Educator Showdown – Round #2 | A Music Tutorial Contest from the Steemit Music Alliance ( A Dsound Community Initiative)

in #educatorshowdown7 years ago (edited)

Educator Showdown – Round #2

Hello and welcome to Round 2 of the Educator Showdown!

What is Battle of the Educators?

Battle of the Educators is a bi-weekly competition for people who make educational content revolving around music. > > Any form of content is accepted, so long as it is music themed in nature and teaches people something about the > creation of music, whether that be music production, music theory or playing instruments.

This contest is meant to bring more quality educational content to the platform, because when it comes to music, I believe that one can ever learn everything, but I'll be damned if we don't try.

Challenge is sponsored by Steemit Music Alliance. Join Steemit's most prominent music community on discord here.

We had an awesome first round toting 5 entries!

I'd like to thank all the people that participated and also say that the winners will be announced tomorrow!

Here are the entries from the last round:

Let's give them some love, keep aiming higher with the quality of our content, and get everyone making smooth tunes.

So when does round 2 start?


Rules, prizes and judgment criteria are all listed below... Happy Writing!

  • Content must be educational and music related
  • No more than 1 entry per user per contest
  • I will post this every second Monday and accept submissions till midnight on Sunday in GMT
  • Make a post using the tag #educatorshowdown to enter
  • Winners will be announced once I go through all the entries, expect 1-3 days depending on how many entries I get
  • This competition has no topic, as I feel this would restrict the amount of entries too much
  • Resteem this post for visibility, it's about all of us learning together; the prizes are just incentive.

Posts will be judged based on a few factors:

  • How easy is it to understand what you are trying to teach? If no one understands the information you are trying to convey, it doesn't matter how good well you know what you are talking about. In this contest clarity and simplicity is key.
  • How much does your post teach? An educational post should have a clear level of knowledge expected going in and a level of knowledge expected going out. This category is about the difference between the 2 and not how complicated the post itself is.
  • How complex is the topic? This isn't so much a judgment category as it is a sort of score boost. It isn't harder to write content for more advanced musicians than beginners, but it does require a certain base knowledge, meaning that more in-depth quality content tends to be harder to come by.
  • How well do you stay on topic? If you're writing a post about triads you shouldn't be getting into drum rhythms. This makes posts more confusing than they need to be. This connects to the first point – ease of understanding, but I though specifying this might help.
  • Enjoy-ability. It's important that the content is in itself engaging and entertaining. Make it funny, give it a style, try to be as creative in your tutorial content as in your music. Learning should be fun first and foremost.

  • 1st Place: 5 STEEM & 20 Voiceshares for 25 Points in the Steemit Music League
  • 2nd Place: 3 STEEM and 12 Voiceshares for 15 Points in the Steemit Music League
  • 3rd Place: 2 STEEM and 8 Voiceshares for 10 Points in the Steemit Music League

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started :)

Dsound Community Initiative

Thank you @dsound for supporting the steemit music scene! I'm amazed by the support this community is getting and love the fact that Dsound supports these things.
If you don't know what dsound is yet, it's steemit's own audio streeming platform. You can upload your sounds, share them and get paid in steem, just like on steemit! If you have music, podcasts, sound snippets or anything else sound related you want to put onto the blockchain, this is the place to do it :)

Voiceshares, Whaleshares and Smoke all require a BitShares wallet to recieve

If you have a bitshares wallet, comment it on this post or the winner announcement post.
If you don't then get yourself one here

Are you a music creator or just love music?
Steem Music Alliance. Singers, producers, everything.


going to participate in round 2 as well! thanks for organizing this :)

Banner Steem-Music (500x200).jpg

No problem man. We need more quality content around this site :)

hi! finally managed to set up an account on openledger

here's my account #: calebleejl-1012

Nice, thank you so much, i'll try to make something on the next 3 days

I'm excited to see it! :)

Hi, I've created a video for round 2 of the educator showdown! check it out if you have time! thanks

So I enter just by using the tag?

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