RE: Little Changes, Big Difference: Cloth Diapers
Without a doubt we gotta do what we gotta do to make it through, especially, like you said, when we are without community. I never support martyrdom parenting. Mostly i want people to know modern cloth diapers are so much easier than they used to be and such an awesome money saver.
I stopped fighting the plastic toy fight pretty quick too. I was mostly talking about all the unnecessary gear. Different people need different things, but i never used the crib or a changing table or a baby bath. I had friends that never used a stroller, but i loved mine. Loved the baby carrier too, but i used both. Giving up the crib meant not Having to buy a whole bunch of stuff. I think people would be wise to think on what they really need and not buy stuff they wont use.
I hope yours grow up to be as fantastic as mine.
Well, the 20 and 16 yo's are fantastic. Time will tell on the 6 and 4 yo's.