What approaches do we need to education in a developing country?

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemfam, As belonging from a developing country, I have felt education really needs a growth here. It's all that keeps a country in progress directly or through indirect approaches.

But there are things that are there in the way challenging education. From what I think we need some changes in the system.


Need for a more knowledge based approach

What we expect from education is absolutely wisdom, understand of moral values, or a plea for making a better world for everyone. Or is it just about making a life for oneself? Well it's not because education really has a broader meaning. Apparantly education has mostly been meaning something you learn in the school inside the four walls. Schools and the education system together are keeping students so busy with them, to gradually keep students almost unheard of the outside world, outside world to mean the lives of people out there. Education is about writing things in exam already being provided the notes of and getting the hard-to-get good marks? Education is absolutely not about studying 2days before exam and securing marks. What do these do is they put a gap in knowledge and in their practice in real life. If things learned in school are not reflected in real life, what's the point of the education, what's the advantage of education?

Our education system is testing our brains not the knowledge not the understanding not the value you add to one's life. Our schools give no prize (appreciation) for helping the blind man you helped on your way crossing road. They will prize those who tops in their exams. Basically those who write same notes as they give.

I am pained when I see people in power not matching their actions with the things they say, they pretend. I've seen people speaking about cleanliness in public and themselves throwing garbages by the roads. You can't take your hands off your nose while being through these roads. And it is also surprising to see people poor in 'cloths' cleaning these all. Shows who's clean thoughts.

Need for smarter teachers as well

Smart teachers are also a point for a good education to be very honest.
There exists a gap between students and teachers which needless to say causes lack of understanding leading to lessen interest in things that are taught.

There was a time, as mentioned in the Hindu mythological books, when modernization was yet to touch the humanity, there was a very small gap between teachers (Gurus) and students (Shishyas) due to the slow in growth of human civilization both have seen almost similar world. So understanding was there at everything. Student used to stay in teachers place and had to serve them. And during this time, they are through many things that really related the practical life, they knew poverty and how to deal with it and many more however it's a topic for my next posts. Without understanding students even teachers can't be satisfied. I don't know. For an instance, if it's hard to let them know about things just from books then relating things is the best way to put things on and also it makes things easier for students to understand relating with something they are interested in.

In my country, we have many government colleges, schools where teachers are not concerned about the much needed **interaction** , **connection** and understanding that should be there. But it pains to see the unconsciousness to the future generation. Most of the teachers were recruited with a low qualification.

Need for an updated course

If you really wanna be successful, love what you do.

When it comes to interest in the books, old course can be discussable. Because obviously we love what's around us or things we use on daily basis.

But what we read in books and what we really are through daily have a vast gap. And latest technology is yet to be introduced in these books. There are hundreds of good books, writers who could be introduced in these books with the good work of theirs but I still don't know what stops it in its way. For an instance, the science book in 10th that we studied is same as that was 10 years ago with negligible changes. There should be things about the latest technology or achievements in science field.

In India, every student above 7 who can read and write understanding languages is considered as a literate. And if we look at the stats of 2001-2011 census reports then there's a very slow growth rate.


This slow growth might have several reasons of which I mentioned some.
Primary school dropout stats are also not pleasing. It's decreased than before but at a slow rate.

(Stats by a PDF released by ministry of HRD, India. Apologies for poor quality)

Even now things are in progress due to a promising government, still urban students are outperforming the rurals. The quality of education in rural areas are still low. And really needs a growth.

It's us and our thinking that needs a change. It's the government that needs to be more concerned. And then education will make what it should.

That's exactly what I think. Feel free to share your views in comments

P.S. Images 1,2,3 are CCO creative commons.

Thanks for reading

Namaste ;)


Education should be #1 goal in any nation as it the initial sparkle that develops in so many other developments. It's the base. Acess to information should aways be free as air, food and water.

Exactly.. Thanks for your comment

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