RE: QOTW: Why do you think there is so much hate and anger toward Vegans, and why are those who eat meat and dairy so threatened by the notion of giving it up?
I agree. Wolves aren't particularly noble, but do their job. People can be incredibly noble, but far too many don't live so much as live on. Beyond their time, beyond their means, or on the backs of others.
Evolution is about to leap far beyond what we can imagine, I think. Have a look at
this, and you'll see what I mean. As for what might be done to stop this, visit and buy your own CRISPR kit. This genie ain't going back in the bottle.
It is also what I mean about our role. I think of humanity more as sorts of fertilized ova that are about to spread life throughout the universe, and in plethora, abundance, and such ways as we cannot imagine.
I didn't use roles as in institutions, but as niches in ecosystems, which have nothing to do with perceptions or beliefs - except as they impact how we effect our niche. Our affectations as people dramatically affect our effects, lol.
Thanks for your kind words =)