Miracles Aren't Chance...We Create Them

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

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Coincidence - that is a word that is tossed around a lot in our lives. Have you ever found yourself chalking up daily actions that come in front of your life as stark coincidences? I would wager a bet that most of those occurrences are not coincidences at all - but rather manifestations of our own minds.

Whether we all realize it or not at this point in time, thought truly does generate all of our realities. While some are beginning to wake up to this concept, most have yet to come to the awareness of it. As we approach each day in our lives, some of our daily thoughts materialize quicker than others like - I want a cup of coffee, I think I'll go for a walk, or I would rather go out for dinner than stay in. These are thought forms that manifest quickly without much time. However, in the physical world that we currently are residing at this present time, some other thought forms take longer to manifest.

All thought is energy. If I have a thought of owning "the perfect home," I likely have that picture in my mind of what that perfect home looks like. It will take time, but if the power of the thought is strong enough, we will put actions in motion and the manifestation of that thought (non-physical) will bring the home into our current physical reality. The same works with losing weight or attaining that promotion at work. We confuse these "longer term" thought manifestations as "normal progression," something that was simply the output of the input. Input work = obtain promotion. Input cut back on smoking = eventual quitting of smoking. This is normal progression, but I would simply refer to it as "progression" because there is no "normal" about it. I would argue that you can obtain a lot of your goals without physical effort. The simple act of thought and focus will manifest into the physical world in which we all currently are living. Be it good or bad - which is why it is so incredibly important that we stay mindful of our thoughts. We can literally think ourselves sick or healthy, overweight or toned, happy or depressed. Rene Descartes really had it figured out when he said, "I think, therefore I am."

Science helps us understand that in our physical world, matter is more dense and takes longer to form. When dealing with things in non-physical reality - the output becomes instantaneous. Because we currently reside in this physical world we call Earth, most of our thoughts take longer to materialize versus when we go into the non-physical. For anyone that has studied "out of body experiences," or even had any of them - you would know what this means. Because our current consciousness is restricted inside of a physical body, it takes longer to affect the more dense matter through which we reside. When our consciousness is able to leave our body, we obtain exactly what we think in real time. It is why I believe we are residing in physical bodies at this present time; to help as a training ground of sorts for what comes in our non-physical lives after death. Perhaps this is one reason why we must reincarnate until we have found the ability to control our thoughts. While many of us today know how hard it is to stop the unrelenting voice and thought in our heads, imagine what would happen if our spirit forms reacted to every single conscious thought? We would be whisked every which way, all around up and down, spinning in a never ending motion of responsiveness to thought and addictions. Hence why mindfulness is so incredibility important.

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So what about miracles? Are we capable of thinking miracles into our reality? I will tell you that we can. My reading of "A Course in Miracles," puts it best as, "Miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth." Simply meaning turn what you don't believe, into what you "know" to be true. This takes a great deal of practice and conditioning but I assure you that it can become possible.

It is my known life view that whatever we describe as "God" resides within us. Call it our higher Self, the universe, God, or any other known name for the all powerful life-force that exists. There is no need to look externally for any miracles or guidance. Turning inward is where the answers lie. Turning inward is where we need to begin in order to completely understand our lives and our abilities to manifest the lives that we all seek, need, and desire.

So what about asking or hoping for a miracle? Would not the same thing apply - looking inward and using our God-given ability to manifest and will it into existence? I do believe this is reality. If God resides within us, as I know it to be so, then it becomes a matter of self-will and want. Training ourselves to realize we have this ability is crucial. Once again I will quote "A Course in Miracles" as it describes our ability so eloquently:

"Miracles demonstrate that learning has occurred under the right guidance, for learning is invisible and what has been learned can be recognized only by its results. Its generalization is demonstrated as you use it in more and more situations. You will recognize that you have learned there is no order of difficulty in miracles when you apply them to all situations. There is no situation to which miracles do not apply, and by applying them to all situations you will gain the real world"

Jesus was one of a few highly advanced beings that knew this to be so. He was so close to "knowing" that he could perform "miracles" simply through how he viewed the world. His ability to simply "know truth" and not deny himself of it generated reality. He had NO DOUBT about what he was doing. His thought was so focused and so powerful that he was able to obtain amazing feats that we would describe as "miracles." Yet were they miracles or did he simply "know them to be true?" His thoughts were able to transcend the known physical reality through which we live. It defied logic as it had been known.

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I define myself as highly spiritual. I do not identify or assign to any religion. However you can look through history and see many great miracle workers that understood how to use this ability. I'm not suggesting we can simply turn water into wine in one day, but with the right focus and our God given ability within us - I do believe we can generate miracles in our everyday lives, or so what we've believed to be miracles but might just be every day occurrences depending on how we view them.

I've been witness to some of my own miracles that I know are not coincidence. I've focused my energy and "knowing" about specific situations that have turned out against all odds. Coincidence? - - - Not in my world.

If anyone is curious to learn more about or read up on what "A Course in Miracles" is, I've included a reference link. I would highly encourage it to those that feel ready to understand more about life, the ego, non-duality / duality, and ending any suffering that they believe they are living under.

As always, I hope in some small way this post makes a difference. If it is through just helping one individual soul better their life view, then I'm doing my part.

Be well...







we are all creators and we create our reality, I strongly believe that. It is about taking responsibility for your life, I have found that when you live more in tune with the earth, then the earth is more in tune with you and your needs. I tell my girls that magic and miracles happen all around us we just need to be still and observe x

Could not agree more! Too many people in the world look at life and bypass all the miracles that surround them. When we obtain and keep a strong and positive vibration in life, it just seems like the universe continues to bestow more good fortune upon us. When you look at good life experiences as “getting richer” it is a good way to say “the rich get richer” and it’s not a bad thing ;-)

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It is SUCH a powerful realisation, isn't it, to know we create the world with our thoughts! It can make such a difference to our lives. So wierd that it takes us a long time to realise this and you have to keep fighting the monkeys in your mind!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Did this post make a difference in the world? Yes - already! Cos it REMINDED me to look for the miracles in my day to day - a new flower emerged from what was dying; the kitty-cat-territorial war suddenly resolving into peace; my daughter walking around and being her amazing self. All good, all miracles - thank-full.

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Miracles are really all around us. We often do get too caught up in our daily hustle and bustle to see them. Some are obvious and others not but they are indeed there - often times created through our conscious or even unconscious thought.

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I used to follow "A Course in Miracles" and I really wanted to believe in the truth of these teachings. Over the last several months, I came to learn that the woman Helen, who so-called was the vehicle for Jesus, who produced the book, was involved in MK Ultra mind control and then when I review the website, I see 1 eye on their page.

If we are to believe in the teachings of this book it would make us believe that this world doesn't matter whatsoever and it's all an illusion. We will overlook the corruption that is going on and focus on this book and this book makes us believe that have powers, like our Creator.

This book focuses on forgiveness and does not teach how to live with good values and to respect the earth. It teaches that we are to forgive others for anything and that we can leave this place when our vision expands and we awaken.

I have given up reading this book and I am thankful I didn't waste anymore time with studying this book because I wouldn't want to reach the end of my life, and come to realize that everything I thought I knew to be the truth, was all a lie, in order to manipulate me.

I respect your views and opinions. I’m 250+ pages into the course and can tell you I can see many great perspectives from it. Like all things I approach this with an open mind, able to take what I feel is good from it, yet also question what I may not align with.

I will never have the view that this life is “an illusion.” I do however align with the belief that this physical life we live is not the end game; and it does matter. We all live after we die and what we do now matters. Every experience is a lesson. How we respond to each life situation allows us growth or more suffering - be it through this life or lives after. But I know that this physical existence we are experiencing is not everything; the non-physical and spiritual aspects are what we really are.

There are many great life perspectives in the course. Teaching Love and Forgiveness is not bad. It does not state that we should ever lie down and allow others to perpetrate or cause harm. Nor would I ever stand by idle to allow any types of those activities to occur either.

The teachings of the ego and the recognition of it are some of the most powerful perspectives in the course that I’ve come across thus far. I’ve read of the ego and the truth of what it makes us think from other authors besides those from the course. Recognition of it and how it can control our motives is probably more important to me that anything.

Those under mind control cannot question the way of their current existence. All I ever do is question my current existence and look to find ways to help others be enlightened to find their own purpose.

I don’t know of the MK Ultra mind control accusations, but as through all things in my life, I will evaluate that perspective and form my own conclusions without the influence of others.

I’m of the opinion that the course is simply a tool. One of many that can help us be guided through life. The teachings within in state that through non-duality and fear of God; our consciousness created the ego and all the physical worldly items we see on earth. That was quite a hard pill for me to take in as well. However, even if true; we can and should still live our lives right and one with the earth. I’ll never part from that belief. Nor will I ever stop standing up to do right by others and help people. However, I will show “all” love. Even the evil in this world. The only thing worthy of defeating evil is overall love. Not to stand by idle and watch evil win, but not to combat it with fear or hate. Love is the only true way.

I very much appreciate your comments and perspectives and wish you well on your continued journey we call life.

Be well...

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Why do some thoughts take longer to manifest than others @steelborne ?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, your small post makes a difference.

I absolutely love this "Miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth."

I am currently doing a vision board and affirmations course and I'm finding (not by coincidence, of course) posts like yours that are expanding my view and letting me be less harsh on myself.

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