Let it go...
A couple of days ago, I gave a homework assignment to the Alliance students and the theme was "Letting go". I was not supposed to write the post myself but evaluate those that were written and give my feedback. Well... @eco-alex had a different thing in mind. He made the same theme for his question of the week: "What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently and how has it changed your life?" So... Here I am, writing the post that I did not want to write and talking about the most painful experience of my life and the biggest lesson that I have learned from it. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a good thing, right? Right?

CC0 licence, Pixabay, author: yarmoluk , adapted by me
The first time I saw the movie Frozen was when I returned from my fifth visit to the emergency room. Back then I was taking 7 different medications for my digestion because my body was refusing even water let alone food. I lost 20 kilograms (44 pounds) in a month, taking heart medication, screaming and or crying all the time, visiting a different doctor every day, testing my blood, urine, heart, stomach, lungs, and refusing to admit the obvious. My body was reacting to my mind, I was experiencing a nervous breakdown and shutting down. I was ready for hospitalization...

To admit to people that you are crazy is hard but to admit it to yourself seemed like a good place to start so I visited a psychologist and got my diagnoses. Got, not accepted yet. I was diagnosed with clinical depression, panic disorder, psychosomatic digestion disorder, and severe atypical agoraphobia. Me crazy? No. What would I tell the people? No, no. It was not possible. I was the rock, there was something obviously seriously wrong with my body, not the mind. I must have some sort of cancer or something because these diagnoses do not make any sense. Me crazy? No, no, no, and no. It was the body that was wrong, not the brain.
Guess what? It was the brain...
Admitting to myself that it was the brain came hard. Questions like who I am and why is this happening to me had to wait because I was more concern with how will my friends and family react to this. They will think I am weak, broken, not a normal person. They would think less of me or even worse, feel sorry for me. They would pity me and discard me. Change the way they act around me and they would be disappointed with me because this does not happen to strong people. This happens to weak ones. To negative ones. Was I all that? Was I weak, negative, broken? Was I not normal? The answers my mind created were yes yes and yes and I only got even more depressed. It was time for them to lock me up and throw away the key...

The only thing that kept me from the asylum was agoraphobia. It was so severe that leaving my house was out of the question, leaving to the bathroom alone was out of the question back then, let alone anything else so I stayed home and left the house only when I had to go to therapy. Medication came with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines. Meditate and take your medication, meditate and take your medication, try not to die, meditate and take your medication...
And then came therapy...
My doctor told me that all the medication in the world would not help me if I do not decide to help myself and no matter how hard I tried to help myself, without medication, I would fail. The combination of modern and alternative medicine was the key. I was taking medicine, going to therapy, meditating, having shiatzu massages and working on myself. I had to get better fast and go on with my life, I didn't have time for this bullsh*t. I needed to be like I was before. I needed to be good and normal again.
"Normal? Like you were before? Wasn't what you were before what got you here and caused all this?"

I was a faker. I faked everything. I was sad when people expected me to be sad and happy when I had to be happy. I did what needed to be done and no matter how much I have tried to convince myself that I am my own person, I was not. I was dependant on the opinions of others. I needed validation like oxygen and all my life decisions were made in a way to avoid any criticism what so ever. Everyone needed to love me, everyone needed to be satisfied and proud of me. I needed to be the best in everything I do and having problems was out of the questions. Problems are for the weak ones, they are for losers. I was not a loser.
If you bang your head on the wall,
the wall is not the one that will break.
If you do not listen to yourself, to your wants, needs, and emotions, you will go crazy sooner or later. That is what happened to me and to get better I needed to let go of what I thought others wanted me to be and work on what I want. I needed to let go of my intention to be what I believed would be best for others and become what was best for me. I was trapped in my own delusions of what was expected of me and tied up with my synapses that were telling me that others need to be happy in order for me to be happy. I was caged with my own thoughts, a prisoner of my own mind. But what did I want? Who am I anyway? What is it that I want to become? That is when my metaphorical wings started to break out of the cage.

I was ready to fly the moment I had let go of my old self. I did not let go of other people, I never had them in the first place. Their thoughts were theirs and were none of my business. I needed to let go of me, those parts that were not serving me. I needed to let go of myself, to lose myself in order not to find myself but to build myself up from scratch.
I am happy
because I choose to be.
People who surround me know that I am a bit different from them now. I do not care about things that they do and that is fine by me. If it is not fine by them, it is their problem, not mine. I have my tears and I have my smiles, my ups and downs but they are mine, not theirs. They are genuine and not fake. My every emotion is valuable and teaches me something. Before anything that I do, there is a thought in my mind "Will this make me happy?". This is how I live now. I am not searching for happiness, I am living it. I am not happy all the time (and I do not believe such a thing is possible because contrast is a normal and healthy part of our lives) but I do aim to be and am mostly successful at it. I am definitely happier than I was before.
What about the others?
I am happier than most of the people I come across, at least that is how it seems to me. This does not make me better than them. I do not compare myself with them anymore. They are who they are and I am who I am. I compare myself only to myself from the past. Am I better today than I was yesterday? Am I happier? Am I smarter, kinder, wiser, more open, more honest, more satisfied? Others do not concern me. I could not change them anyway. My happy wings can carry more than one person but only if others decide to join me. I have let go of the want that I should be like others and that others should be like me. Diversity is what makes this planet marvelous and we are all special if we truly are who we are.
Until next time,

Image sources AND LICENCES in order of appearance:
- all images used in this post are free for commercial use, they are royalty free with the links to original images provided under them
- line divider that I use is from FREE CLIPART LIBRARY, and is here
- title pictures are made by me using the CC0 images from pixabay that can be found here
- the cover has an image of Elsa that is from here
- my bitmoji avatar was created on https://www.bitmoji.com/, visit the site to create yourown


Everyone is crazy, but only some of us admit it!
Very powerfully written. It's so difficult to write about deep personal experiences like this, but you managed to put it across so lucidly. It might seem flippant to say we're all crazy, but trying to conform to what "society" demands of us can make us literally ill, as the mental state certainly affects the physical state. It's so interesting to read how you pulled yourself out of it, which many people never succeed in doing.
Sadly, there are many who do not make it, graveyards are full of them, unfortunately. I was lucky enough to have a supporting husband and a really great doctor to help me on my journey to health 💚
Wow, thank you for sharing your story! It is indeed inspiring.
Im glad you made it through that time period, and are happy today.Life is a constant struggle and there is always room for growth, but in order to succeed, I think we all need to start with that foundation, contentment with ourselves. ♥
You said it! Being who we are and content with it is the main starting point for moving forward. Much love 💚
I have said this before and I will say it again; half of my friends think I am crazy; the other half are sure of it. Do I care what they think about me?
No I don't care, I am just glad they think about me and that we are friends. We don't always see eye to eye on things and the more we talk about things they realize I am not as crazy as they thought when given the time to explain the thoughts I have.
So glad that you have gotten through this and had the strength and support to do it. Like you said in one of the comment replies, the graveyard is full of those that didn't.
Hahaha, the other half are sure of it :D I love your humor honey :) Thank you for your lovely comment and for the support, they are really appreciated 💚
I forgot who said it and I am also paraphrasing a bit, but the saying goes kind of like this:
The world needs you to be yourself, because nobody else can make this gift to the world.
That's beautiful @likedeeler :)
Very brave of you to overcome it. And even braver to tell the story 💚
Thank you, it means a lot to hear that 💚
What can I say more about you? Nothing... (^_^)
You are happy with what you have and what you are which is really great with good spirit!
Thank you for your kind words 💚
Hi @zen-art, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @ecoalex doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @eco-alex ?
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.I think you are the most useful bot I have seen so far, thank you 💚
I said the same!
Med don't really work for me sadly I am deathly allergic to half of them and the rest just turns me it a vegetable. So I deal as good as I can without. I made an attempt last year to try again but my agoraphobia kept me from some of the appointments and I had 3 different therapists because they were coming and going like through a revolving door in that facility , which really does not help when you generally have socialisation issues ...it is what it is ...
Agoraphobia is a bit*h, it really is. I loved my depression in comparison with agoraphobia lol. Keep looking for a great doctor, he or she is out there for you and it really does matter a lot if you click with them or not. Baby steps and tiny improvements are reasons for celebration. I remember when I first went to another room all by myself, me and hubby had a party. Best of luck and much love to you, it will get better but only if you do not give up 💚
I have been dealing with My bi-polar and OCD for over 37 years now, my abusive ex left me with PTSD with a side order of agoraphobia so I know the bitch well ... I have pretty much given up that any doctors are of use but we shall see ... <3 I am glad you have your husband things like that help .
Oh sweetheart thank u SO much for being so brave and sharing this truly incredible story. I know i cant fully understand what u have been through, but thank god u had a good doctor who gave u good advice!
Amazing that u got over this and managed to put aside all those fears and doubts and needs,, u did it!!!& and that means maybe others who read this can too!
Massive hug to u
Oh yeah, my doctor was amazing, very open to alternative medicine and always giving me homework after sessions lol and my hubby helped a lot, I am not sure if I would get better in the same time or ever if it weren't for him. Good support goes a long way and really really really helps. Thank you for your kind and lovely words. Much love your way 💚
So many truth bombs
I am so glad you have made peace with you
Hugs and thank you so much for sharing this with us @zen-art <3
Thank you for your lovely words and support, I am at peace with myself now 💚