What has Happened in my life to make me into the person I am today?- A Response to TribeSteemUp QOTW

in #ecotrain6 years ago

@trucklife-family asked everyone, wither you're a @TribeSteemUp member or not, to respond to their Bi-weekly question - "What has Happened in my life to make me into the person I am today?"

I love these types of questions for it gives me a chance to get to know people better and folks to get to know me better if they care to do so.

@Porters - a Selfie!

Patrice portrait in plum blossoms 456 x 455.jpg

Two things that are a big part of my life came about from my family life as a youth.

My mother was a nurse and had lots of medical books around plus my two older sisters had a keen interest in natural medicines so there was a lot of influence on my path as a herbalist and when you combine that with the love of nature that was instilled in me from my father, who worked for D.U. and Nature conservancy, taking us on many field trips you can see why I ended up living in the forest, looking to the abundance provided there.

Two of my major lessons I learned in my youth was the impact peoples words can have on others. How simple words can put you into a dark space, lost until you learn to stand up for yourself or like me, learn to fight.
Because of this lesson I am very careful with my speech and not using my words to hurt plus I can feel more compassion for those who may be in a dark space, to reach out with some kindness to hopefully alleviate some of there suffering.

Another major lesson I learned as a teenage, in those difficult years when you are trying to make your way into the adult world, was - where you put your focus on is what you give power to. I was having difficulty with my thoughts and feeling a loss of control, which led into another dark hole. Once I could see that it is only what you focus on, it's only those thoughts that will have any power. This lifted me out of despair and has given me strength when I'm faced with a myriad of craziness being bombarded at me from the outside world.

There has been major incidences in my life that have been turning points.

Becoming a Mom

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One of these was when I became a mother - a good mother, learning what it was to love and care for someone so much you would give your life for them. It continues to enrich my life to this day as I bought my son up and became a grandma with so much more love to share.

Another one of these turning points was like starting a whole new life.
I was in a life changing accident and went from an athletic, very active person to one who was paralyzed and in a wheelchair.
Read How I over came paralysis at: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@porters/my-healing-story-overcoming-paralysis

After my accident I could no longer return to my old way of living and my father, who was a firm believer in education, had told us he would pay for any secondary education we wanted to take.
I always loved working with kids and has worked as the town swimming instructor before the accident.
Any education I would take would have to be distance education for I did not want to leave my home in the forest to go to school.
I looked into becoming a teacher but the women who worked at the regional college filled me in on what your actual wages would be if you counted the hours that you would work and it wasn't much. Now you have to know that I was nearly fifty years old when I was looking into this. She pointed out the Educational Associate program when you are paid by the hour. That was the course I chose and have never regretted it, for I got a position in the "Play and Exploration " program with the Pre-K kids and I just love it.
Read all about it in my post - "When Work is Play" at: https://steemit.com/introduceyourjob/@porters/when-work-is-play-what-i-do

There had been people in my life whom I have come under their influence.

One being my partners in a greenhouse business we started growing coniferous seedlings for reforestation. It was my bit for paying back to Mother Earth who nourished me. With this reforestation project we created a lot of employment to folks in our community and it was lovely to work together and see the forest and our community grow!

Another person who's influence I came under was my future husband, who bought to me the Buddha Dhamma. This led me to find much peace and tranquillity in a crazy world. We built our lives together and created a sanctuary, a place to retreat from the world, in the forests of Saskatchewan, Canada. See my interview with @riverflows in the Natural Medicine community on Vipassana meditation at: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@naturalmedicine/natural-medicine-interview-sessions-talking-vipassana-with-porters

Another change in my life has been coming to Steemit and connecting with the wonderful communities and amazing people here.
I was at the age where I wanted to pass on some of the knowledge I had gain through out my life, to help keep it alive. I had written a series of books - "Bringing Out the Potential of Children" found on Amazon.
But the engagement and the writing prompts, questions of the week and challenges set up by different communities, has opened a whole new avenue for writing and sharing.

Thus you have my entry to this Bi-weekly question of the week.
I thank you for reading my response and I'm hoping to see many more responses to this question to get to know my fellow Steemians better!

If you enjoyed this post,
Please don’t hesitate to follow me here on steemit at @porters


THis is one amazing post @porters ;) AMAZING realization in life, you are so true to yourself ;)

Well, from one Saskatchewanite to another, I commend you on not only a great post but on dealing with the adversities life threw at you and coming out the other side with more strength than going in. It is funny what the human mind can overcome when it must.

Well done and nice to meet you.

Good to meet you, my fellow Saskatchewanite!
Did you do a response to this question from @tribesteemup? I want to read more to get to know more of my fellow Steemians?

Hi @porters, no, I actually found you through @mountainjewel. We both received their gracious gift in their latest contest.

I am very new and trying to make my way through the platform.

I am having i ternet issues again today, par for my course!

Thanks for responding 😊

congratulations on your win! It was so generous of @mountainjewel to delegate out their SP!
Oh yes I see you are very new, just joined in Oct this year.
Were you a writer before joining? I checked out some of your posts and they are very well done.
Love your needlework too!

LOl, yes very new to the platform, so new I don’t really know what I am doingyet, hahahaha!

I am not a professional writer or anything, I have just always written on and off in my life, although, I would love to have been a professional... but that’s a story for another post 😉

Needlework too has always been a part of my life since I was a child... and art.

Thank you for the compliment, and yes, it was so generous of @mountainjewel, I just hope I am using it wisely!

You are doing wonderful here - love your comments!
It really is quite a learning curve but it looks like you have made some good connections all ready. do you belong to any communities here? that's what really got me going and kept me going here on Steemit and I'm meeting such wonderful people!
Would love to hear about you desire to be a professional writer - Steemit seems to be pretty good for developing that.

Thank you 😊

I have joined several communities because I have a wide range of intersts and hobbies, I am just trying to see where I fit in best as I don’t think I can remain or will fit in to all. My biggest challenge right now is Discord and fitting in to a conversation or figuring out when being online is best, I seem to be floating right now.

As for professional writing, Iam not much of a story teller if that makes any sense. My preference would have been teen or children’s stories.... I did start taking a children’s writing course once, but for some reason, I don’t think I finished it, lol, a bad habit of mine for most courses, lol.

I feel fortunate to have found communities that I resonate with. The discord is where I go to find out what is going on and where I can talk more freely and also one to one if I want.
It is also a good place to promote your posts if there is a proper channel given for that.
I have to be careful how much time I spend there for it can be a bit of a distraction too!
I hear you about the courses!
I was very fortunate to have paired up with a most amazing writer - Dr. Jeffrey Lant, who wanted to do an online writing course and he asked me if I wanted to do that - I said sure! (wow! that was some learning curve I went on!) It was through his connection that I managed to get some books written.
One I wrote with my granddaughter - so much fun!
You can see my books (including the one I wrote with my grand daughter) on my author central page at: https://amazon.com/author/patriceporter

You’re using it wisely just being yourself and doing what you were already doing 👍🏼⭐️🌈

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All your turning points a very big ones. Isn't it amazing how we got to know each other over this year comma as I know so many of these stories and their rich influence on your life. It doesn't make it any less interesting. It is quite amazing to go back and reflect on the moments that took our path in a particular Direction full step. I wonder what is to come next? Whether steam disappears or not I do hope we keep in contact and that our paths will meet one day

Posted using Partiko Android

I really value our friendship formed here on Steemit - This was a big change for me becoming a blogger but the thing that amazed me most was how it connected people from all over the world. People I never would have connected with otherwise.
Life is full of changes and I do wonder what will come next, too!
I feel the same way - we are penpals and perhaps we will get a chance to meet in person.
Ha! We got the voice channel figured out on Discord so we can chat! Thanks for that!

you have had some major setbacks and wow have you achieved so much. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, this is a awesome post. Resteemed

I really enjoyed others responses to the #Tribesteemup Question -
What has Happened in my life to make me into the person I am today?
It is a great way to get to know some of our fellow Steemians better and let them get to know you.
Thanks for the resteem!

I too share such a great love of the earth. It’s interesting how our early forces shape us and how lifelong, people step into our lives that influence us as well. Life is so much about relationships. Im thankful you came to Steem, porters!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm very grateful for Steemit to have bought us together and allowed us to make such wonderful connections! I hope we can keep those bonds strong what ever happens in the Steemit world.

Welcome to steemit family! Good Luck!

Welcome to Steem @porters.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Dear You saybeing at age, Weller love to have you here and appreciate the blogs you make.
Gr britt

Awe! Thanks! That means a lot to me.

Wonderful story... thank you for sharing.. life is soo epic.... I look forward to your writings every week! Blessings45934803_10215626019837842_8826594866331910144_n.jpg

Awe! Thanks so much! Why don't you do a post responding to that question - "What has Happened in my life to make me into the person I am today?"
It's a great way to get to know folks and I'd like to get to know you better.

thank you for this @porters, it is really lovely to get to know you better. You have had a very full life and I for one love to hear your wisdom. It is so true that the words we use are so powerful, so many seem to forget this and say things without ever considering the consequences. It seems that old sating sticks and stones worked well.
I will have to read the posts you have mentioned on here from your blog. And yes motherhood, I really came into my own with motherhood and I really got to see the person I am and the things that i need to work on. I really do love the sound of your home and I remember well that beautiful picture you send me of it xx Much love xxx

Thank you for the kind words! It was actually you post encouraging everyone to respond to this question that spurred me on to write a response. It is such a good way to get to know our fellow Steemians better!

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