
I love the passion you have for your chosen really shines through in your story, and it was so enjoyable to read!! Beautiful photography, too!

Also, you get my vote for displaying your prices, haha. I can’t stand it when vendors don’t do that, and won’t buy from them.

you took the words right out of my mouth - on all accounts, especially the pricing!

<3 <3

@mtnmeadowmomma thank you what a compliment!! Im so glad you liked the post. I love photographing veges :-)

oh my!!! yes I wouldn't think of not displaying prices!! hahaha!

That was awesome, can't wait for this: "In the next few days I will be doing a Tutorial Post about how to build yourself this 12x16 greenhouse for around $100!"
some years I grow more than I can deal with and trade the excess but you are an inspiration!

Great! Thank you! Hoping to post it today!

yall are superheroes!! XO keep bringing that great food for the people. worth work! <3

What a wonderful life! Such beautiful produce you have!

Thank you!!!! I see the beauty in food as you do!!

I need a tutorial on how to garden...what to put next to what. And I'm going to press for that $100 greenhouse! Your vegetables are beautiful!!! Wish I could come and buy!

That was a really good read, thank you :) Looking forward to the tunnel tutorial.

Would that be home-made cider at all?


Thank you!!!! I have brewed homemade cider before and it's time to again... We became pretty sweet on a store bought dry English last summer; I'd like to brew something like that!

I've not brewed anything before, time I changed that :)

Do apples have yeast on the skin, i.e. is it pretty easy to brew?

Yes they do, or you can use store bought wine yeast...

I love your story. So proud of your family. It is by no means an easy life but I am sure it is a great life. It sounds so similar to my family just trade out the vegetables for cattle and goats. Keep up the amazing work.

Thank you! I knew you'd understand! Haha!!

I have so much love for this post! I cleared my greenhouse yesterday, this will be our first winter sowing attempt in it:)
Beautiful puctures...I agree, it is sooooo worth it <3
Btw....the winter here never kills the cucumber beetles;)

Ahhh man thats a bummer! How cold does it get there?
Winter sowing is so amazing, Im glad you're trying it. it is so neat to go into the greenhouse on a 15 or 10 degree day and get so hot you have to work in a T-shirt! It's amazing what passive solar can do! Great luck to you!

Thank you!
It gets to -30° but usually our snow kind of insulates the soil and the ground never totally freezes. This year however we had a few melts and barely any snow. I think they might have frozen this year??!

Oh let us hope so!!!! Last year we had an infestation so bad that I can this close to using an organic pesticide, but we still didn't...

Amazing post. Got me right into veggie dreamin' mode.
I can't wait to sow some stuff in my greenhouse this spring, it'll be my first spring with it so lots of learning to do!
I apprciate these gardening blogs so much, so inspiring :)
Much love,

Thank you very much! Sounds like fun, what seeds are you looking forward to sowing most this year?

Well i really want to do spinach in the greenhouse early, haven't had much luck with that yet, and i want to expand my purselane growing areas so that I've always got my fav "weed" on hand.

I love Purslane as well, what a medicinal superfood! It spreads very rapidly and can become a weed, which you probably already know. I like it when it grows outside the garden in clean, but weedy areas ;-) What is your favorite seed company to order herbs from?

So far I mostly order from the local companies, like annapolis seeds and hope seeds, they are amazing little companies that sell mostly heirloom organic selections from local growers. I don't have to buy a lot of seed now as I'm getting pretty good at saving!

Great! What all seeds do you save currently?

Tons of tomato varieties (most I first recieved from @karenfoster) cuke, squash, zuke, peppers of all sorts, flowers, purselane and basil, beans and peas, corn, lettuce, chard, radish, Im trying to over winter carrots currently to have them flower this year.. We'll see! Probably forgetting others, haha :) As many as I can!

Thats wonderful!!! Huge goal of mine to save seed, but somehow time gets away from me every year! I want to at least save Tomato seed this year...

How do you keep your Cucurbits from crossing? Thats a tricky one for me...

what a great market and look at your lovely stall, such beautiful produce you have grown. Look at all that lovely Kale. Very impressive greenhouse too. Well done to you and yours. x

Awww, thank you so much!!