
LOL. Well, I know most Antifa people or feminists are good people. I'm a feminist my self (wouldn't be good if I weren't one), but just not like most are. The feminist movement nowadays seems to just hate men in general and not the patriarchy. As for Antifa, yes, of course, there's a whole bunch of good ones. However, there are also a whole lot of them who've been deceived as much as the rest of us. I remember seeing an independent journalist asking people at an Antifa gathering about some of their reasons for being there. It was about gun control. They really didn't have a clue. The thing is, there are so many staged and fake events and 'terror' attacks and the mainstream (Vanderbilt/Rothshield) media fuels this by spreading the misinformation. Now, these antifa people were demonstrating wanting gun control. But all this media bullshit is done for one thing only: if people voluntarily hand in their guns or even be made to because so many others want it, there will be nothing they can do if the government comes in and strips them of even more rights.
And then there were the demonstrations all over the country by feminists against Trump. Most people now know that this was all set up by George Soros.
And as for's really the same thing: people put the issue with one person and fail to take responsibility. Trump is merely a puppet for the powers that be, as was Obama and every other president before him. I don't believe that either one of them started out pure evil, but once they send out yet another army to kill innocent people and turn their armies into killers, they turn that way. ALL presidents of the USA are and were murderers. Nothing more and nothing less.
The problem now is, is that ALL of the movements, whether it is Antifa, or the feminists or whatever, are ALL playing directly into the hands of those powers. All of them.

While I am absolutely for equal rights for anyone, whether they are women, men, gay, straight or trans. My own daughter and her boyfriend are part of the LGBT community. BUT, things are going the other way now. I have a friend in Holland who's daughter is homeschooled. She goes to gymnastics with a bunch of other 7 to 9 year-olds, boys and girls. One day, they had a meeting in the gym. They were told by the mother of a child and their coach, that Sam was now to be called Samantha. Sam was not a boy, but a girl. They explained trans-sexuality to the children and then told the kids that from now on, Samantha would get changed in the girl's dressing room.
Most of those girls didn't feel comfortable with that. To them, Sam was a boy, not a girl. They didn't understand the concept of trans-sexuality.
They were MADE to accept it and get changed in the dressing room with Sam. And although I believe it would be wrong to have the child singled out, I am also sure that this is part of the agenda. It's absolutely wrong to make those kids do this, as much as I think it's wrong of the girl's parents to support it in the way they do at such a young age. My 5 year old told me today: Mom, when I grow up, I think I will be a girl. Now, I know he has huge imagination. He also says he'll be hulk. So I just said: well, you're a boy now, why do you think you'll be a girl. His answer: Sinatra is a girl, and she was a boy. I told him: Sinatra has always been a girl. So he started laughing and replied: Hehehe, just kidding. Now, there are parents who would handle this completely differently, and almost push the child to rethink who they are.
I support the LGBT community, but when there's an 8-year-old boy dressed in drag, dancing at a gay nightclub, I believe that we've lost our marbles. I wouldn't want my 8, 10, 12, or even 16 year old to go to ANY nightclub yet. But when I say such a thing, I get comments like: Why? Do you think that gay men are automatically paedophiles? Well, no, I don't think that. One of my best friends is gay. Children adore him and he adores them. I know 100% that he's not a sexual predator. But whether we'll go to a gay bar, or a straight nightclub, I am also 100% sure that there's one or two or more sexual predators there. Maybe even a paedophile or two. So to subject a young child to something like that and scream murder when people object, is lunacy and tells me how far we've sunk.

As for the feminist movement. They screamed and demonstrated for women's right to choose. They won. To be honest, I was on the fence. I am for the women's right to choose when or how to birth. I am on the fence when it comes to abortion. I feel that I would never do it, but I also feel that it's none of my business if a woman chooses to do so.
Well, in the UK now it's going the other way. There was recently a case where a female JUDGE ordered for a woman to have an abortion. Forced abortion...yup.
The woman had supposedly the mind of a 12 year old, but her (Nigerian) mother told the judge that she would care for the child. The judge had other thoughts. She said that the mother had enough stress caring for her daughter and that she didn't need another baby. So the decision was made that she would undergo an abortion. EVEN the social workers didn't want the was the judge! So where is this world going now? It's come to a point where authorities get to decide who gets to keep their child. And this is only possible because abortion was made legal. It's 1984 y'all, and it's time to wake up.

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