Fast Curious Facts #17 Just like fighter jets

in #education6 years ago

You know that there are like fighter-jets, that go pretty fast to avoid detection and other that fly pretty high for the same reason? Did you know that there's a special kind of jet that can avoid radars because of the shape they have, I mean radar waves bounce on the jet and bam cannot be detected because they don't go back to the radar, awesome right? WELL, WHAT IF I TELL YOU MOTH DO THAT TOO? WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAAAAAT AMAZING!!!

Source: GIPHY

First, I'll explain how echolocation works, one of the sound properties is that it is all bouncy bouncy which means it tends to reflect from other surfaces, some animals like dolphins and bats use this property of sound to hunt their prey, they send a characteristic sound and in the same way you can detect an asshole because you can hear them listening Despacito those animals can detect their next meal by hearing the echo their food produces

And how do moth resemble supersonic airplanes? By being fuzzy and cute, that's how, they are covered by a full coat of modified scales not actual hair people, sorry that the moth uses as a sound sponge, it absorbs sound waves so good that it becomes practically invisible for the bats that hunt them

This amazing ability is way more amazing because of its name, it's called prepare yourself ACOUSTIC CAMOUFLAGE yeah, it was a bit hard to type that and to this day is the only animal capable of using that kind of ability to survive, so stay fuzzy moth friend and you'll be fine

Source: GIPHY

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Other Sources

Finally, Some Good News About Corals | SciShow News
Furry Moths Have Evolved Impressive 'Acoustic Camouflage' on Par With Military TechnologyMoths survive bat predation through acoustic camouflage fur


Source: GIPHY

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