Fitness Models, a Prussian Dominatrix and How to Know if Your Brain has Bugs.

in #education8 years ago

The promotion of Steemit to bigger and bigger audiences means an influx of more and more minds working together to prove that a true free marketplace of ideas is the most dangerous. I came in on the coat tails of James Corbett of the @corbettreport and was pleasantly surprised to find the @dollarvigilante and @lukewearechange.

As I take it the plan here is to drive and retain new users as fast as possible then transition away from the benevolent dictatorship of the Steemit whales towards an egalitarian meritocracy where people are rewarded proportional to contribution as determined by the community. @andrarchy made a great video on this, you should check it out if you haven't already.

So there seems to be this really interesting trend of meta content that is talking a lot about the Steemit posts, the platform, ideas for it and so on. Its pretty interesting to be a part of such a large self reflective experiment (as @clains puts it) and watch as a culture of creation and solution develops, born of a culture of usury and censorship.

The initial goal, an acceleration of new users that stick around means rewards for content that promotes the introduction of new users and rewards for content that makes them stick around. Great, I can dig it.


It should have been An early morning grind today...

A photo posted by M i a S a n d - Denmark (@missmiafit) on Jul 12, 2016 at 11:06am PDT

But before I explain how I think we can leverage these platforms, a little context for where we came from.

Model Students

As you can read in my last post 'Out-Thinking the Elite. A Primer on why Steemit was Inevitable', the competitive class is surfacing despite the hidden history of producing a dependant uncompetitive class. This is something I've written on before outside of Steemit, worth sharing this history.

The act of attending a school with the expectation of entering into a learned profession or the civil service stems from the Prussian education system and the Indian caste system by proxy. The Prussians introduced the PhD, national curriculum, kindergarten and a final examination called the arbiter, designed to assess a student and determine their ability to matriculate. Frederick the Great is credited with instituting the edict of compulsorily schooling and proclaimed that education was to become a task of the state. This system was then popularised in the United States by Horace Mann, the father of American public education, who is quoted as saying “The state is the father of children”. Compulsory schooling has since been adopted throughout the world and the Prussian model of schooling is now standardised.

The birth of this model is in part due to military precursors, in particular the defeat of the elite Prussian troops by Napoleon in 1806 at the battle of Jena. It was decided that the Prussians were thinking for themselves on the battlefield instead of following orders as an organised whole and that this had led to their defeat. In order to prevent this from occurring again it was decided that a new eight-year program would be used to prepare children for the coming industrial age under the philosophy of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. This strict education taught duty, discipline, respect for authority and the ability to follow orders. Fitch’s ideas venerate the work of John Lock and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, he effectively professed that children’s minds are a ‘blank-slate’ and without the influence of law and morality a child’s ‘state of nature’ would degrade. This new schooling system was considered scientific in nature, it instructed children of their position in a noble and scrupulous society and was crafted primarily to engineer a social change.


These major changes led to a stronger military and workforce with fewer political problems for the less than noble government, this dichotomy is historically termed the ‘noble lie’. The cumulative effects of such a transition away from the classical liberal education to this Prussian outcome-based education are felt today but are not yet widely identified, most notable of these changes is that the student is no longer capable to participate in learning for themselves but is dependant on an authority. What we witness today is the removal of the three means of learning how to learn which constitute the integrated classical trivium.

The trivium is presented to gather raw factual data into a coherent body of knowledge, then to gain understanding of that body by systematically eliminating all stated contradictions within it, and finally to wisely express and utilise that valid knowledge and understanding in the objective real world. Once a student is conversant with this threefold procedural pattern, he or she is now capable of learning and teaching any established subject. This trivium methodology compliments the ‘mnemonic’ process that the brain uses to learn, forming a network of associations in the mind. In contrast, modern schooling teaches information using the ‘rote’ methodology, which isn’t tethered in this respect. Students then demonstrate they have retained said information without the application of formal logic, which is a specified field within the trivium.

John Taylor Gatto is one of the best sources for this line of history, he was a teacher himself and has quite the story.

To be clear, this push to make obedient workers is a feminine, submissive ideology that is aimed at emasculating men, promoting promiscuity and celebrating weakness. Its a cruel and heartless system that purposefully puts defenceless children at risk. It has been identified and It is being challenged, by badassery.

How Miss Mia can help us leverage the Steemit Economy

Soon enough there will be a burgeoning market of goods and services on Steemit, educational resources among them with outside pressure from regulators, it will get interesting and the traffic will attract entrepreneurs who may take it in directions that cannot be perceived yet. I'm already forgetting about Facebook because of the quality difference.

One way I have seen for this leveraging is by offering discounts to outsiders for services that help the economy, help the client or customer and make a tidy profit for the party offering the good or service. For example...


Miss Mia runs an instagram account, she loves what she does and wants to reach out to new people. Bob is an advertiser that wants to help the Steemit economy, he thinks the platform could be great for Models to maintain a profile and build a new fan base and an immediate revenue stream directly, without a large corporation advertising around their pictures. Bob contacts Miss Mia and offers her a heavily discounted advertising package that targets people on facebook, twitter etc. that links people to her Steemit profile. This high click through advertising helps Miss Mia grow a direct to fan community, it help the Steemit community grow the economy and it helps Bob because this discounted marketing is made whole (or tipped heavily) by the Steemit community that understand the long term boost of users.

It can be that easy, It just needs to be communicated properly to Miss Mia "Hey I can get you a direct channel to full Customer Relationship Management data." or something equivalent, more likely "I can help you own that relationship with your fans instead of having to buy it off big corporations".

This applies to musicians also and the micro tipping aspect paired with a good platform to build this CRM database would be a breath of fresh air, easy plug and play full control. I'm going to write more about these 'models' of organisation and love hearing about others ideas.

For more on MissMia visit her Instagram account and send her some love.



Hey @liber excellent article. What you mention about how the Germans changed the face of education for a reason and with a purpose is very interesting. One has to understand that when they did it, it made sense.

There was no education per se as we see it today. Fathers basically trained their kids to continue with their trade and the family business, be it whatever it was. Then the industrial revolution came and, again, it made kind of sense, to have an educational system that prepared the majority (the minority had mentors and learned many different things through life experience) to work in the big factories of the time.

Then the information age started. Oh, and everything related to the standard compulsory educational system started becoming obsolete. The problem, in my opinion, is that it has become a tradition and the majority of people believe that it has always been that way.

The only solution is to take education into your own hands...yes, I do agree that kids should get some basic and fundamental education, reading, writing, math and other basic stuff like that. But, to be successful in a very fast evolving world, we cannot "just depend" on the government for education. We must use other means at a personal level and, more importantly, we need to develop a mentality of becoming a "lifelong learner". Only so, we'll survive in this modern world.
For instance, everybody should be learning and educating themselves about the blockchain because it will affect all our lives sooner or later.

Thanks @mrbock
The history of education is very very interesting, those that created it treated their children to ivy league exclusive educations that were closer to the older methodology, they read this historical series called great books of the western world that has a lot of philosophy and psychology. Originally the classical education was grammar logic and rhetoric which gave you the ability to learn.

  1. Mathamatics - numbers
  2. Harmony - numbers in time
  3. Geometry - numbers in space
  4. Astronomy - numbers in space and time
    The website talks about it in length in their second podcast which changed my life.

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