Steem Price Falls Further... Do We Need A Culture Shift? @Promo-Mentors: Conceptualizing An Education Platform

in #education6 years ago



When I started writing this article Steem just dropped below $1, however right now it is at 90 cents. What has happened that Steem is almost 90% down from its all time high of $8. How much of the drop can be attributed to the bear market? What causes the value of Steem being drained out the platform? What do we need to change?

I have been on Steemit for a solid year now and I have involved myself in a few projects and communities such as @ocd, @curie and @steempress-io. I am also a Steem ambassador of the #promo-steem movement and created my own project @promo-mentors inspired by this movement. Like all promo-steemians I ask myself how to bring value into the Steem ecosystem. With the Steem price dropping almost 90% from its all time high, more and more conversations about the future of Steem have been popping up just like when Steem was floating below a dollar before the big pump to $8 in November. I think Steemit is an amazing innovative platform however if we are honest Steemit has many issues that cause an outflow of value. As Steem is the first of its kind it is hard to say what we to change in order for it to be successful or if it is even possible to succeed on the global stage. Overall I am very positive about the supportive nature of the community that Steemit has created. However, in this post I wanted to share my thoughts on: the writing culture of Steemit.

The Writing culture on Steemit

Generally, content creators on Steemit tend to only write for people ON Steemit. I myself am guilty of this. What I mean with writing only to people on Steemit is that people are not focussing on growing their audience, but on growing their post rewards. There is a fundamental difference in this. When someone is focussed on targeting a wide audience they will try multiple ways to reach them. On Steemit however it doesn't really matter if we reach a large audience, but the right audience (aka large SP holders). We are incentivized to focus our attention on Steemians and Steemians only. This contradicts what content creation is about. Social Media content is meant to be spread out all over the internet rather than to be uploaded to Steemit to get a few votes and then let it sit there for eternity.

It is true that on Steemit it is easier to get attention and get paid immediately for your content, however is this the place where it has to stop for the serious content creators? In my opinion any serious content creator would try to reach their audience on multiple platforms and tailor their content for long term consumption. If we only put out our content on Steemit it has a negative effect in that it doesn't help the platform grow. By trying to reach out to readers outside Steemit, we could end up with more votes because they might sign up to Steemit. This aspect seems to be forgotten. New users that signed up will definitely throw votes to the person who got them to join, similar to how we initially vote for the person who introduced us to Steemit.

I don't want to generalize too much, because there are, of course, many great content creators and projects who use Steemit as another medium to reach their audience and as another income source. There are people however who consciously avoid certain social media platforms. Steemians seem to have an aversion for other platforms that are not build on Steem. Many of my Steemian friends dislike Facebook for example. For whatever reason I think as content creators we should acknowledge that the other social media platforms have a much larger reach and that we should use this to get people to join.

So is it the fault of how Steemit is set up that we have created this culture? I don't think it's entirely to blame. In theory, if Steemit was a mainstream platform, in which many minnows had enough Steem Power to cancel out whales, then I think Steemit would work. The reality is that the distribution of Steem hasn't been fair at the start which has given large sp holders more influence than intended. In my time on Steemit I have never seen a post reaching trending by only votes by minnows or dolphins. Perhaps it's not surprising at all that we have created a whale hunting culture.

We need a culture change

As a user of Steemit it hurts to see the value being drained out of this platform. The Steem price fell from $8 to almost $0.8 now which is a 10x time drop already. I know some of you might say that this doesn't say much because Steemit is only 2 years "young" and I agree price movements don't predict the future. However in the two years we can look at other stats such as the visitor ranking and amount of transacting accounts.

According to Alexa rankings (see graph below) visitor count of has dropped since March. And according to the stats of @penguinpablo the number of transacting accounts has stayed the same since February! You could connect this drop in activity due to the price drop of the whole market which certainly has an effect, however if that were true than the visitor count would drop after January when the market started the dive. The amount of accounts transacting should have dropped too, however it stayed constant. The cause may have been due to something else, who knows, one thing that is showing is that we are not growing in active users.

The Steem dev team is working on providing us solutions such as Hivemind and SMTs (of which the release date of testnet was recently announced to be in January). While these are very promising, I don't like to sit around and wait for them to arrive. Instead, in the meantime, I hope that we can work together towards changing the posting culture through what I call decentralized education or peer-to-peer education. This is something I have been involved with for almost 9 months now and I have seen that it works, and perhaps can work on a bigger scale. Below I will explain to you guys what my amazing team and I have been working for the past month. I don't claim this is the next best solution, however I think every community can benefit from our education platform project. We would like your opinion on this, so feel free to break our project down.

Nine months ago I started @promo-mentors to help #promo-steem to retain new users. Promo-steem is a movement created by @starkerz and @anarcotech to reward people who promote Steemit. I started out creating a discord channel (link: that has grown to over 1500 members at the moment of posting. We approached user retention by offering personal guidance and free workshops. I recruited people who I know were good bloggers, being a curator for @curie helped me a lot in this. This all started in November, and all the way up to now, we have been giving out free tips and guidance to people who want to improve their blogging. The results of giving people personal advice had shocked me sometimes. I have seen people who started out with the typical spam posts and uncentered images to catching votes from well established curating teams such as @curie and @ocd. What surprised me even more is that these people often reached out to help others in turn. After a conversation with @starkerz I came to realise that education, especially direct human to human communication is very valuable and blockchain could make this available for everybody.

The idea is to make a website where people can share their expertise. Many people have great skills that they can share through tutorials, but most importantly can teach through personal guidance. On the website people will be able to filter on questions and subject. For example whenever somebody type in Steemit they will see the top subjects popping up and if they click on the subject they will see the top tutorials. If the learner wishes to be in direct contact with the tutorial maker they will be able to join online workshops by the tutorial maker (if the maker chooses to hold workshops). Not only will the learner be able to ask questions directly, but they will also be in contact with other learners, which I think is a much more of a pleasant learning experience than learning on your own.

In my opinion a good project needs to be sustainable in funding its own costs, but also sustainable for Steem. What I meant with the latter is that people should buy or power up more Steem for a project (this doesn’t count for philanthropic projects). In this part I will explain how I think we will achieve both sustainability.

Our most important goal is to provide an opportunity for the tutorial makers and mentors to earn a living for sharing their expertise. There are many education platforms that provide (professional) tutorials which are often paid. And many free sources such as Youtube and Wikihow. We believe (professional) information should be accessible for everybody, which is why all tutorials on the website will be free. To reward mentors for their work we plan to call on voluntary supporting of consumers to creators something you see on Twitch. For the people who don't know about Twitch, it's a streaming platform for gamers where people can send money to their favourite streamers. The most successful streams earn up to thousands of dollars each week. Similar to Twitch on our platform people will have the option to send crypto or fiat to the tutorial makers/workshop holders.

By using this model at the same time we fulfill our other sustainability requirement. There will be a flow of fiat or other crypto into the Steem ecosystem, because people who want to join the workshops or support the tutorial makers need to make a Steem account/buy Steem.

To cover for the initial costs we will start a @fundition project.

To determine which tutorial creators provide quality teachings there will be a rating system. This rating system won't be connected to Steemit's reputation as we all know reputation can be bought. Instead we will create our own reputation system in which users can rate tutorial creators with, for example, a star rating.

Most tutorial makers are not good in promoting their content. This is where we will help them by indexing their tutorials and doing direct promotion on the front page. For this we will probably ask a small fee or beneficiary rewards from them, the revenue we get from this will be used for platform maintenance and the growth of the project.


As this project is very ambitious we will build it up in two in two phases:

This is the current phase we are in. I see this phase as a test of proof of concept while we can work on contributing to Steemit by providing education on content creation and promotion. Currently, we have a team of about 12 mentors of which two have years of solid marketing experience and a few have experience with promoting. Overall they are all great writers and we are going to recruit more. To ensure that our education platform will start with quality tutorials we will begin with a select group of trusted mentors. These mentors will set an example to future educators. To encourage consistent quality tutorials and workshops, we will try to raise funds and grow our voting trail to support the educators.

Discord is a wonderful platform that we use to build our community and this is where all the interaction between educators and learners take place. We have created an open source bot that allows our mentors to create workshops and users to register for those workshop. Below is an example:

If phase 1 is successful we will begin with phase 2 which is working on creating a true global decentralized education platform. In this phase we will look beyond Discord and create our own platform where educators and learners can communicate. And we will create a directory that allows users to easily navigate to the tutorials they are looking for and implement a rating system.

A preview of our website:


We would like to know what you think of the current posting culture and about our education project. If you have any suggestions or see a flaw in our concept let us know in a comment below. If you need to write a post then you can use the tag #promo-mentors. My team and I will be going through this tag each day. You can also find me on Discord in our channel or message me directly @futurethinker#8830.

If you have a passion for teaching or would like to share your knowledge once in a week feel free to send us a message! In phase 1 we are especially looking for people who can teach others how to reach an audience online, people who are knowledgeable in SEO and we are also looking for people who can teach how to write a general good article which involves cathy titles, lay-out, grammar etc.

We are looking for people who can strengthen our team. If you think you have the drive and the skills to help us making this project a reality send me a message on Discord @futurethinker#8830.

Keep updated with this project on @promo-mentors. We will start with phase 1 soon.


I will definitely check out your discord space - this is an interesting move. :)
When it comes to price drops of Steem, I think a big part of the issue is that, by design, Steem guarantees that a percentage of the money used to buy Steem will just 'disappear' into the pockets of witnesses and Steem posters (whales).. So as a 'classic' cryptocurrency that can be relied on to grow in value just due to it being attractive to investors, it is not so great. If the utility aspect of the token were more balanced and posters could be rewarded more equally (without whale sized accounts just taking most of the rewards regardless of the quality of their posts), then more people might use the social networks and thus also then more people might be able to see past the fact that a significant percent of all money paid into Steem will 'drain away' through the social aspect.

In short, the social network aspect of Steem MUST be a success for Steem to increase its value and this has been lagging behind.. But maybe the next 6 months will change that.

Hi URA! I'd like you to explain this part, I think I know what you mean, but not sure?

When it comes to price drops of Steem, I think a big part of the issue is that, by design, Steem guarantees that a percentage of the money used to buy Steem will just 'disappear' into the pockets of witnesses and Steem posters (whales).. So as a 'classic' cryptocurrency that can be relied on to grow in value just due to it being attractive to investors, it is not so great.

Some of these "mechanisms" inherent to the Steem Blockchain have a more positive effect, when the whole context is understood. Particularly This One...

I say more positive, changed from much more LOL

Yes, the mechanism has a positive purpose, but it needs to be balanced with a thriving social dynamic to be reassuring to investors.

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follows do so little...
You need to join #minnowbootcamp Instead! :)

When it comes to price drops of Steem, I think a big part of the issue is that, by design, Steem guarantees that a percentage of the money used to buy Steem will just 'disappear' into the pockets of witnesses and Steem posters (whales).. So as a 'classic' cryptocurrency that can be relied on to grow in value just due to it being attractive to investors, it is not so great.

You touch on a very complex point in my opinion, there can be a whole post dedicated to this, which is why I would like to talk more to you about this in a DM.

In the end I think it all comes down to whether we are able to create more value inflows with our content, communities and dapps than value outflows. If we don't sell all our steem that we receive from the network we will go a long way. And I think to achieve this we need a mixture of a good code and culture.

#undy's bot helper lol

Oh man reading this got me psyched up and thinking I should end my Guild Wars playing days and go back to Steeming again with a purpose.

Someone when I lost my energy and will I also lost my purpose because I have to agree that most of the time we are writing for a specific Steem audience and not writing for mass media.

Thanks FT for these thoughts.

Hey Maverick! Hope you are doing well bud!

You should come back to us ;) Eve, kay and the rest and even Grumphy whale miss you !

Sounds like he's a lost gem...

He's not lost, just off "chasing tail!"
But he is a gem.

hi MAV


Hey Undie! it has been too long!

Your "Nuts and Bolts" approach to the problem is great! I think a lot of what you say above in the article is positive, and should be a good template for future STEEM-Growth and lead to expansion of all Steem-Based platforms! BRAVO!!! 🤩

In theory, if Steemit was a mainstream platform, in which many minnows had enough Steem Power to cancel out whales, then I think Steemit would work.

THIS IS "In Progress" 👍 (more below)

The reality is that the distribution of Steem hasn't been fair at the start which has given large sp holders more influence than intended.

Sounds like Pure 💩 to me... pardon my French ;)
Everyone on Steemit now could have joined SOONER, and bought their stake at prices LOWER than Steem is now. I kick myself for getting into some bad deals in Crypto, where at the exact same time I could have bought a literal ORCA Stake for the BTC I was pissing away at that time. Whose fault was that???

MINE and Mine Alone! 😬

OVERALL, Great post, but lamenting about Unfair Distribution is a total waste of time. (you seem to just mention it and go on, but I state this for the other readers) In fact, that "situation" is reversing itself as we speak. Whales are selling at relatively cheap prices, and we Dolphins and smaller fishies are gobbling it up as fast as we can. Hence the prices oscillating between low 80¢ range to just under a dollar. Great deal for the whales, orca and such whom most of which got in in the single digit ¢ent ranges, that I just missed [grumble-grumble]

The "unfair distribution" is fixing itself, in part. Do the rest with the outline above and I think we'll have a WINNER!

-Undy (who just missed single digit-steem prices)

At the early start Steem could be mined which gave early miners huge influence. The effect is still felt today in what I described in the post. And I wouldn't be so sure that it gets better, the big stake holders still get most from delegation to bid bods and get most of the curation rewards.

Great post, but lamenting about Unfair Distribution is a total waste of time.
Luckily it was just a small part of the post!

Ok, that is factual. But even a bigger waste of time lamenting the fact! You stated it an moved on, which is great. Makes your other moves even more bold and decisive, working on a platform that has such an infrastructure in place.

This "Early Edge" has led a lot of folks to blog about those events, and call the whole thing a Ponzi Scheme. Unfortunately… Thanks for the reply, gonna follow this effort and see if I can muster up some support!

Regarding "Getting Better" there are (reportedly) lots of "whales powering down", Ned was rumored to, Jerry Banfield, and others. I have not looked at this claim, but market actions seem to lend credibility to that theory. IMO, that creates cheaper steem which is a good thing, and we can grab it. ;-)

"Limited Time Only!" 😎

No doubt the identification of the problem is 100% in my mind... I keep on saying, almost making me sound like a broken record, that the necessary change is cultural, not just code, and in this sense the mission of @promo-mentors is addressing the core of the rott, sort of speak.

As you point out, we've focused so much on remaining inside our echo chambers that have failed to project outward, thus creating the non-sustainable system we have to day, if not on it's own, certainly contributing to it's short-lived rallies.

The community on discord has grown considerably, and in my biased opinion, the current team @promo-mentor has is doing a fantastic job, but keeping it on track will require a sustainable implementation.

Let's face it, as painful as it may be, true and pure altruism is not long lasting. So, taking care of the teachers is at the core of the success of the project.

I would however, consider you taking this into an SMT realm. Meaning, that you could see if you could apply this whole concept, a system for education compensation for both students and teachers with a Token.

At the stage we are at, the project would be probably using ERC20 tokens, just to lift it off the ground, but nonetheless it seems to me more plausible for you to secure funding or delegations for that matter if you take a page or two from the other young SMT projects on this blockchain.

In any case, you got my support as always.

Changing some one's mind is a bit harder than adding code. But as far as the culture change steps need to be taken in order to keep it sustainable. One first thought is Witnesses get way to much to run a node server we all know less than half of the witness only run a witness node and nothing more. Now that's not to say they are doing nothing for the network (They maintain the integrity of it)

Bots are also a huge factor more and more accounts are just delegating for the sake of earning. If we could do half and half for curators the bot army will subdue. Author/Curator Win win more eyes on real content and less automated content, thus creating a social network where both collaborators work hand and hand.

SMT's are a way of coating the stink that surrounds Steem and Steemit.

"Let's create different tokens on top of Steem... yup that should help create real communities" I see none of this happening but worsening the effect.

I would love to help -- please msg me on discord

@futurethinker#8830 Hi! Just read your steemit post on culture change and education -- I am interesting in speaking with you!

Hello @joeparys!

What is your discord username?

Doesn't pop up what is your discord ID?

SMT's are a way of coating the stink that surrounds Steem and Steemit.

I see your point in this and I agree mostly. But this doesn't mean it's the end of the Steem blockchain. SMTs could make Steemit and Steem token "not relevant", but the dapps that will be created on the Steem blockchain they could be much more valuable if they implement features that don't drain value as is happening with Steem.

Awesome thought!

I would however, consider you taking this into an SMT realm. Meaning, that you could see if you could apply this whole concept, a system for education compensation for both students and teachers with a Token.

We have been thinking about the advantages of SMT and I think that having a token for promo-mentors could increase the student and teacher interaction a lot. The reason that we do not choose for ERC20 for now is because it can add a lot of complications to the interaction, because ERC20 work differently and much slower than sending Steem.

We will however most likely implement SMTs when they are out. Unfortunately, this is several months away :).

@askanything ias an educational tool, I upvote questions. Asking questions is one of the best way to learn. If you want me to upvote more questions, you are welcome to delegate some SP to the @askanything account.

Thank you or sharing your thoughts and your vision FT. I found myself nodding in agreement through much of this post. It's an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this team you have gathered. I am delighted that you are providing a channel to help our fellow Steemians and to reach those who aren't on Steem (yet). And at the same time giving me an opportunity to do those things that bring me joy - building a vibrant community and sharing knowledge with the people in that community.

Thank you for creating this opportunity.

I feel very honoured to you know you Kay! Without you I think I would have been very lost with creating our website! ;)

dont forget me 🤪

Haha I would need to make a seperate post for you lol

We sure do!

I entirely agree with you that most contents herein are mostly for consumption by fellow steemians for apparent reasons. I'm all for any program that will bring in fresh people as the activities here have considerably dropped in the bear market session.

Hey @greenrun! The bear run indeed has lowered engagement a lot! But I think this is good so that we can attract more people who are less focussed on the rewards!

I like the glass-half-full thinking on this scenario. People that are heavily in it for the money had dropped off, much the same way the bear market dropped many noobs by turning them into bagholders. The real cryptocurrency enthusiast are still keeping on.

Posted using Partiko Android

Go Blockchain! :)

This all sounds amazing and I can see the core of it is addressing that bleed of value going out of steemit without much coming in, very forward thinking. Some of this article is kinda above me as I'm focusing on being a writer of stories, rather than a student of blockchain. But, one thing I see in this idea which I feel might be handled better is:

Most tutorial makers are not good in promoting their content. This is where we will help them by indexing their tutorials and doing direct promotion on the front page. For this we will probably ask a small fee or beneficiary rewards from them

My reasoning behind my opposition to that is purely a personal opinion based on what I would think if I was looking for a platform to publish a poetry tutorial, for example. I would be seriously turned off to have to pay to share my knowledge. But there needs to be quality control, I see that. I think the rep system you're proposing could do that along with assessment of potential tutorial contributors to keep rubbish of the site. I don't know how feasible that would be logistically though, just some thoughts ;-)

I also found what you said about steemit authors posting/promoting their work outside of steemit interesting. I've been waiting for someone to develop an app that will post automatically to a wordpress site when you post on steemit. I stopped publishing on my wordpress site years ago and now that I've learned how to post on steemit, I have forgotten how to design a post on wordpress so well. I'd love to start posting to my wordpress site again from steemit but it seems like there is only a plugin for wordpress to steemit.

Interesting article and project @futurethinker

My reasoning behind my opposition to that is purely a personal opinion based on what I would think if I was looking for a platform to publish a poetry tutorial, for example. I would be seriously turned off to have to pay to share my knowledge.

Exactly this, which is why the promotion will be a feature tutorials creators can opt to choose for. We will never force a tutorial maker to give up part of their tutorial rewards, instead the tutorial maker can choose whether he or she wants to use our promotion "service" for which the price will be a part of the posting rewards. This promotion service could be a curation service in which we could reward the quality of the tutorial through an upvote and good rating.

How does this sound to you?

Sounds interesting and that confirms how it will work a little better. Good luck with the project buddy :-)

Thanks will need it! ;)

Powerful post; you mentioned the disproportionate influence that SP creates.

People starting out, I'll speak from my experience, I read about 25 introduction posts. I looked to the introduction posts that had generated the most I could find (a range between 50-100+). So, I put in some effort and crafted the first post to introduce myself. A week later I got my first 0.005 steem.

Next - Content only holds value for 1 week. Many forms of content is VERY limited by this constraint. A video for example, might attract a handful of views and a few likes within that 7 days... what happens if the video goes viral on day 10 and gets 1000's of more likes after... well, it is gone.

Next - Unless you are a whale and have people just waiting for you to post so they can get a chance at curation rewards, then any success depends on bots OR the long and drawn out efforts of slowly attracting people towards your own content... and I've learned recently about the epidemic of resteem bots (about 1/3 of my followers have 0 original posts and only resteems).

Most people do not have the time and dedication to collect pennies for articles written that might take a few hours to write and format, add images, sources, etc... then to watch it disappear into obscurity while giving a few cents, then to look on the trending page seeing garbage click bait that is 2 paragraphs and a picture getting 1000$ worth of steem. That is a kick to the balls that people generally won't want to put themselves through.... so, they just stop posting.

That's really only looking at the negative end, I wouldn't be here if there weren't some positives to offset that, but I understand the perspective that if a system seems unfair, people will not stick around.

If people are not sticking around, then there's nobody buying steem and people selling, so, the price will drop.

rant over.

Haha we have the freedom to rant here ;)

Next - Content only holds value for 1 week.

I agree on that the 1 week limit on receiving posts rewards does indeed incentivize people to write for the short term, the mentality is "what can I write for today."

However the value of a post can be ongoing, the information in the post can be consumed infinitely so long as the steem blockchain is live. We have started to associate value with money, and have disregarded the fact that when write a post for the long term and people like it, they can come back to your blog and upvote your other posts. Additionally, people can earn different ways on their blogging. Not only through upvotes, the conventional blogging.

Thanks for coming by btw ;)

Well, its a bit of a double edged sword really - If I stumble on an older steemit blog post and I see that it has few upvotes its like a quality filter, so to speak, that tells me if I should invest a chunk of time into reading it. Thus if everyone is writing for the short term to get that built-in reward from upvotes it gets very repetetive content.

I think too man are so focused on the "hit piece" and the reward now, rather than building a following and thinking long-term.

Interesting to follow his discussion!

Brilliant Newby Comment :)

You are right, but you can write a novel worth of tutorials, not even breakthrough the startup SP, and people will gain value for years.

Knowing that the rewards of efforts for any efforts end at 7 days, it's better to write a singular article as multiple small parts spread out daily than to make a solid full length essay.

Yes, you'll make more attractive posts, over time you will build a larger following, but over those months and years, you still get to see garbage posts making hundreds or even thousands, daily.

The system is designed in such a way where there's a built in motivation to post click bait, to look into strategies like timing, what bots to use, what is the best time to click like... It makes it into a game.

Actually, even posts like this where there is a discussion following are few and far between.

"Content only holds value for 1 week. Many forms of content is VERY limited by this constraint."
Nothing to add to that.
Very good point.

We are truly guilty of writing only for this community... I have just realised that. This is such an awesome and great project. I may have gotten the whole idea wrong but I am thinking you want to set something like Upwork which is amazing!

Following ✊

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @tezmel thank you for the kind words!

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