in #editorial7 years ago


These ideas just don't get along,
When jotted and jailed;
But voice-too filthy,
I murmur, it shouts.

It shouts this loud,
Like a mutiny to uphold,
Then it writes the thunder drums,
And filth goes honesty.

All I hear is roars
In the crowd and are loud
And my lugs can't shield them
But are retorted by my voice;

"This is not fair"
"Too unfair" it just goes on
Like when I see ripples,
I can trace out infinity.


Infinity. An idea. Idea of expansiveness. Idea, beyond finite. Infinity has long been an idea surrounded with mystery and confusion. Aristotle ridiculed the idea, Galileo threw aside in disgust, and Newton tried to step-side the issue completely. Who are we to understand Infinity completely? Infinity is an idea that holds us, and whispers, "Far there my friend, long way from here, and again a long way from there, there exists something, something inexplicable, this strong and powerful yet unseen. And beyond that too, there exists something, something far more powerful than that. Infinity, my friend is Beyond Imagination."

Universe, our home, loves symmetry. You can just mark this page, and get once to the cover of this creation. Two eyes, perfectly aligned, tears rolling down, freely on the air, "twlop....twlop..." and "splash". Two parallel drops, onto the stream, waves, ripples. Take a moment, breathe. Just when the ripples touch each other, the perfectly formed borders of two circles just touching each other, symmetric and beautiful, like the next one is mirror image of another, there forms a sign, a sign, a simple, yet so persuasive, a sign that defines universe, infinity.

Infinite are our capabilities, infinite our ideas, infinite are our ideologies and our strength. Infinite are our perspectives, our determination, our knowledge and our love. Infinite compassion and thirst of knowledge is what makes us human. Infinite are you and infinite am I. We are infinite, and we alone are infinite. We have infinity along oneself.

Cheers! to the infinite hope and faith of crew members to bring this creation up to the mark.
Cheers! to the readers too, who will grasp the true spirit of this magazine, will comment on our mistakes and commend our efforts.
Cheers! to the hope of infinite joy and happiness,
Cheers! to the hope of finding an inspirational herein,
Cheers! to the idea of unearthing one's potential,
Cheers! to the process of finding an infinity in yourself.

Hoping this to be a good read.

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