RE: Every Once in a While, it is Okay to Slow Down a Little...
I think there's a bit of the difference between masculine and feminine energies in this. The masculine has to have a goal - the best, hike to the top of the mountain, explore the deepest depths of the ocean, CEO, Fortune 500, etc, etc. Feminine is here to serve, to help, to assist others (esp children if she has them), and to enjoy the moment. A balance is nice, but I lean far to the feminine. I believe I bless this world by being present with others, especially my kids. By helping my friends when they need me, sometimes through painfully slow processes. I don't like hiking with super masculine energy people because I want to dawdle through the forest and feel the earth and the trees and smell things. Not even your husband gets to tell you how to be. You're the awesomest Sharoon ever, and I think you're perfectly perfect just as you are.