Human Manipulation through Body Language. ~TnkTheories

in #education7 years ago

     Have you ever seen the series called "Lie to me"? Amazing series, but not what we are going to use today. That show talks about micro reactions of the body. Something that not any person can understand and observe. We are going to take a simpler route. Trying to understand people is a very hard task indeed. We will see ways to understand only a bit and then use our own to manipulate them. Humans believe they have free will. No they don't. A person's will can easily be manipulated and guided towards a profitable goal. 

     First of all you need to remember the most important factor of all.

Humans are Animals.

At first I wouldn't understand how to treat humans. They looked like a very weird species to me. But I always had a way with animals. I could talk to animals and they would understand. Then I started underestimating humans and viewing them as nothing more than animals. Everything became simpler. When looking at a human instead of looking for micro reactions look for movement volume. If a dog is excited its whole body is moving. If it is scared it shrinks it stature. Yes I know, basic right? When you are with another person however, you need to take notice of these feelings and guide them. It's like a fork in a river. You can ride it in one of the directions it is pointing but you cannot go against it. For example if a girl doesn't like you, you can't change that. If however she likes you even a bit, you can enhance that feeling a thousand fold. 

One yes can become two.

     A neat treat is setting a positive server. You can have a conversation and gradually ask questions that you know the answer is probably a 'yes'. Asking questions that make the other person indicate agreement, helps set a more positive attitude. But make sure not to over do it. Create a rhythm. Talk and while talking, throw a question on the subject and get a positive response. This makes people feel a lot more comfortable when they see that they agree. This sets the mood to more positive responses on even harder subjects. Hint: If you ask a question which the answer where to be a 'yes', then before the other person answers ask another question and the answer has a good probability of remaining a 'yes'.

Physical stimuli helps with interest.

     This is only for if you can already see some interest. Going around touching people can get you in jail. There someone else may touch you. However if you already see an interest, a small touch on the arm can spark a small flame. Or simply by handing the other person something and touching their hand as they get it, while looking them in the eye, and while you keep talking as to show that this is nothing. This can create a sense of security of the other person as they can see that your touch is simply your way of communicating and you are not just some pervert. If you however over do it, any interest will be gone. Also if touching the other person takes all of your attention, it can show that you are either inexperienced or desperate. And yes inexperience is usually a turn off. There are some people that find it cute but most prefer someone that knows what they are doing.

Excite them with your excitement.

     If a person is talking to you about something they find interesting, you can show interest by asking questions or looking at them with excitement in your eyes. This will make them feel more comfortable when talking about what they like. And when they talk about what they like, it probably will make them feel happy. This will be processed as feeling happy when talking to you, leading in them wanting to talk to you more and more.

     Being excited about their interest isn't the only way to make people feel interested in you. Talk with excitement about things that you find interesting. Since it will be things that you have knowledge of, this excitement should give out a vibe of confidence, something really important. Also it will show that you are not a boring person and that you can be exciting. Even when talking about something mundane, if expressed with excitement it can seem interesting. That is why you should always talk with a smile and show passion through movement.

     Make sure not to over do it, for as always too much is always bad. You might come off as aggressive or immature. Of course no one will take you seriously then. This is something to use in your everyday life and not just for dating. If you go for an interview and show excitement, the employer might get motivated to pick you over someone that seems more dull or tends to be bored at work. You can talk about parts of the job you understand, thus to show confidence and that you are indeed interested.

A king doesn't need to say he is king.

     As we claimed, humans are animals. The evolutionary trait to follow alpha males exists even in humans. If you are able to take charge and make decisions, you can make people look up to you. This however needs to be done properly. If you are using force or have to shout to get your point across you are not acting as an Alpha. Take initiative and step forward. Show through confidence that you know what you are doing and others will follow you. Your movements should be firm and not clumsy. Your step should be strong and your back should be straight. If you appear to be healthy and strong people will open up your path. This can be used to manipulate people to go with what you decide. You can demand something, and if your voice shows that it will be done, it will be done. If you command it, someone might challenge it. If you state it as a fact, it will happen. Simple.

     Make sure however not to challenge someone else's leadership, while they are "stronger" than you. For example being an alpha in a group project can get you compliments from your boss. Being an alpha in a company meeting in front of your boss however will get you fired. Challenging someone's leadership shows aggression and is not well looked upon. However if the place is right, it will not only be looked upon but later on people will look to you to guide them, and also the opposite sex will show interest, as happens in prides.

     Always look at the other persons movements. See if they are open, closed, excited, scared or angry. Follow the feeling and guide it. Make the other person agree with you to help them feel more in touch with you. Do actually touch them a bit while showing no emotion to show that they can be comfortable with you since you let them know that you do not feel threatened. Show excitement about their interests and about yours to show confidence and interest. Walk with your head high, your body firm, and talk with certainty to show that you are a boss. Do not try to be a boss on matters you are not certain of so that you don't look as a fool. Follow these simple steps and you will see a lot more people listening to you and showing interest in you.

     I hope this article helps you in your life, not only in your love life but in every aspect that requires communication. As always, I am Tsinik, and I hope this was interesting. I am sorry for not providing content as frequently as I used to but I am over my head with work. Thank you and see you all next time.


Something tends to happen among people who start martial arts: they learn one kick and all of a sudden think that they're Bruce Lee. I've observed a similar effect without exception anytime anyone references "Lie to Me".

Lie to Me does indeed teach practical lessons. They do exaggerate them tho because it is a TV series. In this article however, I show what to do with your own body language to guide others.

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