Fast Curious Facts #22 | Oh I see it now...

in #education5 years ago

Hey, what's that?... I was typing something and some thingy was floating in front of me but disappeared... Oh well... HEY THERE IT IS AGAIN... and it's gone... it's like a wormy thingy sometimes it comes with friends and they just float and annoy the shit out of me but that's about it... floaters? Yeah, obviously they are just there, floating, OH FLOATERS ARE THEIR NAME! somebody won the naming contest by default it seems and they are inside of my eye... HOLY SHIT THEY ARE INSIDE OF ME!!! HELP!!! HELP ME WEBMD!!!

Source: GIPHY

Ok, nobody panic, Floaters are no danger for anyone's eyes just let us calm down a bit, it is a bit creepy that they remain there, inside your eye... FOREVER but no eye floaters is a risk for your health, in fact, they float in the liquid part of your eye called the vitreous humour ooh fancy words and can stay there forever because they were formed there to chill and float until you die... pretty much like that...

These annoying thingies are formed by the very stuff you can find in the vitreous humour water and collagen a really important protein that sticks your skins and other parts together and sometimes these proteins clump up and stick together forming weird tissue pieces that just stay there floating around and sometimes they block light coming from the outside worlds and that when you see the floaters when they cast a little tiny shadow into your rodes and cones the light sensitive cells at the back of your eyes

See, it wasn't that bad these Muscae Volitantes that's their scientific name and means Flying Flies... we're killing it with the names today... are just a natural occurrence to everyone and we should not worry, unless it hurt a lot and you lose sight, then it's not floaters and you should go to the doctor, if not floaters are just gonna be there... floating... FUCKING ANNOYING SHIT!!!

Source: GIPHY

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Other Sources

What are those floaty things in your eye? - Michael Mauser
Those Maddening Eyeball Floaters!
Eye floaters | Better Health Channel
What you can do about floaters and flashes in the eye | Havard Health Blog
Facts About Floaters | National Eye Institute


Source: GIPHY

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