1 Esoteric Secret That People Spend Thousands of Dollars To Learn - Personal Development

in #education7 years ago (edited)

People spend thousands of dollars on Personal Development each year and a lot of times, they never see results. They are committed to their own success and they want to see change in their life, but they just don't know how to change their circumstances. I will say, I have also spent thousands of dollars on Personal Development and I have learned a ton. If you have been to seminars and events where gurus are at then you will find thousands of people ready to change their lives and they are looking for a leader to guide them there.

It is a proven fact that people, especially men, have a hard time letting their emotions release. Most men have grown up in a society where they are told that they are a wussy if they show their true feelings because men are not supposed to be vulnerable. They are usually taught this at a young age in school and if they do express their feelings, they are ridiculed. So most men end up turning off the emotion switch and learn to live life without expressing their feelings or emotions. Sometimes females deal with this as well. I know when I was growing up, I turned on the badass thug switch and I portrayed this image of being a tough girl that no one could mess with. However, deep down inside I was a sweet innocent girl that just wanted to be loved as all people want to be loved.

Now here is what most personal development books and seminars are missing. They talk about taking action, tap into your true self, etc. However, a lot of them lack to address the issue of how feelings are such a powerful part of who we are. That is why a lot of people tend to stay in a loophole.


Let me give you an example. Your at work or you just come home from work and someone tells you that they don't think you are doing a good enough job and they are not proud of you. Now right off the bat, most people will just talk shit back to that person or they will just ignore it and pretend it doesn't mean anything to them. Some people may even say that it truly doesn't mean anything to them because they really don't care what people have to say about them. That may be true at the conscious level, but at the subconscious level, something else is going on.

Feelings are signs that allow you to know what is going on inside of your emotional body. However, if a person is not in tune with their feelings then those signs will not surface to their conscious level and it will then go into a file inside of their subconscious mind. When the emotional body is not being addressed, their will be emotional blockages that build up inside of your body.


When the emotional body is not addressed > that is how diseases occur (a person that is at unease, dis-ease.) It is a proven fact that before a person got their disease or sickness, they had emotions that were trapped inside of their body and they never released their emotions and dealt with it when it occurred, so the emotions had to go somewhere and it did. It was then stored inside of the body which then created residue of built up trapped emotions and pretty soon so many emotions became blocked inside of their body that the sickness or disease was created within their body.

Most people are just lacking the awareness that they simple need to let go of old emotions that have been stored inside of their body which is now also within their energy field. If you had the ability to feel or sense their aura, you would know that their body has disturbance going on within it. 

Some people are familiar with EFT Tapping Technique (Emotional Freedom Technique) or other techniques to rid emotions from the body, and it is powerful, but sometimes those techniques do not work for everyone.


Here is an Ancient Technique that the Elite did not want people to find out about because they knew it worked so well. Leonardo da Vinci revealed the Vitruvian Man picture not just to showcase the proportions of the human body, but he was also revealing a profound hidden secret.

This drawing reveals the ancient way that people released their emotions.

                                                 HERE IS THE BREAKDOWN

  1. When you start to feel sadness, anger, frustration, bitterness, jealousy, resentment or any other emotions that are starting to come on, you will want to lay down on your bed.
  2. Lay down with your feet together as in the picture above and your arms will be extended to your sides (#1 in the picture).
  3. Once you feel the emotions about to erupt, you simply say "Relinquish" and say it a few times.
  4. Once the emotions erupt & they start to release & if you start to shake or have any movement, now you will extend your arms above you (#2 in the picture) and open your legs so that they now have space between them. This is used as a portal to release the feelings out of your body energetically. 
  5. Then you will say "I surrender" and continue to say that until all the feelings have flooded out of your body.

You will know when your session is done because you will feel a huge sense of relief. You might have tears of joy, twitch or even laugh. That is your cue that you have successful released your emotions of your body so now they will not get stored up inside of you which nature never intended for us to do.


Hannah xoxo (Remember Who You Are)

Resteem so others can know about this powerful secret

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awesome for them

been enjoying reading a bunch of your posts as well! btw, did you ever find my earlier "sedona method" comment from a few days back? lol

No I didn't! Chucks! lol

well then, let me help you out with that... It pains me to think that someone missed one of my carefully crafted and clever (in my own mind, at least) comments! lol

Link: @alexpmorris's self-proclaimed clever comment to @awarenessraiser!

Hahha you will love my response ;)

The universe rewards those who take risk and invest in themselves...form follows function

What an interesting technique. Thanks for sharing. I have a book on tapping that I've been using for years as a cure for hiccups. There is actually a taping protocol for that, and it works quickly, and better than anything else I've ever tried. Tapping is real. :)

@stephmckenzie Love that you are using that! I have used tapping as well with success but not all people have success with it so it's always nice to have options. <3 <3

It's a good tool to use, and just like anything, it works better for some people than others. We're all unique.

I always wondered what was up with that drawing! Thanks for enlightening me :)

Your welcome :D

Very interesting. I have not heard of this technique before but I am well aware of how powerful and common emotional blockages are.
I always say feelings are the most powerful part of being human and humans feelings are suppressed, so there is no way to really live.
Maybe the biggest part of my job (as a leader of a community) is helping people learn to feel, process feelings and heal all the trauma from their life.
Humanity is pretty fucked but there is always hope.
Seems like ur doing some great work. Grateful to have you here on Steemit. There is no coincidence that we connected.

I am so blessed and honored to connect with someone who has high awareness levels like you! Cheers to your next post my friend! :D

It is quite rare to meet someone who is actually conscious and empowered. many people who read books or talk but to LIVE in a consciously empowered state is most extraordinary.
I am grateful we have found each other and enjoy our exchanges!

I am so glad to upvote your post as I see you are educating us on personal development issue. @azizbd

I really appreciate that! :D @azizbd

Interesting read! :D Thank you.. Looking forward to read more. xxxx

Thank you so much! <3


Thank you so much for this post! This was very interesting to read, and I also appreciate you addressing how to release emotional blockages in order to restore the mind and body. :)

You are more than welcome! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it Goddess and for resteeming! :D <3
I can't wait to read your content :D

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