A room without books is like a body without a soul!!

in #education6 years ago

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

The power of reading can never be understated, even now you are reading my words. The words you write can change someone's life. Words have power.
The great Marcus Tullius Cicero once said: “A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

A statement I very much agree with. I failed at school, as a Combat Medic I would read at every opportunity. Books turned my life around, and they can do for others too!

Behold my nightstand as guarded by 'Cuds' my travel companion.

“So many books, so little time.” or so Frank Zappa would say. I wish that I could absorb all of those books in an instance!

For now, I want to recommend a few books for you.

Failure is Not an option by Gene Kranz,

This chronicles America's early Space Program and how Kranz was involved with in Project Mercury and even Apollo 13. A good account of how to manage, and deal with complex situations. I recommend this for anyone involved with management or start ups. It's not a management book but gives an account of how to deal with life when STHF

"How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Yes, I know, it sounds like a joke. But if you have difficulties with people, work in STEM, or just want to improve your career prospects then get this book and read it cover to cover several times! Take notes and implement your findings!
Your success is linked to how you interact with others! I also recommend a book called Working With Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. Daniel's book expands on many of Dale's concepts and is essential for anyone who works in Leadership / Management positions.

Lend Me Your Ears by Professor Max Atkinson.

Basically, this book is for anyone who wants to give talks, who has to give reports, and/or wants to improve their public speaking skills.
Like any skills you need to learn the basics, sadly, most don't know the basics when it comes to public speaking, many teachers/Professors are crap at public speaking. This book will give you the skills to give professional and effective Public Talks. Like any skill, you need to take notes and practice.

And finally, *Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Not a "cover to cover" type of book but a book about life, thoughts from an ancient Roman emperor. I recommend this to anyone, especially those who are confused about life. Read it in small doses and think upon its lessons. I read this book as an 18 year old Soldier... Half of my lifetime ago :/ and I still have a copy of the book on my nightstand. Essential reading for anyone.

So there you have it, the essential non-technical books that I recommend for you.

If you like the 'Plant' behind Cuds, then feel free to read my post about it here:

Growing a "Ginkgo Biloba" Tree: Week 1

However, the question that I have for you is what are you reading just now?

Also, what books do you recommend for others to read?

Let us know in the comments

Take care,


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Currently reading Seeds of Change-
It has been a bit of a slog but I'm on the 6th plant and almost done.

Just finished listening to the audible version of Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

Yikes, is "Seeds of Change" worth the slog?

I once tried to slog through Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It was just too much for me, I kept failing and lost the will to live after the first few pages. I tried several times though :/

Good Omens sounds good, have you enjoyed it? I loved Terry Pratchett's work, by God it was sad when he died. Just felt like he died 20 years too soon! His books and games always brought a smile to my face!

Seeds of Change will make you annoyed at the way that the author expresses his opinions about things instead of just giving facts. I have had a hard time finishing it.
Good Omens is ok, not their best. It is good and funny but somewhat disjointed. I hear the new tv series will be better.
I love the Discworld series books, he definitely was taken too early.
I never even bothered with Ann Rand, I was warned early on to not bother.

Gosh, I hate that in some books! Just get to the f*cking point and not make me read 1,000,000 pages :P

I had to abandon War on Peace for a similar reason. I think that a lot of classic books are not that good but people claim to read them for snobbery value.

I actually recently got a book from an author who has a similar style to Terry Pratchett... But... I cant find it :/.
BTW have you read Johnny and the Bomb? I recently ordered another copy as it's been ages since I last read it.

Avoid Ayn Rand, unless your hooked on her type of work just avoid!

I haven't read Johnny and the Bomb, it sounds interesting. Just haven't had time.
I definitely will be avoiding Ann Rand!

Muchas gracias

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