The meaning of learning that should be in a person

in #education6 years ago

Everyone learns. Children, students, even parents are no exception. Every human being learns in his own way. Some learn by attending
lectures, there are many who read any books, and there are those who learn from stories and life experiences of people. Learning is a tradition of mankind.


As a student, what is in your mind when you hear the word learning? Maybe the answer can vary. Depends on our perspective on learning itself. Some imagine sitting and listening to the lecturer's words while sleepy. Overlapping tasks. Threats get low scores or even DO.


There are at least a number of things agreed upon. First learning is not a fun job. Both of your learning is often forced. Whether forced to graduate, or forced to get a diploma. Learning becomes lost in its meaning.

You may argue the statement above. But I will prove that you are no better and a baby who is also learning like you.

Have you ever noticed a baby learning to walk? With his courage, he stepped step by step. But what do you want to say the baby fell down. But, he never gave up. Falling once, twice, even dozens of times did not deter him from continuing to move and move. Finally, in a relatively short time the baby can walk alone.

How can the baby learn to run successfully? This question is quite interesting to answer. A baby is never instructed by his parents or anyone to learn to stand up straight, maintain balance, or tell him to walk slowly so as not to fall. No, not once in a while. Babies are never given any kind of guidance. Even though walking is a complex activity which is a combination of body movement coordination, balance and stability. The baby actually managed to do this difficult task without getting the technical instructions needed.


There are at least two things that make the baby succeed. First, he never knew the concept of failure. He only knows to try and try to learn from his own experience. He does not want to fall for ever. Second, the baby always has positive support. When he fell his parents said, "Come on, son, stand up again. Mama will help you. "And when he succeeded, everyone was happy and congratulated on his success.

Now let's compare what happened to you now. When the lecturer starts explaining the lesson, maybe you have thought when the lesson will be over. When the assignment is given, you may be annoyed with the lecturer who is considered to be too much in giving assignments. And just before the exam, if you belong to most students, you will start busy looking for photocopies of notes here and there, borrow books in the library, and start preparing coffee to stay up late. And when the exam takes place, you feel tremendous pressure. Learning becomes a burden that you have to do. You study because it's a tradition. You study because you want to graduate, not because you really love learning. The way and style you learn is no better than what a baby can do. Increasing age is not giving you more creative ways and styles of learning. Day after day, you are stuck in a boring learning routine.


After graduating what happened? It turns out that the labor market is often upset with these fresh graduates. The graduates are considered not to have sufficient knowledge and skills to deal with the real world that they must face. You must be trained again to work. Even though you have studied for years. Six years for elementary school, three years for junior high school, three years for high school and around four to six years in college.


But that's what happened. Your learning outcomes are not appreciated. You are only valued from a diploma as a prerequisite for applying for a job. The rest, you have to compete again, you have to be tested again and finally, you are instead trained again.

Apparently, something is wrong in our education process now. An engineering graduate becomes an entrepreneur. Economic graduates become journalists. Computer science graduates work at banks. Indeed, that is fine, but it seems that the knowledge gained becomes less useful.


We need to change all of these events. We need to learn again about how to learn. Learning must be a fun thing. You learn not because you are forced but because learning is fun and you love it.

Bobbi de Porter provides an alternative solution with the Quantum Learning method. The Quantum name itself shows that there is a big leap towards our perspective on learning. With various technical skills such as speed reading, note taking techniques, how to think logically and creatively, and eliminate the myth of "I can't". This paradigm change is expected to provide tangible results for your success.

Learning like this requires you to motivate yourself. You must know what benefits will be gained from the knowledge you learn. How can you be motivated if you don't know the benefits of your work? You cannot expect parental praise, get support from friends, or other positive expectations. You must actively create a learning environment that is comfortable and enjoyable for you. When everyone is no longer motivating, you have to find a new environment that can motivate you. If that can't be done, at least you still have yourself to encourage.


If we look at history backward, we will meet a lot of people who study right. You must know Aristotle, a Greek wisdom expert. You also need to refer to Muslim scholars of the past. Al-Farabi who was a physicist, Ibn Sina who was a medical expert, or Jabir bin Hayyan who was a chemist and many others. They are multi-disciplinary experts. They are both specialists and unrivaled in their fields. One thing we often forget is that we have the same potential as them. It's just that, they exploit this potential while we ignore it.

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