Stop the Safe Space Zero Invasion

in #education6 years ago (edited)

anonFun.jpegSafe Space Zero Invasion
by Deckard Stone

Where do you think all these snowflakes, these ‘safe space’ zeroes, have come from?
They didn’t just pop up from the ground. They didn’t materialize from nowhere. They were taught to be this way. It’s the result of purposefully retarding the standard American intellect to get it ready for third-world banana republic standards. A whole generation has been taught by ignorant professors, teachers, and other educated stupid people who think they know what’s best for you and everyone else because they don’t know any better. They’ve taken their progressive socialism into the classroom at every grade level. They disgrace the profession. Worse, yet, they destroy the public confidence in the profession. They are no different from corrupt politicians, dishonest lawyers, or crooked cops because no matter how you slice it they stain the profession. That’s why you see so many of our people homeschooling their children. It’s the only thing you can do to keep your children away from these drooling Marxist indoctrinators who confuse our children about politics, religion, gender, free speech, and other basic tenets of what use to be a normal society.
Now the miseducated have come of age and are beginning to enter the political arena where they spread their anti-American, anti-Western poison to destroy the integrity of our 5 basic rights enshrined in the First Amendment: speech, religion, the press, assembly, and petition to redress grievances. These are the foundations, the core principles of American liberty. Woe to those who are unable to understand or even grasp the importance of these rights to our free existence. These freedoms are the oxygen that feeds the flame of liberty which the new generation of progressive androids is trying so ardently to smother. They want a Constitution that addresses their feelings and not facts. The founders created it the way it is because they had the confidence that all people have the ability to settle their differences through debate, reason, and Cartesian common sense.
We live in a burgeoning technological society that’s controlled by a monopoly of gatekeepers who wish to change our society through the censorship of our First Amendment rights. Many ideologically aligned companies control the public platform of opinion and are trying very hard to control it even more. Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others carry out 24-hour campaigns to decide who can say what, how they can say it, and with what intent. Like the educated stupid people who have molded our children into fearing the future and loathing themselves, they seek a controlled, bewildered herd; a hive-mind; a pool of people from which big tech companies have been hiring. They’re all around us now and we have to strategically decide how to destroy this hydra while taking back our liberties and breaking the spell of those who have drunk from the poisoned stream.
It’s time to consider stopping the Safe Space Zero Invasion.

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