Breaking the slavery of drugs
I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom. Edgar Allan Poe
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Dear steemeans
By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.
Supported each year by individuals, communities and various organizations all over the world, this global observance aims to raise awareness of the major problem that illicit drugs represent to society.
Listen First
Building on the success of last year, the theme for 2018 is: "Listen First - Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe." It is an initiative to increase support for prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities.
The economy of the modern world with its rapid means of communication, both terrestrial, maritime and air, has allowed an accelerated economic growth in many countries allowing the increase of trade between nations.
In parallel with this development, there are distortions, one of them being the illicit trade in narcotic substances that has not been approved by most countries. This illicit trade leads to an illegal economy and leads people who consume these psychotropic substances to situations of high risk to their health and emotional and physical well-being of their families, leading in some cases to situations of poverty, delinquency and social exclusion .
In the Sacred Scriptures these situations are not explicitly detailed, however some verses detail the loss of relationship of man when he takes paths away from his relationship with God. One of these verses is found in 1 Corinthians 6 19:20.
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.Corinthians 6: 19-20
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Let us extend our prayers to our Father so that people affected by drug addiction can be freed from their slavery and can know the ways of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for their families to receive comfort. Let us also raise our prayers for those in need of affection and receive the necessary support from the institutions and the church. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
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taza de café
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