How to Cultivate Bengkoang Plant

in #ecotrain6 years ago

How to cultivate plants to be able to produce bengkoang in large size? let us see the way of cultivation of bengkoang plants with the utilization of vacant land among the palm trees.


Bengkoang cultivation included in family fabaceae is done by planting seeds. How to planted fairly easy and simple. Only the seeds of the pods are ripe physiological alias cook harvest. Bengkoang seeds are in a flat-shaped pod with a length of 8-15 cm, seeds between 4 -9 pieces, brown, diameter of approximately one cm.

Note Distance Planting
Bengkoang seeds are not directly planted, but must be added, so before planting the seeds must be soaked in water for about 12 hours. Next the soaked seeds are removed and drained, then put into a container where the bottom has been given a leaf mat.

Place the room moist or wet. Allow to germinate. Planting is 15 x 15 cm with a depth of 5 cm, one hole filled 1 seed. It is estimated that in one hectare requires 20-30 kg. Planting distance is rather long it is expected the plants can flourish because of getting enough nutrition and not compete each other. Cultivated this requires, Land to be planted yam must be processed first by digging soil loose soil . Culversion smoothly cultivated. In addition, the beds are made to be adapted to the existing land.


After that do the fertilization with manure on the lane will planted. During maintenance, intensive and regular monitoring of the crop should be maintained. The goal is that we know the seeds can be planted grow or not.

Usually within a week, there will be germination. If not, immediately do the replacement with new sprouts. The term is done embroidery so that plants can grow evenly. When he was reach one month, and the growth is less good, do the fertilization immediately afterwards. Fertilizer that can be used in the form of NPK fertilizer with a dose of 150 kg per ha

Then the way of further cultivation, after the plant bengkoang aged two months, do pruning on the trunk. Leave 50 cm from the base of the plant. Cutting of these stems can use scissors or knives. Replace if the trunk has spread.

Age of Harvest
First done for this cultivation, pruning is done four times in the period of four months. The purpose of pruning to give a chance on bengkoang plants increase tuber. Because of that nutrition given will center on the bulbs.


In addition to bulbs can be large, rounded shape, and smooth skin. Bengkoang plants classified as minimal attacked by pests. Even if attacked by pests, usually attacked by leaves. Control enough with insecticides. However, intensive observation is needed, especially against weed attacks. Immediately do the countermeasures by being revoked.

After the age of four months we can harvest it. But if you want the size of the fruit is greater, harvesting can be done at the age of 5 months. Please note, the harvesting should not be more than 8 months because the quality of the fruit will change. Fruit so less crispy and fibrous.


Post-Harvest Tips

  • After lifted from the ground, the yam is washed clean to look good, fresh and attractive.
  • Dried by putting it in the open, do not forget the bottom is given a base.
  • Sort by bulb size, large, medium or small.
  • Do binding, one bundle can contain 3-4 bulbs for medium size, if large without being tied.
  • In order to keep the fruit bengkoang fresh place open, do not be included in the bag until ready to be transported for the market.

Little tip - Center your images / Titles :D I also love the content! Where is this ? Looks like a jungle haha

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