TEDx Speech Transcript. Learning in Context LIC

in #education8 years ago

Ni hao! Hello!

I'm going to start today with a story...as you can see by the photo behind me...
that is of me and my twin brother….

I'm quite certain that you have someone that you love and take care of in some way, that you protect and provide for...I would like to bring you back to a time many years ago…

It was a warm summer afternoon

We were told to stay home by our parents while our older brothers and sisters went for a walk.

My twin brother and I decided to follow our brothers and sisters. We were not supposed to follow but we did so. As we approached the intersection, our siblings were some 100 meters in front.

Have you even been so scared, frighten, and seen your life flash in front of your eyes...felt so cold with disbelief...because that is what happened to my brother...

My twin stepped first of the curbing, and he was hit by the speeding car while I was just behind him. Can you imagine being hit by a car? ….PAUSE

Have you even had someone you loved ever be in such a situation?

Ronald flew through the air and landed some 30 meters away from me.

Can you imagine yourself in that position? PAUSE….

From that moment on, everything changed in my life...this was a learning event of the greatest magnitude, greater for my brother, obviously, than me. My brother learned his death, while I had only learned from an external view point seeing the accident happen. I see that tragic moment as an opportunity to be here today...to share what learning is....

A New Beginning

The accident was a new beginning in my life...and I know I have a different perspective of the world. I know what learning is...I have had to learn the hard way.

A Different Perspective: NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

The new perspective I have found has been through the application of Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is NLP. NLP is a way to find ourselves and understand how we function in this world. It is a well known method in the acting world, politics, and professional business world. There are methods that can be adapted to all sorts of circumstances such as to modify, change and manipulate the audience to improve the outcomes of the intended agenda. I have applied these techniques in my life to understand what learning is...and I have come to solid conclusions about many things.

NLP is a way to See, Feel, Hear, Smell and Taste the context to fully learn the experience. There really is little point to learn something unless we are fully attempting to use all our abilities and senses to master the topic that we are engaging in.

Many a great speaker such as Tony Robbins are world famous NLP practitioners....

What is learning…?

How does one learn?

Do we really know what we need to know from birth?

Can we access truth faster than we are told?

I would like you to ponder those questions for a few moments...really think….

Old school means using various methods such as meditation, debate, questioning skills and ultimately independent thought….

Lets compare that to modern education…

Our modern systems are more theoretical based, lack independent thought, and restrict the ability to question the system or source…

I wonder...what is the better way to learn?

Dr Napoleon Hill...Anyone familiar with him?

How long does it take to learn something?

We can learn in 1/2 the time, or faster?

Dr Napoleon Hill stated some 100 years ago if properly introduced, we could learn in less than half the time than what we spend in the present system of education. Dr Hill is world famous for writing the “Laws of Success” and other self development books.

Why would this Dr suggest such a thing of learning faster? Did he find that what is taught may not be of true value in the real world? Yes, he did! Many topics are memorization of data that has little to do with reality! So, then, what is the point? THERE IS NO POINT! Other than a matter of money making.

What, specifically, do we need to learn?

I'll ask you, what specifically, do we need to learn...? Can we learn in half the time or even faster?

I say, yes we can!

What is the context?

And finally, what is the context in which we learn? Learning In Context is the key. We have to think of the context...we have think of where we are in the world. Who am I? What is the location of learning?

There are attempts to learn in context such as vocational and Montessori type schools. There could be greater effort to apply LIC methods at kindergarten and there after, providing the foundation for future learning.

And text from the Confucius Temple in Nanjing: The Invisible Transforming Influence of Education….

Theoretical Vs. Practical

We need to understand that the education system is mainly based on theory. Theory VS practical. The overall majority of subjects are based on theory, taught by theorists speaking in theory, and the student “learns the theory”. Practical methods are rarely taught in the majority of education. The question is, which is faster method to lean by...which one is better? Or perhaps its a combination of both.

Compartmentalization Vs. Holistic

Lets look at it this way. Compare Compartmentalization VS holistic thinking. Compartmentalization is the modern education system. We have boxes, we are taught in boxes, and we learn to think in a box. Each box is separate, having little to do with the true context since we are being taught in a box...VS the Holistic method, where we are learning in context, learning from the inside out...a sphere, if you will. THE center of a sphere is the center of all.... By utilizing the Holistic method, one learns the context. As you can see the spheres circling around the center sphere here on the presentation material. It's like you are the center of the universe...and you are!

How much do you really remember from those classrooms that you spent 20 or more years in? And what is the true value of that information? CAN YOU think out of the BOX NOW?

Time spent+cost=fastest return ROI

How much time and money should we spend when educating ourselves? And what will be the fastest return ROI? Imagine learning all you need to in 5 years VS 15 years, in context, how much faster would the world change? Imagine...

Confucius himself...I hear and I forget...I see and I remember...I do and I learn...sounds like learning in context, does it not?

Middle man (Medium) Vs. Meditation (The true center of knowledge)

Lets think of it this way, the middle man VS Meditation. The middle man is modern education and its between you and the truth. Meditation is actually the true center of knowledge>> I believe, we know all...we know everything we need to know, and that can only be accessed though meditation. Meditation is the center of your universe, of my universe, and when we access the center we are accessing all we need to know. And when you do come from of your meditating state... you are then able to manage the reality in which that exists here.

Real Learning In Context LIC

That method is basically, as I described before, real learning in context LIC. One must apply themselves in the context...its comparable to, for example, cooking. Its virtually impossible to learn to cook from a cook book when there are no food or instruments to cook with. Obviously with the proper coaching, ingredients and tools one will be able to cook more effectively. You can apply that method of learning to virtually all subjects areas of education such as mathematics, languages etc. The point being, how much time and effort should we spend? Learning in context is the doing...It is a way to save time and to improve the system that we educate ourselves in. One must SEE, FEEL, HEAR, SMELL and TASTE the learning! Experience the moment! Finally, SHOW ME THE BOOK that TEACHES you how to cook, drive, etc...BRING IT UP HERE, I WILL PAY YOU!

Old world thinking + LIC = massive increase of productivity in thought and process.

Learning in context is a great advantage, in my view, in productivity and thought processes. Old world thinking is that of meditation. By meditating, we are in such a state that we are at peace and calmness, and we are connected to source. We then progress into the context that we are to learn in...this will improve our learning...it will increase the speed in which we learn and we will learn much faster than the present system that is in public education.
Lets think of it this way...simplicity is simple.

Build from simplicity, keep it simple….KISS

We can LIC all challenges and build a great future

What I would like you to think about is can we learn faster? Could we build a great future together?

In summary, there is a better way to learn... LIC. Lets LIC!

Now is the time to start.

I believe we can build a great future together...Now is the time we can start to do that. Now is the time to harness our true potential and create a new system of total learning!

Tomorrow is NOW.

Right here, you have the power to create a new world, right now.

I thank youPerceptualPositionsml.jpg

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