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RE: UNSCHOOLING: Happiness Leads to Success!
As homeschooling in general seems to be really on the up and up around here now (I no longer get the stupid questions that I pretty much answer automatically as soon as I hear anything that sounds even remotely like them XD), I usually get "oh I could never do that" and sometimes it's due to work commitments and a lot of the time it's because they think it will be like school holidays and they would go mad.
I think unschooling is for everyone too, but amusingly when talking about it I find I have to work in pretty narrow definitions and so when I'm talking about it to other people I always warn them it can be hard work and it's not necessarily for everyone but it is also rewarding and a lot of fun.
Hope you enjoy your workshops :D

Thanks very much! I'm looking forward to them and showing Dayna (and we have possibly a couple other surprise guests) around China!
I'm happy that things are normalizing for you, as I said above, the tide is turning and it's kind of like we're the normal ones and the people who send the kids are school are the "weird" ones, as in "Why would you do that? Why send them to school? School sucks!"
Cool profile picture be the way
You can't delete me Michael. Just because you blocked me on WeChat doesn't mean that I didn't unschool you in the first place. I hope you don't betray Dayna like you've betrayed me. I used to be so proud of you and how much you had grown under my wing. I understand that you wanna branch out on your own but you don't have to burn others down on your way. I feel like a created a monster. You're no better than Sean. In fact, you're worse. Karma is coming for you Michael.