- Foundational Teaching #4 - You cannot do/ teach... what you do not know (CDWYDK).

in #education8 years ago
  • Foundational Teaching #4 - You cannot do/ teach... what you do not know (CDWYDK). Being a minnow to Steemit... I am learning this all over again. :-)
    Christ told'em, "You don't KNOW the scriptures... OR the power of God.
    In other words, He called them IGNORANT... of both.

If I didn't know how to fly... would you want to take flying lessons from me?? :-)
Many are taking flying lessons from chickens.
Chickens can't fly... and don't know how (FT #24 and Movie Ballerina).
Hosea 4:6... Most people only quote the first half of this verse.
You ought to check out the second half. It ain't pretty...
A Good Father always teaches His children. - John 6:45

How can you work in the vineyard, if you don't know about grapes?
And how can you work in the spiritual vineyard... if you don't know about spiritual grapes? - John 15
In order to get a different result... you gotta do something different.
A Good Father always teaches His children. - John 6:45

In order to DO something different.... you first gotta LEARN something different. This takes a process of learning Truth instead of opinion... what people have been programmed to think.
It is also a process of unlearning... while we are learning.
You can be brainwashed for success... or you WILL be brainwashed... for failure.
Either way... you are brainwashed.
You can be taught by the Word... or YOU WILL be taught by the world.
And the Truth is... the world makes SURE that we are taught by it.

As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always listed in last comment.

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Jesus - Messiah -

  • Comment 1 - - Don't Let Me Go - Lyrics -

---- When we are born we know nothing... and we have to be taught everything. The problem that has occurred is we are taught from a system of satan... instead of God.
More on that later.
What consistently goes in the eyes and the ears.... comes out the mouth and the hands.
Good or bad...
Truth or lie...

satan is a failure/ loser and therefore... that is what he makes... because fruit grows from the root (FGFTR - FT#17).
You cannot plant corn.... and get tomatoes.
Unfortunately, for my generation.... that is exactly what we have been taught to do... to expect and now are wondering what happened.
This is a main reason so many are failing in the five areas of life (FAOL - FT#10).

Many are told by others, "Just have faith. It'll all work out" or "Faith / Wisdom comes from God".

I say, "Oh yeah? Is that what you do with your 10 year old... throw him the keys to the truck... and tell him don't worry 'bout it, just have faith... wisdom comes from God. He'll teach you how to drive it.... it'll all work out."??

Or I say.... "Reeeaaallyy?!! Now, tell me again exactly how God set you down and taught you the alphabet. What method did He use?"

NO... God says, "I ain't got time to mess with babies. That's what I gave them to you for. You teach 'em the basics.... and I'll be back for 'em later."

This is a topic that must be mastered then duplicated, or an individual, who might be EXTREMELY busy.... will be completely unproductive for the Kingdom of God ANNNDD.... hurt a lot of others in the process... because they do not understand the plan of God.
This was what the P's, the S's and the TOL's did.

Christ constantly exposed them and said, "You don't KNOW what you're doin'... but you're EXTREMELY busy doing it."
This is also what has happened to much of my generation.
People are running around hollering at the TV... at people who do not even know them (like that's REALLY going to help)... trying this and that... wasting their time.
Because of this... their world is disintegrating.

Busy-ness/ activity... has NOTHING to do... with productivity.

Christ says, "In the end they will say, look at all we have done for You and I will say, depart from Me. I never KNEW you."
When you know the Lord and more importantly... He knows YOU, you will be doing what He called you to do (FT#9).
If not.... like the P's and S's... you will be completely useless to the Kingdom.

You can be USED... or you can be USELESS. You decide.
It is like my son when he was a kid, coming out there while I'm changing the oil in my vehicle.
Because he is a good son, he says, "Daddy, I'll help you.".... and he starts taking off my rear tire.
He's "helping"... but he ain't HELPING.
Matter of fact, he is making my job even harder.

I call it.... "Ignorance on fire".
Paul calls it.... "Zeal without knowledge".
Christ Himself took thirty years to learn before He entered His ministry.
At twelve years of age... He had doctors and lawyers with their clay tablets and chisels... taking notes. :-)

People are told they have to go to seminary in order to go in the ministry.
The Truth is.... they do not teach the Word in seminary.
Matter o' fact, many come out worse than before they went in... if they do not have a good foundation in the Word... BEFORE they go in.
Many professors of "religion" (FT#1)... do not even believe the Word.

Because of "feel good religion (emotionalism)"...most repeat lies that they heard from some preacher... who heard it from some other preacher, who heard it from someone else.... and they ALL... CAN'T READ.

A good example of this is -
I was talking to someone the other day about FT #3.
They said you got to consider other people's feelings.
I said God don't care about your feelings.
How many times have you "felt" like things should be different... than the way they are now?
God cares about His Word - how you are treating His Word... if you are OBEYING Him... or you are trying to KILL and crucify Him.

Then I mentioned Joseph...
How he told them they would bow... and how they said OH YEAH?!! We'll just see about that!!
They were about to kill him... but instead they sold him into slavery. What was the end result? THEY BOWED... TRUTH.
Then they said to me... with a snide look and smirk... yeah, but Joseph was a little arrogant won't he?

I said... "Are you reading a different Bible than I am???

Show me where it says in the Bible that... "and Joseph... was arrogant". You attack Joseph, and don't say a thing about his brothers who were the ones in the wrong... and the ARROGANT ones.
That tells me a lot about... YOU.
NO... All Joseph did was tell them the Truth... and they hated him for it.
When they saw him coming, they said... "Here comes that "Dreamer"."

The person I was talking to... was the ARROGANT one.

God does not lie.
People LIE. Because God loves us,
He COMMANDS us to get Wisdom. You will suffer if you refuse... and hurt many others in the process.
Stiff necks and hard hearts.... don't go over well, in the Kingdom.

Many religious folk talking about stupid crap, like:

  1. Aunt Bessie's in a better place.
  2. Do you sprinkle or immerse?
  3. What denomination are you?
  4. Where were you ordained?

I say.... "You don't read much... do yuh cuz??
I can tell....
You been listenin' to the "preacher".... ain'tcha cuz??
I can tell....
John 15:16 (KJV).... That's where.
Christ says, You have not chosen Me... but I have chosen YOU and ORDAINED you... to go and produce much fruit that will remain... that whatever you ask the Father in My name.... He will give it to you."
If Aunt Bessie's in a better place... then why must the dead in Christ rise?
If we are going to heaven... why is He making a new earth???"

You DO NOT.... You DO NOT go ask man's permission... to do what the LORD God has called you to do.
It's a VERY good way... to get your ass whipped. :-)
Get serious about getting in the Word daily... so the Word will get serious about getting in you... daily.
Love y'all... Anthony

— Suggested Study:

  • Law of Recognition by Mike Murdock
  • The Choice by Og Mandino
  • 2 Foundational Photos under my Photos tab
  • For Love Alone -
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