RE: Little Changes, Big Difference: Cloth Diapers
When i owned a diaper service, i used to really push other services to use really simple stuff to clean, but some still insisted on chemicals. Of course some babies are just very sensitive. One thing i used to do is offer a liner that was disposable that could be used with cloth and would keep baby drier. Still something disposable but much less, and they were flushable! I sold my service when we moved, and i was just crushed when the people who bought it closed it. It's such a valuable service.
I do like the waste to energy facilities. It's such a good idea. I wonder about all the burn off too, though. Burning plastic is so nasty. And i dont even wanna think about burning all that gel stuff. I used to live next door to these people that burned old tv sets. Honestly. It was super gross.