My Computer Science Educational Progress June 2023

Image from shutterstock if you couldn't tell by the watermarks :3 link

A Little Insight Into What I Have Been Up To

Currently, I am in college and have been in college for about 1.5 years. My program will earn me an associate's degree in a computer science-related major this fall. But this is just the beginning, as I plan on moving on to a 4-year university and earning a Bachelor's degree in computer science.

I've already been admitted to the University, and will be going there this fall!

I've currently not got a great resume as I do not have any open-source side projects I have been working on, but I will need to get to work on that as I would love to have an internship while in the next 2-3 years getting my bachelor's.

Speaking of resume material, I have recently just earned two certificates from my college I am currently attending.

The following picture is one of the two certificates I have earned while studying at my college. They are in Python and SQL (two separate coding languages).


What these certificates will do, hopefully, is show possible employers that I can do work in Python and/or SQL. Don't mind the redacted items, it is only my name and college name.

It would be lovely to have an internship next summer! That is what I will be striving towards.

My predictions for the next post!

I predict that by the next blog post I make about my college education journey is that I will, at the very least, have two more certificates from my college and an associate's degree.

What I am hoping for!

I am hoping that I will be able to get a paid internship locked in for next summer. Maybe some scholarships too as well as college can be quite pricy.


I've never really written a blog before, but this will hopefully be nice to look back on my thoughts about everything. The next update related to this, should be at the end of Fall, or the start of spring. If I get really lucky, however, I may have really nice news early!

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