Unlocking Student's Potential

in #education7 years ago

As a teacher, learning how to identify student potential is important to do, so that we can be able to address and help our students make an effort to change toward their behavior. It sometime makes the teacher and student frustrated when we deal with the judgement of one’s potential but if we commit to practice, consistency, good communication, and kindness, we can coach our student to keep focusing on the track. Before we discuss further, it is better to know, what is potential actually?

Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. The term is used in a wide variety of fields, from physics to the social sciences to indicate things that are in a state where they are able to change in ways ranging from the simple release of energy by objects to the realization of abilities in people.


We know that every student has the potential to succeed, his/her potential may vary, it can be doctor, lawyer, teacher, astronaut or scientist. They truly need our help to directs their potential. In order to unlock the student’s potential, it takes a great teacher to do the best in the classroom, as well as our leadership that can be taken as a role model, the principal who can associates their valuable time with students. We realize that the extraordinary challenges are often faced by our student, and it seriously takes more time than we imagine.

Unlocking student’s potential may involve the neighborhood, the circumstance that supports the student and good cooperation within the parent. The violence, drug, and poverty are the real fact that may drive a serious obstacle to unlock their potential. A crucial step may be taken by navigating our student before they proceed their future study in university or after they graduate from school. We have to be able to eliminate the obstacles that cause student losing focus on their studies so that they are aware of their potential will become a true asset for their future.


Each school has set different criteria for assessing the progress of students’ potential. It is commonly seen by the percentage of graduate students who fully achieved good achievement in certain subject as well as the tremendous gains were made when student achieve the unexpected grade from their graduation which indicates a resemble potential that is owned by student through the grade they achieved, but it is not just the way to unlock their potential. We must see the success of a student is highly impacted by their attitude. In doing so, we must find the ways to encourage the growth mindset as the first method toward unlocking our student’s potential. One of the ways we can do is to begin the experiment to pursue the passion that has enabled our student to unlock their potential through generating the ideas and sharing them with their friend. There is a say the potential is like a plant that needs to pour water on it, he won't grow because it is not the right potential for him. So, the potential must be sharpened during their study at school, our task is to lead their potential growth in the right way. We can find more additional information about growing the student or child potential in the following video.


Menarik juga kalau kita hubungkan dengan pendidikan karakter.

betul, potensi anak akan berjalan beriringan dengan pendidikan karakter. Terima kasih bang

Postingan yang cukup menggigit, sebagai seorang guru yg sdh mengajar 27 tahun lebih dan jurnalis, saya menilai selama ini kita masih terbelenggu dengan pola pikir bahwa anak hrs mampu dr segi eksakta, jika lemah pelajaran eksakta maka akan dianggap "bodoh" padahal potensi untuk berhasil ada pada setiap kompetensi bidang yg di sukai dan di cintai oleh seseorang. Semoga pendidikan kita semakin tajam kedepan menuntun anak negeri untuk menjadi terbaik di bidangnya.

Mantap pak @deniandepa. Amin...semoga pendidikan kita bisa menetapkan standar utuh atau instrumen yang akurat untuk mengukur potensi diri anak. Saya setuju, kita sekarang terlalu memaksa si anak untuk ikut campur dengan urusan yang bukan potensinya. Terima kasih pak...!

Every child has talent and hidden potential that should be explored by the teacher.

Right! both teacher and parent must work together to identify their potential. thank you!

Membuka potensi melibatkan lingkungan sekitar, saya sangat satuju itu, apalagi potensi ini dimulai dari peran orang tuanya dulu masing2. Terimakasih kata-kata indah dan motivasi jih @abduhawab. Sukses selalu bang.

ya trilogi pendidikan harus selalu ada untuk mengembangkan dan mengarahkan potensi anak. terima kasih

Pencerahan yang sangat bijak dari anda @abduhawab , semoga saja bermanfaat bagi kita semua...sukses selalu buat anda..

hehe...amin. semoga ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua. terima kasih

Benar, saya sependapat dgn yg bg @abduhawab bilang,,potensi memang hrs ada dlm diri anak, dan. Sekolah juga mestinya mendukung dgn pola pikir siswanya, sehingga nantinya akan brjalan selaras antara potensi sianak dan aturan yang di terapkan di sekolah yg mereka belajar

sekolah merupakan rumah kedua bagi anak, tentu harus melibatkan diri secara total untuk mengarahkan potensi si anak. terima kasih!

Ya bang, sama-sama, izin share ya, saya tertarik sama postingannya, karena ini bermanfaat, tulisan @abduhawab sangat memotivasi dan menginspirasi anak-anak khusunya di negeri kita tercinta ini, salam sukses bang. 👍

Kayaknya perlu ada instrumen tes dlm memetakan potensi siswa bg @abduhawab..
Di sekolah kami biasanya kerja sama ma ahli psikologi pendidikan..
Sukses trs dunia pendidikan dgn adanya kontribusi guru2 yah bg..

Ya, betul, perlu instrumen yang akurat untuk mengukur potensi ril anak yang msih usia sekolah. terima kasih bang @jamanfahmi

Perlu kemampuan lebih bang untuk melihat potensi yang tidak nampak. Harusnya setiap orang tua punya kemampuan ini. Hingga mampu menuntun anaknya menuju impian.
Keren ni tulisan bang

yep, orang tua dan guru harus benar-benar memiliki kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi potential anak mereka, agar nanti lebih mudah diarahkan. terima kasih!

Do not force students to suit our will. Give them a chance to be creative according to their character and their will, and A teacher too, sometimes must be a student to know what the character of the student is. Greeting Education For You. Greetings KSI to us All.

just lead them to the gate of success with potentials they have. Thank you brother! All the best KSI

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