not true!
The problem, take global warming for example.
Is that there are not enough virgins...
To sacrifice to the volcano God!
That's how you solve problems.
Appease the gods.
(or the church...)
not true!
The problem, take global warming for example.
Is that there are not enough virgins...
To sacrifice to the volcano God!
That's how you solve problems.
Appease the gods.
(or the church...)
ah my bad forgot to discuss the virgin volcano clause...
sigh: so many people forget the old ways..
new generation of snowflakes...
Californicators...what can I say?
sprouting like weeds...
WTF is a virgin?
A virgin is an inexperienced or untouched noun (person,place or thing), such as virgin snow thrown in the volcano.
i like virgins. they are so innocent and corruptible.
havent met one in awhile...
They're very rare. Extinct in california I think.