Why I believe teachers should be paid DOUBLE!

in #education7 years ago

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They are undervalued and unappreciated. 

It is a stressful and challenging profession and they are rarely given the credit they deserve! 

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They are seen as individuals who did not qualify to study into other or better professions. 

Their qualifications are mostly seen as easy to achieve and less important than others, but they chose to teach in environments that may not be as cozy and comfortable as having a private office. 

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They do not only teach students the basics of reading, writing and counting, but they are developing the minds of the future adult generation. 

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Their work does not start in the morning and end in the afternoon. 

No way! Not even holidays are complete holidays. 

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They are overworked and underpaid. 

Lesson-planning is not as easy as you might think. Preparing to stand in front of 25 or more pairs of eyes IS NOT THAT EASY! 

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Huge responsibilities rest on their shoulders.

Keeping students safe from harm, discipline, emotional support, being a role model to everyone watching, grading and piles and piles of paperwork.  The list is never-ending!

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Followed! You should always appreciate your Teacher, there is so much value found in teaching. We all look back at some point life and are thankful for all lesson learned from those willing to educate you. Higher Pay is definitely a Yes!

Such an thoughtful thing to say.
Thank you so much ;)

If the pupil is ready, the teachers comes. - That old Chinese that some people write Konfuzius.

I disagree that the teachers are being undervalued. It really depends on where you are. It is a prestigious (and well paid) job in Japan, for example. Reducing class sizes (practically meaning employing more teachers because you can't "unborn" children =) ) is definitely necessary for teachers' mental health, though.

True. It depends on where they are. Some countries appreciate them more than others ;)

You are only paid what you are worth to society. Unfortunately this goes to show that society values film stars, pop stars and sport heroes more than they do teachers. Just a very sad state of affairs which shows our society going down the toilet.

Sad indeed!

I am working ~70 hours per week... and I am paid for 35 hours... Teachers / researchers -> same fight ^^

Such a shame. Good luck @lemouth.

Well, I am also very fine with it. I love my job waaay beyond money ;)

Positive attitude deserves positive rewards!

My reward consists of the students being happy with my job (and physicists to be happy with my research :) ). So yes, that's positive :D

That's great! The biggest reward is when your results are positive. Your glass is half full, my friend. Good job!!

O how I do agree on this - we obviously did not become teachers for the money but unfortunately life demands money to survive. So I think I must print this and give it to my boss. He has NO idea what we do every day. But so also with some parents and most of society - nice halfday job with a few holidays....if I hear those words I can strangle somebody

Be sure to make it look like this the day you do, lol:

Yes I have many friends who have teachers and I fully agree with this post and have hence resteemed it

The line where people say teachers are generally those that couldn't do other things really irks me, it is the total opposite I find the teachers I do it not for the money or credit or anything like that it is a vocation. For them to help the kids they teach and to try to educate them and guide them into a future that is best for them

Double at least I say !!!!

people say teachers are generally those that couldn't do other things

Just asked them why they don't go into teaching them if it is such a super and super easy job!

thanks for sharing great & helpful post

I definitely have much respect for teachers. I am an ESL teacher and also my mother retired from teaching last month after about 35 years. Thanks for sharing your insight because teachers do so much for many times so little.

Good luck to you and your mother on your path ahead.
Thank you for your comment.

Honestly, sure, teachers should be payed better, but the truth here is that people aren't pushed hard enough to promote learning on your own. It's been my personal opinion for a long time that making people understand that you can learn much faster on your own than in a class room is of greater value than most of what is shown to the kids in school.

Private teaching with one-on-one contact is surely the better option, but not something every parent can afford. In a perfect world, that would have been ideal. I agree.

In ireland they get 4 and a half months holidays a year, more then enough to soak up the stress.

Lucky Ireland! That's not the case in South Africa though

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