It's better to love and loss than never to have loved at all. EcoTrain Question of the Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

“Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”

Mr./Mrs. Green

This week, Ecotrain brings a question that has reminded on why i should continue to love unconditionally.
"I will continue to love my wife and kids, family and friends, and love every individual of this planet irrespective of their sex, age, race, religion, color, geographical background, etc; as well as love and care for Mother Earth. I will do this because it's the right thing to do and whenever i stumble and fall, i will gather strenght and hope and continue to show some love to people and the planet for Love is all that matters." Mr. Green 2018

Yes! I think it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all and think yes because it’s the pain of love that makes us to love more.

Mr. Green's Love Story

Permit me share my story of how I loved and lost, then fell in love again and got married. I have been married to my wife for 9 years but we have been in a relationship for about 15 years. I met my wife when I was in High School and I can’t find words to describe the feelings I had for this lady who is now the Mother of our 3 beautiful kids. Seeing her gave me happiness and each time I read a small note from her, I stayed without eating for almost a day. I had fallen for an angel and it’s the love I had for this beautiful queen that made me to work extremely hard in school to get good grades. However, when I succeeded with my High School exams and moved to the university, she was transferred to a boarding school and unfortunately for me, she ditched me for no reason. My heart was broken and I really don’t want to talk about the emotional trauma I went through during that moment. It was a very difficult moment for me but I had to move on despite countless attempts to bring us back together. I got into another relationship and then another one and within a very short time frame I found myself wondering in relationships. One thing I learned in my new relationships is that when you truly love someone, you can never take them out of your heart and mind. In fact you can’t even explain how you keep thinking about them despite the heart break they gave you and despite the fact that you are in another relationship. Love to me is magical and it seems while I was dreaming about the moments we shared together, she too was dreaming about those moments and perhaps that’s why one Sunday afternoon, my elder brother told me someone was looking for me, and behold it was the love of my life. I guess you know how I must have felt and till date, we are still sharing the love we shared when we were young as husband and wife and we hope this will last till death do us part and for eternity.

Has our love been a bed of roses?

I’m sure you are thinking my wife and I are swimming in an ocean of love that’s as sweet as honey. Yes, we are having a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing but permit me say, our love that’s as sweet as honey and as romantic as that of Romeo and Juliet, is sometimes bitter and scary.

Is it a bad thing for our relationship to sometimes get bitter or scary?


In one ecoTrain question of the week, we talked about emotions and I think your sad emotions are just as needed as your sweet emotions. It’s normal to sometimes get frustrated in relationships and sometimes I think the sad emotions fortify the need for more love to prevail. For instance, the feelings you get after settling from an argument with your spouse or friend or family member. What about the feelings you get after that period of reflection and reconciliation from shouting at each other. I think these things give you more reason to love and pave way for love to grow.

To conclude, I personally think that it’s the tough times my wife and i share together as a couple that motivates us to love each other more and this is only possible because we both understand that we are two different people who have decided to come together as one; as such we always find a way to strike a deal for our differences and make peace whenever and wherever necessary.

Now to the EcoTrain Question of the Week; “Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”

Before I share what I think, I wish to ask the following questions:

Can we live our lives without loving?
Is there Life without Love?
How will a world without love look like?

I really enjoy the way @holisticmom responded to this question

When we open our hearts and love others we are already setting ourselves up for loss. It's a natural process but one that affects us to varying degrees. Something that is dependant on who we've loved, the type of relationship and the amount of time and energy connection we have had. One thing for certain is that with each of these experiences come important lessons that help us to grow.

When I read @mountainjewel’s response, I found something really interesting and very meaningful.

That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.
Having experienced unreciprocated love myself, this taught me something. That even if the person never acknowledges or reciprocates your love, that your loving them is an experience that you're having. Own that. If love becomes recognizable or your lover leaves, realize that the love worked on you, taught you, transformed you in some way. Be grateful for the feeling of it moving through you, don't grasp it or expect something from it. Love is sufficient unto itself.

Some reasons that should inspire us to love and loss are;

  • Love and loss are natural
  • Love is a great changer, mover and builder
  • Love is magical and memories of love inspire
  • Getting lost in Love is a great teacher
  • Getting lost in Love sometimes fortifies the Love relationship

To conclude, I must say its better to fall in love and loss for Love is Life and the greatest gift of Life.
@steemiteducation #steemiteducation @ecotrain #ecotrain @steemitbloggers #steemitbloggers @wafrica #wafrica @theluvbug #theluvbug #cameroon

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