in #education6 years ago (edited)


  1. create baby full check schedule eat your baby to wife, babysitter or support your system. Because you have to make sure that your baby in the condition of satisfied. Baby in a state of fullness will make a baby comfortable and easy to sound asleep. If not, give your baby's side dish breast milk (mpasi) or breast milk dairy (asip). Also make sure dose you provide appropriate so that he did not glut. Conditions of baby too full also will make your baby uncomfortable to sleep. Don't forget to provide a pause to an hour to invite your child's sleep after eating. 2. avoid activity that makes the baby actively playing is close to the world's children. I was so nice to play with your baby, you also use how to play to make a baby comfortable with you. Activities conducted by the baby before bed should far from the activities overactive. That is, movements that can be 'wake' body, so make your baby awake and difficult invited to sleep. Like playing hobby, dancing, joking to make a baby guffaw, race crawl, and includes activity that make eye your baby alert is watching television. Better you choose activity read the story books or singing with the rhythm of slow. Just make sure that the activity you make be able to create the atmosphere is a quiet. 3. create sleep environment conducive you need to ensure the selection of nightwear, is already made of materials absorb sweat and comfortable for baby (cotton) and suitable charged to room temperature at that time. Avoid dressed-plated when room temperature high as a result of your baby will fussy because overheating. If your home using air conditioning, keep room temperature her so as not too hot also not too cold. Switch pencahaan of lights room to light sleeper, in order to light dim and make a baby comfortable sleeping. Also important if you notice peace in the room. Make sure no ganguan voices noisy that makes the baby awake and was reluctant to sleep. 4. set sleep time set sleep time is right on your baby. Try also bedtime your baby's the same in every day. The aim to the body your baby is patterned so you will be easier to take her bed in the sling you. If you ask him to sleep outside the hours of sleep, it could be this is the cause of your baby refused to sleep. It is also supported by the statement of Dr. Richard Ferber, founder of Center for pediatric sleep disorders in children's hospital Boston, that is when the child fuss and difficult to sleep at night, the problem is not on the child, but it could be on the parents inconsistent on the hours of sleep. After tired 'fight' with you, come your wife and carry him, as a result he immediately fell asleep. Fatigue experienced your child to make it easier to sleep. 5. interlace communication with baby although baby you have not been able to speak, but he understand what you say to him. Chat with baby before him sleep should you do. Tell a reason the existence of your next to him, your wish to make it to sleep, and keep it. Talk to the tone of voice soft, but do not need to make the voices of soft as mother. Because your baby's still membuatuhkan sound father to create the comfort of different from the mother's voice. Build bonding like this will allow you to convey something on your baby. As a result later you managed to menidurkannya. 6. a gift Pat and song when your baby cries, give it a Pat soft in the back or her hips. You don't need to panic or even shake-goncangkan baby's body with hard. Most of the father do this, in fact it made a child more depressed and uncomfortable so it more cry. Try carrying and go to places with the enlightenment more dim. Then rub her forehead to the direction of the eye to help reduce the tension in infants, because the eyes of the baby also need a break from stimulation of light. You can also make sound "sssh .. sssh .." or White noise when calm the baby. The voice resemble the sound is always in the listen baby while in the uterus and can make a quiet. 7. ask the mother of patient "bun, please do not take over the past, Yes. Let's father business first. "You should say honestly if kiss signs wife about to take over, with a reason pity on your not also managed to encourage children sleep. Ask the wife work together to let your resolve this problem own. If a variety of tip above is less successful, trying to do something spontaneous a La you. Who knows it actually managed to melt your baby. Nathan dailo, father of Sydney, Australia, managed to make her baby, age 3 months, sound asleep within 42 seconds with a sheet of paper. In the video uploaded to the site YouTube, looks Nathan stroking face Seth, his son with paper. On caress the 14th, Seth has been closed his eyes and asleep. If you find the trick is interesting to make a baby to sleep, soon share with father mother, Yes!

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