
It's always business. Thing is, children are the products...

It could also be a fault of the government in general because they are encouraging the people to gain education but their regulating schools and universities to do the same. Instead, they are all making profit.

Well, we are electing the politicians that form these policies, so really, it is our fault.

Good point :) But if the government only will be true in helping the people, this would be easy.

The government is not there to help people. It is there to serve the vested interests of politicians through a corporate scheme of favoritism.

That's the problem. They are only there for their own interest.

My friend, one of the views we differ on. I believe in selections not elections. Like the Simpsons episode for the year 2000 , we see trump on a escalator doing EXACTLY the same motions and hand gestures. Predictive programming at its finest.

lol. Indeed that was scary but I guess even a broken clock can tell the correct time twice a day...

It is a business and they likely don't WANT us to THINK; they want sheeple who believe the lies they tell and follow blindly believing everything is just fine!

This why the world had fallen.

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