in #efed5 years ago


[Back to the end of the first OCW War, the fans are cheering while ten people are standing in the ring.]

Billy (Off Screen): Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re still with us, General Manager Fox has ordered a match to happen. Oh my is it a big one!

Julius (Off Screen): Battle Royal rules too, 5-on-5! Has this ever been done before?

Billy (Off Screen): If it has, I’ve never heard about it. Right now, we have OCW Head Trainers Marvin Keith and Kristy in the ring and teaming with Black Mask, Ted Thomas and Mugen.

LSD (Off Screen): All to take on all five men of the Blood Angels! You’re only eliminated when you’ve gone over the top rope and both feet have hit the ground. This is pretty standard stuff, why are we talking about this like nobody’s ever heard of it?

Billy (Off Screen): Just trying to help. What if someone literally just starting tuning in?

LSD (Off Screen): I know what a Battle Royal is and I’m never tuned in.

[Julius laughs]

Julius (Off Screen): See? Even he knows. Safe to say our fan base has heard of the concept of a Battle Royal, so a tag team variant of it isn’t so farfetched.

Billy (Off Screen): I was trying to help.

Julius (Off Screen): There’s helping, plain and simple, and then there’s insulting the intelligence of the viewer. Let’s do this!

5-on-5 Elimination Battle Royal
Marvin/Kristy/Black Mask/Ted Thomas/Mugen
Zack Tobias/Damien Cross/Baal/Konway/John Walters

[The bell rings while both teams of five both stare down and keeps their positions on their team’s “side” of the ring.]

LSD (Off Screen): What are they doing?

Julius (Off Screen): I think they strategizing L. This kind of match is gonna turn into a handicap match fast.

[The fans start cheering as Ted and Mugen charge right in! Mugen starts pounding on John and Konway right away while Damien catches Ted with a big boot. Black Mask, Kristy and Marvin stand there watching as if confused. The three soon shrug and head over.]

Billy (Off Screen): So much for strategy.

[Marvin goes after Damien while Black Mask and Kristy head to Mugen to fight Baal, Konway and Zack. John attacks Marvin with a hard knee to the side followed with a series of open palm strikes to the side of Marvin’s body. Damien
backs into a corner, but keeps attacking Ted Thomas with stomps directed toward the head. Mugen is still battling Konway and Baal, but Zack is beating Mugen down freely while Kristy is trying to break the three away from Mugen.]

Julius (Off Screen): Strategy is out the front door. Gotta love rookies for mistakes like that, but these are all home grown talents. You won’t find these guys anywhere else, at least not for a while.

[Black Mask backs away from the two concentrations of fights and looks at everyone. Fans can be heard cheering while Black Mask is getting hyped up.]

LSD (Off Screen): Black Mask has something in mind.

[Black Mask charges after Marvin and John, both of them duck and Black Mask jumps over both of them and CHARGES INTO DAMIEN CROSS!! The fans are now cheering louder as Black Mask attack Damien with forearm strikes and hard knees that hit Damien right in the stomach. Baal sees and try to help Damien, but Kristy, Marvin and (coincidentally) John are in his way. General Manager Fox can be seen on camera, in her balcony office, applauding]

Billy (Off Screen): Our GM loved that.

Julius (Off Screen): I bet.

[John trying battling both Marvin and Kristy and striking both one after the other. Marvin counters with THE MANGLER (T-Bone Suplex), but John grabs onto the ropes. Marv sees the counter and pushes John OVER THE TOP ROPE!! The fans are holding their breath as John hangs outside, his foot stuck between the ropes. Marvin undoes the ropes and John falls onto his back, BUT makes it clear one foot has yet to touch the ground!]

Billy (Off Screen): Lucky save there!!

Julius (Off Screen): Damn, can he capitalize and stay in this match?

[John is holding his leg in the air to keep in the match and begins slowly scooting his way backwards toward the steel stairs. Damian battles back with elbows to the head of Black Mask while Baal attacks Marvin with a shoulder charge that sends Marvin backing into Damien and Black Mask. Ted sees John getting onto the ring apron, charges and CONNECTS WITH A DROP KICK! JOHN FALLS OVER AND IS ELIMINATED!! Fans cheer while Ted celebrates by hitting the ring mat hard with his fist.]

Julius (Off Screen): There you go Ted!! John Walters is out!

Billy (Off Screen): 4-on-5 now.

Julius (Off Screen): This is now a handicap match!

[Damien executes a snap suplex on Black Mask and Baal comes in to connect with a follow up splash onto Black Mask. Marvin goes to Baal, but Damien attacks with a punch to the stomach while Baal gets up and connects with a head butt to Marvin’s head. Mugen charges with a shoulder charge to Baal, sending Baal to the ropes. Ted charges in and connects with a shining wizard knee attack to Baal. Kristy charges in and connects with a front dropkick to the chest of Baal. Zack Tobias is applauding his opponents and seems to be noting that Baal is still standing.]

LSD (Off Screen): I don’t think Zack’s bothered by the handicap.

[Zack and Konway are seen laughing. Ted attacks Zack, but Zack shoves him away for Konway to come in and SUPERKICK TO TED THOMAS!!! Ted falls onto his back and Zack connects with a hard uppercut to the chest of Black Mask; Black Mask bounces upward a little and falls to his knees. Kristy charges and runs up Black Mask’s back for a hurricanrana on Zack!! Zack catches her, holds, and then starts spinning her around while holding her in position.]

Julius (Off Screen): We’ve seen him do this in the past.

[Zack spins faster and...TOSSES KRISTY INTO BLACK MASK!! Mugen attacks Zack with overhead strikes to the head, all of which connect. Zack begins to back away as Mugen’s strikes get faster. Konway with a back rake, but that makes Mugen turn to him, looking angry. Konway and Mugen stare down onto for Konway to throw his hands high in the air.]

Konway: PRAISE HIM!!

[Mugen responds with a high front kick to the face of Konway. Konway looks dazed as Konway turns around and IN RING IMPACT (Over Castle) FROM TED THOMAS TO KONWAY!! Mugen grabs Konway by the hair and gets Konway standing up. Mugen the tosses Konway over the top rope and onto the floor.]

Julius (Off Screen): and the OCW Xtreme Champion, Konway, is eliminated.

[Marvin and Kristy are working on Damien and Baal while Black Mask is recovering. Zack applauds his opponents again.]

Billy (Off Screen): Zack’s having fun. Does he know he’s losing?

LSD (Off Screen): No, because wrestling isn’t fake. This stuff is all real.

Julius (Off Screen): I don’t think he meant it like that.

[Ted grabs Zack Tobias, but Zack counters right away by lifting Ted up for a fall away slam. Mugen charges in and Zack charges in as well, using Ted as a human shield. Both Mugen and Zack collide, but neither is moved much. Both Mugen and Zack charge each other again, but the same stalemate is reached. Black Mask attacks Zack from behind with a double axe handle from the middle rope. Zack Tobias is stunned momentarily, but soon comes back by using Ted Thomas as a battering ram, using Ted’s head to attack Black Mask and knock the masked man down. Mugen charges in and grabs onto Ted. Mugen and Zack pull for ownership of Ted’s body, but Zack ends up charging Mugen back against the ropes. Zack manages to toss both Mugen and Ted over the top rope and onto the floor.]

Billy (Off Screen): There goes Ted Thomas and Mugen.

Julius (Off Screen): At least Mugen got Ted out of Zack’s possession.

[Zack slides under the ropes to leave the ring, runs over and BIG BOOT TO MUGEN!!]

Billy (Off Screen): OH MY GOD!

LSD (Off Screen): That’s pretty brutal there.

[Zack grabs Ted by the hair. Zack then slams Ted’s head against the steel steps and appears to be celebrating.]

Zack: Zack O’clock!! My time!!

[Kristy with a springboard moonsault to the standing Damien Cross and KRISTY LANDS INTO AN INVERTED DDT ON DAMIEN!!! Marvin runs over and executes a leg lariat on Baal and TOP ROPE SENTON BY BLACK MASK TO BAAL!!!]

Julius (Off Screen): Zack better get back in the ring, three on two in the ring right now.

[Baal slowly begins to get up, Zack is watching from the outside while Ted and Mugen start heading to the back; like Konway and John did earlier. Black Mask is starting to get psyched up while Damien is slowly getting up.]

Billy (Off Screen): Black Mask looks like he has a goal and a target. Can he hit the leaping reverse STO he calls “Face of the Faceless”?

LSD (Off Screen): That name is way too long.

[Zack runs back into the ring and IRON CLAW SUBMISSION TO BEHIND THE HEAD OF BLACK MASK!! Kristy and Marvin run over and start double teaming Zack and he lets go.]

Billy (Off Screen): That claw hold is devastating.

Julius (Off Screen): Yeah, look at Black Mask.

[Camera shows Black Mask looking hurt and weakened. Zack gives punches to Marvin and Kristy, one after another. Kristy comes back with a European uppercut that sends Zack backing against the ropes. Marvin with a kick to the midsection of Zack. It connects, but Zack comes back with a right hand to the jaw of Marvin. Damien runs in and connects with a clothesline to the back of Marvin. Marvin falls to his knees. Kristy uses Marvin’s shoulder and goes for a tornado DDT, but Zack counters by tossing Kristy over the top rope and feet first onto the floor.]

LSD (Off Screen): Ahh! Tough br-

Billy (Off Screen): Look!!

[Marvin comes from behind and lifts Zack Tobias over the top rope and Zack falls onto the floor. The fans cheer over this and Zack looks dumbfounded over this.]

LSD (Off Screen): Wow! Kristy and Zack Tobias are both out now. That was cool, I didn’t see that coming.

[Kristy mocks Zack by applauding. Zack shakes his head and walks away. Damien is pounding on the winded Marvin Keith while Baal is hand-choking Black Mask in the corner. Baal eventually lets go and walks to Damien. Damien with an Irish whip toward Baal and WRATH (SWINGING SIDE SLAM)!!!!]

Julius (Off Screen): Oh that was not a pretty sight to see.

Billy (Off Screen): Or feel

Julius (Off Screen): Shut it nerd.

[LSD laughs]

LSD (Off Screen): He told you.

[Damien with a few elbow drops, one after the other, until Damien stands up and looks around. Seeing Black Mask and Marvin beaten down, Damien laughs.

Damien: This is why we fight! We fight to make our point! Praise him!

[Baal gets Marvin onto his feet, Marvin looks weak. Baal points to outside the ring to sign that he plans to throw Marvin over the top rope. MARVIN WITH THE MANGLER (T-BONE SUPLEX) OUT OF NOWHERE!!! Damien is in awe as Marvin gets back to his feet and leans up against the ropes. Suddenly, KONWAY RUNS BACK INTO THE RING.]

Billy (Off Screen): What?


LSD (Off Screen): Can he do that?

Billy (Off Screen): I don’t think they can be disqualified for it, fined maybe.

[Konway quickly exits the ring and chants “Praise him” while running back to the backstage area.]

Julius (Off Screen): This has been a real back-and-forward type of match. I can’t believe Marvin has been eliminated and in such a way.

Billy (Off Screen): No honor there, but

[Camera focuses on the three remaining fighters: Damien Cross, Baal and Black Mask. Damien is leaning against the ropes, Baal is slowly getting up and Black Mask is now up but leaning against a turnbuckle.]

Julius (Off Screen): Yeah, I feel you there, Black Mask is about to get a serious challenge. Damien Cross and Baal are the OCW Tag Champions.

[Damien and Baal head to Black Mask. Ted Thomas runs right into the ring and gets Damien Cross from behind to take Damien over the top rope and onto the floor.]

Billy (Off Screen): Really?

[Fans cheer over that as Ted quickly gets up and runs around the ring, mimicking Konway earlier, saying “Praise him” in the silliest manner possible.]

LSD (Off Screen): Haha, I like him.

Julius (Off Screen): Teddy did what he had to do.

Billy (Off Screen): Really? The good guys aren’t supposed to cheat.

LSD (Off Screen): Konway did the same thing earlier.

Billy (Off Screen): That’s not how it’s supposed to be. Good guys don’t cheat.

LSD (Off Screen) : I don’t think anyone here is a “standard-edition good guy,” seems more like they’re all being themselves and hoping the people accept them for that.

[Black Mask is trying to get Baal over the top rope, but Baal seems to be too heavy. Fans begin cheering for Black Mask to eliminate Baal, but Baal is holding onto the ropes. Black Mask is signaling the fans to cheer louder and the fans slowly begin to cheer louder for him.]

Billy (Off Screen): They want to see if Black Mask can rise over the heavy weight of Baal.

LSD (Off Screen): We need to cheer louder people! Come on! I want to see this!

[The fans in attendance are getting louder as Black Mask is able to lift Baal more, but Black Mask ends up falling onto one knee. Black Mask lifts Baal again, the fans get louder, but Black Mask falls to one knee again.]

Fans (Off Screen): Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

[Black Mask lifts Baal again; fans start getting louder and BAAL GOES OVER THE TOP ROPE AND ONTO THE FLOOR!!! The bell rings as fans start cheering and chanting “That just happened” while Black Mask uses the ropes to keep himself from falling over.]

Lance (Off Screen): The winner of this match, the sole survivor, BLACK MASK!!

Billy (Off Screen): I cannot believe Black Mask pulled off such a huge upset.

Julius (Off Screen): Also keep in mind: everyone here is somehow involved in the Lethal Lotto Match.

Billy (Off Screen): Black Mask and Marvin have already qualified to enter the ten-person contendership match; we will see two more qualify next week. How much time do we have?

LSD (Off Screen): Enough time to say goodbye?

Julius (Off Screen): Alright! This is Big Julius, with Billy Winn and Larry Saint Dubois, signing off. We are glad to be back America!!

[Fade to black]

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