Traditional education versus self education
I'm grateful I never wasted my time doing university and spending a fortune doing it.
I am grateful I have found my purpose and am able to educate others to do the same. I have learnt an infinite amount of information through self education than what I did with traditional education. Financial education is so important if you want to become financially free and secure.
I'll take the business loan any day.
#educateyourself #educateandempoweryourself #createabundanceandprosperity #manifestation #manifestwhatyouwantinyourlife #freeyourselffromthe9to5 #JOBJustoverbroke #traditionaleducation #traditionaleducationteachesyouhowtobeagoodemployee #startyourbusiness #startasidehustle #financialintelligence #financialfreedom #findyourpurpose #liveyourpurpose #followyourheart #businessloan #investinyourself