rolls into the ring, doing a complex kata in the middle of the ring. He finishes it off with a respectful bow to the referee.

Terry Sanders: Now, here's a real professional, respectful and dangerous a great combination.

David West: You bet it is and very rare.

Terry Sanders: This should be a classic, David.

As Alejandro Martin exits the ring Referee Emilie Rose signals for the bell...


Both men quickly start running the ropes crisscrossing each other as they try to check the other one out. Space oddity out of nowhere jumps up on the ropes and begins to point up towards the sky as if he's looking at the stars. "Deathstryke" slows down as he notices Space Oddity isn't paying attention to him or the match "Deathstryke" runs over towards Space Oddity but is met with a Spinning Back Elbow.

Terry Sanders: It appears Space Oddity has eyes in the back of his head, David.

David West: Sure does and Komar received an elbow to the jaw for underestimating him.

"Deathstryke" seems to shrug it off as he keeps on moving forward locking up with Space Oddity, both men fight for control. "DeathStryke" appears to be gaining control as he forces Space Oddity down to one knee. The two men try a test of strength as Space Oddity forces "DeathStryke back to a standing position as they struggle to see who will gain control, the crowd is on their feet once again cheering their favorite superstar on.

Space Oddity jumps up hitting "Deathstryke" with a Standing Dropkick following up with a quick Standing Moonsault. He begins to attack the ribs of "Deathstryke" with hard, stiff left and right jabs after several jabs Space Oddity places his weakened opponent into a painful Camel Clutch. You can hear the grunts of pain coming from "Deathstryke" as referee Emilie Rose attempts to find out if he wants to submit.

Just as Space Oddity cranks up the pressure we hear “Hello World” hit as the lights go down and turn a deep shade of blue. Shortly after the intro to the song, we hear the chorus.

“Hello, World!
I heard ya been lookin’ for me
I heard ya been waitin’ on me
Well I’m here and I’m here to stay

Hello World!
Sometimes your love turns to ugly
Well, this world, it ain’t gotta love me
So it’s cool ‘cause I’ll be okay”

We then see Lucas Swann come out as the lights flash blue and yellow. He looks out at the crowd, who are divided. One half cheering for him, the other half booing him. He then looks straight at the ring and proceeds down to the ring, very methodically. When he reaches the ring, he climbs the ring apron, wiping his feet on the apron and stepping through the ropes.

Terry Sanders: What the HELL, is he doing out here? He isn't scheduled to compete here tonight.

David West: It appears like he has an interest in this match, Terry.

Terry Sanders: Well, we are about to find out.

Space Oddity releases the hold as Lucas Swann charges nailing him with a massive Bicycle Kick laying him out. "Deathstryke" gradually getting to his feet turns around unaware of what's going on is met with a stunning Side Superkick knocking him clear out of the ring. Lucas Swann stands over Space Oddity with a look of satisfaction as he stares out into the sea of fans.

Referee Emilie Rose calls for the bell as security tries to remove Lucas Swann from the ring.

Terry Sanders: This is crazy Lucas Swann just ruined an amazing first-round matchup.

David West: But why, that's the question we all want to know.

As Alejandro Martin begins to announce the results, we hear the voice of The Cosmo Kid ring throughout the arena. Everyone starts to look around as they see the PSW Owner standing on the entrance ramp holding a microphone.

The Cosmo Kid: Hold it, hold it Phantom Star Wrestling fans did not pay their hard-earned money to have the second match on the first show to end in a DQ or no contest. Referee, restart this match and make it a triple threat. You heard me if Lucas Swann wants action then let's make it legit. Ring the bell...


Lucas Swann jumps back in the ring attacking Space Oddity as he tries to keep him down for a quick victory. The fans are all now on their feet chanting Space Oddity's name as he tries to fight back. But Swann is relentless as he delivers a huge Headbutt followed by a punch to the atoms apple. Referee Emilie Rose intervenes as she checks on Space Oddity, "DeathStryke" sneaks up behind Lucas Swann, doing a running flip over the Lucas Swann's head, grabbing his shoulders as he falls onto the other side. "Deathstryke" flings himself forward while giving Lucas Swann a mighty throw across the ring into the bottom turnbuckle.


"Deathstryke" charges over jumping on Lucas Swann pounding him with lefts and rights, Lucas Swann tries to fight back but still dazed from hitting the turnbuckle. The two men roll around as they struggle to get the advantage over the other, Space Oddity now refreshed enough to fight takes a moment to watch the two beat each other silly. Looks around at the fans as he points up and out towards the stars quickly climbs the turnbuckle straight to the top. As "Deathstryke" gains control he places Lucas Swann into a face Claw as he stares into the eyes of Lucas Swann.

Terry Sanders: This match is getting wild David, it appears Space Oddity is about to fly.

David West: It does Terry, and his opponents have no clue as they have forgotten about him it seems.

Referee Emilie Rose slides into position as she tries to ask Lucas Swann if he wants to quit, just as it appears Lucas Swann is about to submit Space Oddity takes to the stars hitting both men with a Shooting Star Press. The fans explode as Space Oddity lays an arm across both men. Referee Emilie Rose dives into position as she begins the three counts...





Terry Sanders: It's over Space Oddity has done it, he advances.

David West: What a match, what a shocking turn of events from The Cosmo Kid adding Lucas Swann into the match.

Terry Sanders: let's go to the ring and Alejandro Martin for the official word.

The three men are scattered around the ring as referee Emilie Rose hold the hand of Space Oddity high in the air, Alejandro Martin announces the winner.

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and Gentleman your winner and advancing to round two of the Shooting Star Cup "The Superhero Supernova" Space Oddity!!!

As PSW cuts to a commercial spot. It starts off with a black background and a voice over with matching, scratched out white text.

Cue over the top explosion

As yet another explosion goes off we see this...

Destiny Wrestling comes at you again, this time we leave no prisoners.

A small child eating an ice cream cone loses a scoop and looks like he’s about to cry before another explosion graphic

Destiny Wrestling invades the pro wrestling world and leaves its mark in your soul.

The fans are all cheering and clapping as the video tron cuts off.

Terry Sanders: What an advertisement from Destiny Wrestling, David.

David West: Yeah they are a unique company and they hold the top championship in the XHF Network's universe.

Terry Sanders: Not for long David, not for long.

Alejandro Martin enters the ring once again holding his microphone as the entire roster except for the two men about to compete in the main event are now sitting at ringside.

Shooting Star Cup Round One Match
"Devilish" Donny Deville vs "The Superhero Supernova" Space Oddity

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and gentleman, our Main Event match is the Shooting Star cup finals, introducing first... Hailing from Portland, Oregon, weighing in at a featherweight of 155 pounds and standing at 5'7". He is a former Circus Star and a bit "Devilish" Donny Deville...

Donny comes out of the back with a cartwheel into a front flip and lands in the modern superhero pose looking out at the crowd. He nods to them briefly before springing forth and flipping his way down the ramp, each one adding more twists than the last, finally landing perfectly. He pulls the ropes down and uses them to launch himself on top before moonsaulting off of them, again landing in that hero pose as he waits.

Terry Sanders: Here we are David, "Devilish" vs "Supernova" what a match this will be.

David West: Yes, this should skyrocket PSW especially after the first round match Donny Deville had he has earned the right to be here tonight.

Terry Sanders: Of course both men have.

Alejandro Martin: ...And his opponent for this Main Event match... Hailing from unknown origins, weighing in at a gravity-defying weight of 200 pounds and standing at 5'10". He is the star of stars, "The Superhero Supernova" Space oddity!!!

An abridged version of Powerman 5000's "Space Oddity" cover hits and a sci-fi light show plays across the stage as smoke fills the entrance way. As the music ramps up in intensity, Space Oddity walks out through the curtain and takes a knee, head down - waiting for the lyrics to kick in. As they do, he springs up and runs the aisle to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and then running up to the top of one of the turnbuckles as stars are projected down into the ring and across the crowd. The music fades out and the lights come back up, as Oddity jumps down into his corner.

Terry Sanders: Here's the man who not only had to fight probably the most dangerous man in PSW "Deathstryke" but ended up competing against newcomer Lucas Swann as well in a qualifying triple threat match.

David West: Oh yeah, Space Oddity is an amazing superstar and I can't wait for the bell to ring.

As Alejandro Martin exits the ring Referee Emilie Rose signals for the bell...


Space Oddity charges Donny Deville looking for a cross body but Donny Deville drops to the mat allowing Space oddity to crash and burn. Donny Deville jumps back up and hits the ropes as he tries to build momentum as he hits a baseball slide onto Space Oddity knocking him out of the ring. Referee Emilie Rose begins the ten counts as Donny Deville walks around the ring as the fans give mixed emotions in their cheers.



Terry Sanders: A fast-paced start to this match a bit surprised that Space Oddity went for a cross body right off the bat.

David West: Not me Terry, this is the finals and Space Oddity is a man of the sky, he loves to fly.

Terry Sanders: Yeah, but it may have been a huge mistake, we will see if he recovers from that crash landing.




Space Oddity slides back into the ring after taking a moment to recoup and adjust his game plan. Donny Deville wastes no time as he quickly moves in and locks up with Space Oddity. The two men seem pretty well matched up on strength as the fight for the dominant position as they move about the ring. The other roster members shout at both men trying to either build them up or cause them to get distracted. Space Oddity gains control as Donny Deville loses concentration.

Terry Sanders: It appears Space Oddity has taken advantage of the distraction from ringside.

David West: Smart move by him not to pay attention to the other wrestlers and focusing on his opponent.

Terry Sanders: But for how long will he be able to fend off "Devilish"?

As Space Oddity spins Donny Deville around he instantly places him into a Sleeper Hold, cutting off the oxygen to Donny Deville. referee Emilie Rose gets a closer view making sure it's not an illegal choke. She checks the arm of Donny Deville making sure he's still alert and not wanting to quit. As she's checking on Donny Deville, "The Perpetual One" Matt Simpson jumps the guardrail and hops up onto the apron yelling at Space Oddity. Space Oddity quickly releases Donny Deville and attempts to swing at Matt Simpson as Donny Deville drops to the mat trying to catch his breath.

David West: Something needs to be done about the other wrestlers interfering, for God's sake this is the first-ever Shooting Star Cup lets have a clear winner.

Matt Simpson dodges the attack dropping to the floor and jumps back over the guardrail and into his seat. Space Oddity climbs up on the second rope as he points down at Matt Simpson yelling at him. Donny Deville looks up as he's catching his breath and sees his opening as he jumps up and hits Space Oddity with a reverse Spinning Head Scissors. Both men hit the mat hard but Donny Deville hangs on with the Head Scissors.

Terry Sanders: What a major move by "Devilish".

David West: I would say the outside distraction worked out well for him.

Donny Deville squeezes the head of Space Oddity as referee Emilie Rose continues to ask him if he wants to give up. Space Oddity lets out a loud scream of "HELL NO" as he starts to move about fighting to get out of the move. Donny Deville squeezes even tighter trying to pop off the head of "The Superhero Supernova".

Terry Sanders: These two are going at it like never before, David.

David West: Why wouldn't they this match will determine the future of both these competitors and the company.

Space Oddity scrambles about flipping up and over forcing a pin on Donny Deville, referee Emilie Rose quickly slides into position for the three counts.


Donny Deville releases the hold breaking the pin at the same time.

Terry Sanders: Smart move by Donny Deville.

David West: You better believe it was.

The fans are all on their feet as you hear chants of "SUPERNOVA" and "DEVILISH" everywhere, the fans love both of these guys. Donny Deville stands up putting the boots to the gut and ribs of Space oddity after a few good sturdy stomps he executes a flawless Standing Swanton. He quickly hooks both legs for another pin referee Emilie Rose quick to count...



Space Oddity kicks out with authority as Donny Deville is in shock.

Terry Sanders: DAMN... That was a close call there for the "Supernova"!

David West: Yeah it was, very close I would say Donny Deville is about to catch that shooting star.

Terry Sanders: Either that or get burned by it.

As Donny Deville sits there staring up at referee Emilie Rose with a look of pure shock and awe. Space Oddity makes it up to his feet and points towards the sky as the crowd goes haywire. Space Oddity looks around as Donny Deville sits there arguing with the referee and without hesitation nails him with a Claymore Kick damn near decapitating him.


David West: What a move he may have the match won with that move, Terry.

Terry Sanders: I would think so.

Donny Deville lays there in pain barely moving as Space Oddity jumps up onto the top rope as the crowd chants "SUPERNOVA" he wastes no time delivering a Shooting Star Press. Space Oddity doesn't go for the pin instead clamps on the Rings of Saturn. Referee Emilie Rose is quick to get in position for the submission.

David West: What is he doing? Why didn't he just pin him?

Terry Sanders: I think he wanted to show he can do more than fly, he wants to make sure the roster sitting at ringside knows how dangerous he really is.

Space Oddity clamps on tighter forcing Donny Deville to scream out he quits, referee Emilie Rose signals for the bell as Space Oddity releases the hold. Alejandro Martin enters the ring to give the official word.

Alejandro Martin: Ladies and Gentleman your winner of the first Shooting Star Cup tournament and tonight's main event, your new number one contender "The Superhero Supernova" Space Oddity!!!

The fans go nuts as Space Oddities music starts playing but quickly stops as The Cosmo Kid walks down the rampway.

Terry Sanders: Here comes the bossman.

David West: I figured we would see him as he is carrying the Shooting Star Cup in his hands.

The Cosmo Kid steps into the ring holding both the Shooting Star Cup and a microphone.

The Cosmo Kid: Now, now that's what I call a match and a show, complete action, and satisfaction for the fans. Space Oddity, congratulations on being the first-ever Shooting Star Cup winner. Here is your cup...

The other wrestlers are all now standing in the ring as The Cosmo Kid motioned for them to join him inside the ring. Space Oddity stands next to The Cosmo Kid holding his prize.

The Cosmo Kid: Due to everything that has gone on tonight and the fact that Phantom Star Wrestling has been invited to compete at the XHF Networks End of Days Global pay per view. Space Oddity I want to make you an offer, you just won the number one contendership for PSW. Now you can keep that or you can give it up and represent Phantom Star Wrestling at the End of Days tournament your choice.

Space Oddity: As the Stars aligned here tonight, they will once again at End of Days as I win that tournament as well.

The Cosmo Kid: There you have it folks Space Oddity will represent PSW at End of Days. So with that being said, I declare "Devilish" Donny Deville the NEW number one contender. Everyone I hope you enjoyed the show and stay tuned for some major "Breaking News From Angela Dewitt, concerning the next show, Good Night.

The Cosmo Kid along with the wrestlers all begin to exit the ring and head to the back as the fans stand on their feet cheering...


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