Getting the right haircut
Have you ever wondered why it seems like the hairdresser doesn't cut your hair the same every time you go for a haircut? If this has happened to you before, let me explain. See
There are many things to consider; One of them, do you go to the same stylist every time? Are you a fairly recent customer? Do you regularly have haircuts? What is the weather like outside, is it hot, humid, cold, damp or dry? Is your stylist in a more creative mood than last time? Does your hairdresser have a good memory? Do you explain your hairstyle with the right terms? Does the stylist fully understand what you want?
The easiest way to explain is to explain how hair grows first. Hair usually grows about 1/2 "per month. Hair also does not grow evenly all over the head. Some parts of the head grow faster than others and the hair is thinner and finer in some parts of the head than others.
What does all this mean when it comes to a haircut? Well ... let's say you cut your hair every 4 weeks and then you're busy and haven't come back for 7 weeks. Your hair grew for another 3 weeks and the hair shape changed drastically depending on how fast your hair grows. Any week that you go longer than the previous appointment makes it more difficult to find previous lines of the hairstyle. If you go to a new stylist that you've only been to a few times, he can't remember you or your haircut, so it's very important to be able to find those lines.
The weather can also influence this. Once you go and it's cold outside and the next time you go it's wet, your hairstyle may be different. It may look shorter or longer than usual, or the texture may look different. So when your hairdresser starts cutting your hair, his creative eye sees something different and can cut your hair lightly to accommodate the change.
And the stylist? If your hairdresser doesn't have a good memory, it may take a few times to style your hair to remember yourself and your haircut. Is this a bad thing? No, make sure to explain it the same way every time until you are sure they remember your hairstyle or have them take a few photos with your phone to help remind you.