How to Fight a Nervous For New Teacher

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Teaching is a job that requires good readiness. A teacher who will teach tomorrow must prepare his teaching materials in the previous day. Or, an exemplary teacher had already prepared all his material long before he taught.

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Although the material has been collected it is steady but still when delivery is not perfect. Generally it is caused by excessive nervousness. Severe nervousness can make a teacher unable to teach well.

This nervousness is commonly felt by everyone. In the teaching profession, nervousness is often experienced by novice teachers. Generally nervous always comes to young teachers who have just graduated from school. This is very reasonable but it does not mean just left. Excessive nervousness can interfere with teacher performance in teaching.

In this article I will share some things to watch out for in order to be nervous to be controlled. Here are some tips on how to relieve nervousness while teaching.


The insertion is very important when teaching. A teacher should not enter a class without adequate teaching or preparation materials. Preparation for teaching has even been made a year earlier or a previous semester. There is a teaching design to be created. In terms of weekly, a teacher should prepare in detail what he will do in the classroom. The details will help the teacher not to be nervous and to know what to do.

The step by step preparation made by a teacher before entering the classroom will make him more calm. With the preparation of that then a teacher easily follow the steps and plans that have been prepared. Thus the nervousness will be easily removed.

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Master the Lesson Materials

It is also very important for a teacher is to master the subject matter that he taught. A biology teacher must necessarily understand all the material that appears in the learning process. By mastering the material then a teacher knows what will be explained. Thus nervousness can be eliminated.

Breathe Normally

Nerves often make a person's utterance vibrate. This makes a person difficult to speak. His tongue and mouth were stiff and his breathing was very fast. At this stage the thing to do is try to take a deep breath and remove it little by little. This will help a person to control his or her nervousness.

Establish Friendship Relationship With Students

There is a type of teacher who is nervous about talking to her students but not nervous when talking to her friends. In this case try to build friendships with students. With such a relationship of course nervous sense will be controlled and can be eliminated.

Build Confidence

Nervousness generally appears in a person because he felt not confident. A person who does not have confidence should build that confidence. Little by little sure confidence will arise. The easiest way to cultivate self-esteem is to trust yourself that it is capable of performing the task.

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Practice it

Believe it or not all teachers or public speakers have experienced a sense of nervousness when speaking in front of many people. It is a very normal thing in man. Therefore, the frequency of someone in doing a thing very impact on him. Someone who's used to talking to the crowd certainly does not have any more nervousness when talking. So also an experienced teacher will certainly easily face the students.

The most important thing in overcoming nervousness in teaching is to deal with it. Never be afraid to teach. Because the more you teach, the more perfect the science you have. Finally you no longer feel nervous.

M. Fajarli Iqbal
Author and Educator


I am a veteran teacher. These are great tips for everyone. Thank you.

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